
The Start Of Monarch.

A 16 year old boy who got into an accident reincarnated to have another chance in life cause' the god owed him for causing his accident. Watch as he travels and makes new friends could he be the next monarch?

Blinger301 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Great.....Just Great

After Ray waved, he made his way back to the kitchen where Brenda was waiting expectantly for information, she knew Ray could be a hand full but at least he knows when he should behave and when not to.

"So how did it go". Brenda asking waiting for good news but Ray said something unexpected.

"Cookies please". Ray asked with his hands stretched out.

"But didn't you see those girls, weren't they pretty". Brenda asked with confusion all over her face. She was just too shocked so she just stood there without noticing Ray grabbing a tray of cookies behind her and left.

Since he left through the living room every one just looked at him and thought he had a huge apitite.

"When do you think they can meet". Said a man in a monocle.

"I think when Leo starts to know more of what is going on, I don't want to let it seem like we don't care about his opinion. Plus Ray seems to know much but I think he wants his brother to be by him". Jack explained to the man who happened to be the girls father.

"I get it but I think we shouldn't stay here today, My wife is expecting company and we have to be there." The man in the monocle said as he glanced at his children.

"Yes I get, Irene can be a handful sometimes." Jack as as he scratched his head.

The name of the man is Nate T. Alexander, his daughters names are Ella P. Alexander (1 year old Leo's fiance) and Lexis J. Alexander (2 years old, Ray's fiance). Their mother couldn't make it but her name is Irene J. Alexander (2years old)

I forgot to mention that they have a brother his name is Liam A. Alexander, right now he is just using the bathroom.

After Liam was done he got lost trying to find his way back, he stumbled upon Ray's room where he sat and ate cookies as he read books.

Liam was wondering if he should ask for help to find his family but he just froze as soon as he heard Ray curse.

"Sh*t I got a paper cut,Great....just great. I'll just go wash the blood of". Ray exclaimed as he held onto his finger and went into his bathroom.

"D-did he just say a bad word". Liam asked himself with a confused face then just left to ask a nearby servant, I think Ray should have been careful with his language and his surroundings.

Later on Liam found a servant who took him to his father, who later on told him and his siblings to go out and explore while he and Jack talk. When they left, Jack asked one of the servants to call Ray down stairs, when Ray came down Jack told him to go outside and get fresh air which he refused but was later on force to oblige.

"I think they will get on well". Nate said as he sipped his tea which Jack just nodded along to.

Ella and Lexis went to the flower garden while Liam got lost AGAIN I mean how, he was with his sister's a few seconds ago.

"Hey you, who are you and what are you doing here." Ray yelled from afar as he spotted Liam sprawled on the grass since he gave up looking for a way out.

'Wait isn't that the kid that said a bad word.' Liam thought , as he was lost in thought Ray got closer to him that those faces where just inches away from each other.

"HEY, I'm talking to you." Ray yelled again with irritation

"Ahhhh, S-sorry I wasn't paying attention." Liam said as he moved back Abit.

"Whatever, as I said who are you." Ray said once more before he also sat on the grass.

"My name is Liam the brother of the girl you are supposed to be engaged to what's yours."

"Mines Ray, how did you end up here of all places."

"I don't know I was with my sisters but I looked away for a second and they disappeared".

"So in conclusion you are bad with directions".


"Okay I'll help you find them".

"Nah I'm fine at least im free I'll just stay here untill it's time to leave".

"Okay then I'll stay here too I'm bored....Cookies?" Ray said as he pulled out a packet cookies from his pocket.

"If you don't mind, thanks."

Liam has brown hair and green eyes

Irene has Silver hair and green eyes

Nate has brown hair and eyes. (If you wanted to know)

I'm literally updating right now