
The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out

New Version of the story is out please proceed to click the link to read https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-story-about-me-and-the-girl-who-asked-me-out-ver.2_28507228708385305 So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but unexpectedly, Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Though there are few female that he doesn’t dislike. To be more precise he doesn’t like beautiful girl who has the slightest resemblance to “Her”. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] “Hello this is just a story I just imagined and wanted to try to write it, but you may not like it though because Mc may look a little dumb or whatsoever but even so I’ll finish it even if on one reads it”  [[This story is in revision process]]

sm_yesa · Real
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47 Chs

Chapter 1: My Unforgotten Past that still resides in my stupid Brain

What am I talking about? Revenge you asked? Well stay tuned because I am going to tell you about my beautiful past that I can still remember to this very day is now coming....hehehe. I'll now briefly explain why I can't trust most people and why I hate girls.

I had awoken in this body eight years ago, I was at the age of 10 and had no memory of what happened to me for the last 10 years of my life. So basically I was like a baby back then with a 10 year old body without knowing anything about myself and having no memory of the last 10 years of my life.

My father had said that me and my mother had gotten caught up in a car accident and as a result of it, my mother had passed away and I had lost all of my memories. My father had always been nice to me and was always there by my side so out of consideration for him, I didn't think too much of anything else.

I wasn't exactly sad about the news that my mother had passed away, simply because I didn't have any memories of her and I didn't know exactly how to feel about it.

**Two years since the day I woken up from this body of mine**

I finally managed to adapt to the world, when unfortunately my father passed away because of a heart attack and that is where the horrible part of my life had started.

I was adopted by a woman who had claimed to be and who I thought to be my aunt. I don't really expect them to love me like my father but they did take care of me as if I was their son, but that all change about half a month later since I started living with them when I heard my aunty and uncle fighting with each other.

"Hey! Are we seriously going to continue to feed that man's son, Arnold? Ah right, He's not even his son to begin with."

"Carla, didn't we already talked about this, I made a promise to him that I would take care of his son?"

Yeah, yeah, I know but he's becoming a burden to us! ---"

"---Why did you even promise your colleague that in the first place?!"

"Sigh* let's stop this, we're not getting anywhere with this same conversation over and over again."

"Sigh* Let's stop this, we're not going anywhere with this conversation over and over again."

Uncle Arnold left the house and didn't come back for a few days after that.

Whenever Uncle Arnold is not around, I'd get beaten by Aunty Carla as if she was releasing her stress on to me. I had to endured the pain and let it pass because at the time, I had thought at that time it would make her happy.

I was getting fed by her so I just let her do what she wanted to do with me, but it just didn't stop there. My hatred toward girls just grew more when I started growing up. When it was my first year as a junior high school student, I wasn't motivated to do anything anymore. Until one girl suddenly approached me.


A beautiful girl elegantly waved her hand at me as she pulled a chair and sat to the front of me while she stare at me.

If I had to describe her she had a figure of a very mature girl, she had long eye lashes and captivating eyes, big breasts and a beautiful face that anyone would want to look at.

Well... I had to admit back then I was a big Idiot. I fell in love with her just by looking at her perfect body and face for a few minutes, It's what could have)

called "love at first sight."

I was in a stunned state and did not even let go of a single opportunity to stare at her.

"Hello? Matsuki?"

"H-hello" I flushed and stuttered.

"It's been a long time".

"It's been a long time?" I unintentionally let out.

What did she mean by that? It's my first time talking to her.

"We were classmates in grade school you know. Did you already forget me? You're mean!"

She pouted and turn her face to the side; she then stood and was about to leave, but like the idiot I was who didn't want to lose the opportunity to make friends with a beautiful girl, tried to Keep the conversation going.

"No! Of course not!" I objected.

Feeling flustered, I searched into my memory hurriedly to try and remember what her name is, and was able to, it was Shira. Of course I didn't know a single thing about her, I still don't remember a thing about my past ten years of life. I just remembered her name is Shira because she introduced herself before on our first day.

"Shira!" I said as I pulled her hand.

"It's you, hahaha... It's been a long time, sorry I didn't notice it was you because you have became a beauty."

Feeling nervous and embarrassed I just laughed at my desperate attempt to keep in contact with her.

She smiled and since that day we've become friends.

That was the start of my days that I still regret doing until to this day. I shouldn't have done that, if only I know that I would have regret it, I would've restrained myself...


It's been a month since Shira and I had become friends.

She was still as beautiful as always. Everyone was staring at us and they seemed so jealous of me because Shira and I are eating together in our classroom.

I was really head over heels in love with her that I wish to spend all of my time with her. The reason why I am still going to school was also because of her and so we continue to hangout.

As the days I spent with her continued, I wasn't able to suppress my feelings and so I confessed to her.

She gladly accept my confession and we started dating.

Oh yeah... just thinking about It now is making me sick!

We've become intimate with each other to the extent where I could have finally held her hand without getting (self-conscious) conscious.

She said we can't do any more than that because we're still young and I simply agreed to her because I thought that she was right.

