
The Storm and the Silence

Song Mei belongs to a very, very and I mean a very complicated family! Her mother and father both cheated on each other and when they learnt of each other's infedility, they decided to get a divorce. Apart from maintaining a professional relationship, they completely forgot about each other they also forgot that they were parents to two daughters.... Song Mei was never the one to take things lying down, she fought and screamed and made life hell for her parents before they sent her away to New York but her sister was a whole another story! After 10 years, Song Mei is back like a storm. She is determined to destroy anyone standing in her way, be it the dev himself "That jerk is so desperate to marry isn't he..I'll show him what a marriage is" said Song Mei as she chuckled evily .... somewhere in the country the jerk in question "sneeze..." "Looks like someone is praising you again brother :)" "...." ....... Excerpt Song Mei looked at the man sitting in front of her. He was the epitome of beauty, everything about him screamed perfect. She was drawin to those deep, dark, alluring eyes, so much so that she almost forgot why she was here Key word: almost With an attitude like she was the queen of the word, Song Mei said "If I were you, I wouldn't invest a dime in the Palace Paradise" Mo Sihan raised an eyebrow and asked "And why is that" Song Mei smirked, "Because I am going to destroy them" "I am saving you millions, think of this as a wedding gift my dear fiancé" Song Mei winked and with that she sauntered out of the office the same way she came in, unannounced. Mo Yan: "...." Mo Sihan: "Buy a house on the white crystal lane, no actually, I have to give my future wife a decent wedding gift" Mo Yan: " a house worth hundreds of millions is not even decent for you brother ??" Mo Sihan: "...." ........ I hope you guys will like my Book! Please do give it a try, I promise it would be perfect mixture of the typical romance and the unexpected mystery! there will be twists and turns on every corner!

May_Silver · Fantasía
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I Promise You'll Regret This

Somewhere in the calm and peaceful capital city of country S, a storm was slowly but steadily raging.

"What. Did. You. Say ?" Song Mei enunciated each and every single word with a menacing emphasis. She couldn't believe her twin sister was actually so meek and gullible!


Song Mei just couldn't take it anymore, she has been asking her twin sister to tell her what happened for the past one hour but she couldn't come up with anything more than an 'I..I..'. But she had had enough, she angrily said

"oh for god's sake just speak yaoyao! I'm sure you didn't stutter even once when you agreed to what your father said!" she had never raised her voice at her sister before

In a meek voice, Song Yao replied "He's your father too, sister"

Song Mei sighed to calm herself down, it would do her no good to scare her baby sis. She didn't even what to acknowledge what her Song Yao just said.

"Right, so now you can talk ? Great, then while we are it why don't you tell me why you said yes to marrying the devil himself"

"Don't get mad at me sister please, you know I hate it..."

Another sigh


"Yaoyao, you know I could never be mad at you, but...but you can't put yourself in harm's way like this. At least give me one good reason for your stupidity"

"Father and mother said that our family buisness had incurred huge loses. The Mo family is willing to help us if one of us...if...if...if oneofusmarriestheirson...because... because....we are their real daughters..." Song Yao would've continued to explain further had she not seen the scary look on her sister's face. She gulped and waited for the volcano to burst, and volcanoes never disappoint!


To say that Song Mei was furious would be a big understatement. She just came back from New York after graduating. She only ever came back to this hateful place, that happened to be the place she was born in, to take her sister with her.

Song Mei had been away from home for almost 10 years now. She used to be a very difficult child when she was a teenager.. (not that anything much has changed now but still...)

Her parents couldn't be bothered to deal with their 'ungrateful, stupid, uncultured' daughter when they had their own families to deal with, so when Song Mei was suspended from school for the 5th time that year, they decided that she wasn't worth wasting what little money they spent on her and her twin sister.

When Grandfather Su found out that his grand daughter wasn't attending school anymore, he sent her to New York with his own money.

"Sigh... you don't know what you've done yaoyao...just go home, I'm tired, I will deal with this later. But I promise you won't have to marry that devil" said Song Mei

"Really sister?? thank you sooo much, my sister is the best!"

Song Yao was ecstatic. she knew her sister would help her out but..

"um.. sister.. but this won't affect our family business right ? If it will then I'll just marry him sister, I don't want to disappoint our parents"

Song Mei looked at her sister with disbelief swirling in her eyes. Was her sister just plain stupid or naive ? Nevertheless, she was her heart, she couldn't bear to see her in trouble so she said "Don't worry, I'll figure something out. Something that your parents won't be able to say no to"

"thank you sis, I trust you!" Song Yao cheerfully said and then she left.

Song Mei watched her leave before she plopped herself on the purple bean bag.


She couldn't believe how today turned out to be. She was excited to see her grandfather and sister after so long. She felt like she had achieved so much and now she could finally break free from these familial chains for good, she wanted to take her sister away with her.

When she learnt that her grandfather had sold his precious country cabin to send her to New York, she was overcome with guilt and gratitude. She decided that she would return the cabin to him and much more.

She worked incredibly hard in New York, multiple part time jobs, two internships every year, she built her resume and also saved up a lot of money, she never spent anything on herself.

In 5 years, she had accumulated enough wealth to be able to buy that country cabin. it wasn't very expensive since her grandfather was never too rich. After that, Song Mei was addicted to working hard, buying that house made her realise how good it felt to be independent, to be able to take care of herself and the few people she loved.

She graduated with a degree in Computer Engineering at the age of 22, she already had her own business back in New York.

She only came back to Country S to take her sister with her. She wanted to remove their names from the family registry and start a new life, away from these complications, in New York

But it seems like life had planned something else for her.