I was really in bliss back then that I even thought I could have done anything without getting tired because of my motivation, love!

Yeah those days were really such good days, if only it continued like that but...

My aunty was still beating me at that time, cause of that I received some things that still remains until today. I have scratch and bruises around my back, and a scar on my wrist.

Well, an in love person can get by with anything I guess, as long as I have a girl like Shira I'll be fine.

That was what I really thought before, but one day when my aunty asked me to buy some stuff I walked into an alley, this alley was a shortcut, so I normally used it to finish her errands as soon as possible, but what I saw there was really the most shocking and unsightly thing I've ever seen.

I slowly walked in and saw a guy and a girl, fucking at the corner of the Alley.

"Ahh!! Harder! Harder! Uhmm! hmm!Ahh!"

I heard a female's voice that seems to be in bliss.

"Here comes my blow!" Said the guy while shoving her ass. They were like dogs in heat.

'The hell? They're doing it outside! Are they nuts?'

I just brushed them off and continue to walk as if I couldn't see them, but then they turned around and I saw the face of the girl and the guy.

"Huh? Matsuki"

I was close enough to get out of the Alley when a familiar voice called me. Feeling confused 'how did she know my name? I once again looked at them from afar.

I saw the whole thing, he's fucking the girl's ass while every part of her body was being revealed, but that's not what shocked me the most.

The girl who was in bliss was Shira.



"Oh! You know each other?" asked the guy.

"Uhhmm....Ahhh...Y-yess!...Ahh!... Matsuki-kun this is... Ahh!"

Felling confused and surprised, I lost my balance and felt my body becomes stiff as the numbness feeling engulfed me.


"I guess we have to stop it for now." said Shira as she started wearing her clothes and came near me, I didn't know what to do, I felt like my heart had become heavy and It started to throb hard and beat really fast.

"Ah...* Sigh* How unlucky to be seen by you, I'm busted now, It's your fault Hojiro!" She pointed her hand at the guy and yelled.

"Shira, what's the meaning of this? Didn't you say that we're still too young to be doing something like that?!"

"Ha! Don't nag at me! It's annoying!" Sigh* as she rubbed her head "You're such a pain, there's no way I'll explain it to you, But I guess you need to know that I'm just playing with you..."

"P-playing?" I said as I held her hand and asked "What's the meaning of this? Did he forced you to do this? If that's it, then I'll protect you so don't worry!" Feeling hopeful that she didn't do it in her own volition, I stood and held her hands tightly.

Sigh*... You really don't get it, do you? I said I was just playing with you! Who would want to go out with someone like you? You smell and you're ugly!"

"Huh?" Feeling perplexed, I felt like my body had received a blow and some chills and I felt my heart had started to ached.

"I just dated you because I heard that you lost your memories, we were not even friends in grade school, I actually hate you because you ruin my reputation back then!"

'What is she talking about?'

"Hojiro, beat him up! I'll be going now." She said as she got her bag and leave.

"Okay." Said the guy and as he came to me.

He punched me on my face as soon as he got close to me. I received it and felt nothing but numbness because I actually didn't feel what he did. I don't know if it's because I've acquired some endurance from being beaten by my aunty or because I was too shocked on what I've heard.

He beat me up until he was satisfied and then left me in the Alley. When I went home and got beaten by my aunty because the stuff I bought are were either broken or have some scratch on them.

I locked myself in my room, my aunty and uncle was always asking me to come out, but I didn't listen to them. I locked myself up for almost two weeks and then, while browsing at the internet on the phone my Uncle gave me, I found an article about some motivational.

"If the world is fucked up then just fuck yourself"

The hell? I laughed and laughed but what it followed were some tears.

I did try to just lay down on my bed and then I found another article.

"Life is just like a Ferris wheel if someone doesn't do anything out of ordinary or doesn't change the flow, it will be just be the same just like any other Ferris wheel. Hiding its instability it slowly continues to turn Instead of making any progress it simply goes around in circles. Eventually it's just all pointless, so why don't you become someone that is not a Ferris wheel? Is there something you want to do? If there is, you have to do something you've never done, to get something you never had."

I felt like what that the article saying was very reasonable. That's where I started working for myself.

I get out of my room and feel the unpleasant world.

I studied, work out and do everything to change myself.

When I become 16, an unknown woman who claimed that she's my sister came to me and got me out of my aunty, and from Visayas, I came to Manila with her. She's nice and gentle, but she's not living with me, she's only supporting me financially, that was nice of her but I still worked from time to time. I enrolled in a prestigious school to see if I can do something interesting there and there were now.

I become a second year, and spend of most of my time alone because I didn't want to deal with people unless it's about something necessary.

I couldn't really bear just having a conversation with people but as time passed by, I could now do it.

Still, I avoided people from time to time, and before I know it, I became alone. But being alone didn't make me feel lonely.


And now I can take my revenge on a girl, and the first one who will experience my rage is Kira, it's her fault for approaching me and I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. "Hahah..."I laughed like an absurd one would do and left my house and I headed to school.

"Let's start!"