
The Stadium Maniac (Football)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please go read the auxiliary chapter where I will explain the important things about this novel and its more detailed translation ----------------------------------- Reincarnated into the body of AC Milan's Digao, he trained with the top team, played in the World Cup, and was surrounded by gorgeous women. He even witnessed how he created a new miracle on the pitch! See how the footballer becomes a master in an instant!

Alexxz · Famosos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
794 Chs

Chapter 195 Unforeseen Crash

Chapter 195 Unforeseen Crash

"What the hell were you doing just now!? We didn't come to play today!"

Ballack roared at Schweinsteiger with anger. Just now Belgium stole the ball again and counterattacked, and it was Schweinsteiger who conceded the ball again.

In this game, Schweinsteiger was the core of the German team's offense, but seven or eight minutes into the game, Xiaozhu didn't even make an effective pass, and put all his attention on competing with Fellaini. In terms of strength, as a result, he challenged three times in a row and failed three times in a row, which made Barak unable to bear it anymore.

"Forget all the shit that's going on in your head, we're not here today to see you duel with that afro, we're going to win, I said it would be a game if Germany fell in front of the Belgians disaster!"

The Germans look down on the Belgians from the bottom of their hearts. Whether it is World War I, World War II, or after the end of the war, in the eyes of the Germans, the Belgians are a group of hypocrites who are used to comfort. They don't know how to fight at all, and they have never I understand what is called iron and blood, but now the German team is suppressed by Belgium on the field, which is absolutely unacceptable to Ballack.

Schweinsteiger's head was a little dazed, and he also knew that he was indeed a bit of a jerk just now, but for some reason, as long as he saw Fellaini's mocking smiling face, he couldn't help it. There was an urge to kick the football hard into Fellaini's face.

"We don't have time to play. If you can't take on the tasks assigned to you by the team, just get lost. German football doesn't need you asshole!"

Now Schweinsteiger is completely awake. He has just ended his suspension. He doesn't want to spend his European Cup on the bench. He took a deep breath and calmed down his swollen brain: "I'm sorry! Captain! I Think I know what to do!"

Schweinsteiger forced himself to regain his composure, but someone refused to agree. Fellaini came on the field with a mission, so as long as Xiaozhu got the ball, he would come over immediately, and kept interfering with Schweinsteiger with small movements. Tiger, of course, verbal attacks are also indispensable.

But this afro is really bad and deceptive. He kept in mind Degan's advice before the game, and smiled, with a smile on his face, even though his words were more vicious than the old hag in fairy tales. But the smile on his face didn't change at all, and the referee who watched him even wanted to give him a gold medal for avoiding death.

In contrast, the grumpy Schweinsteiger, who kept complaining and roaring, has become the focus of the referee's attention.

Schweinsteiger was entangled by Fellaini, and the German team's offensive power was immediately weakened by half. Without Schweinsteiger's series and passing, the German team could only pass through Podol. Ski's wing attack, but Prince Polti also faces the key marking of Bayern teammate Van Buyten. It is difficult to play freely like in the group stage.

Lacking enough support, Klose, who Loew has placed high hopes on in this game, can only fight alone more often, but he is not the type who is good at attacking with the ball. He has no crosses from the side and no penetrating power. With a full through ball, his characteristics can't be played out at all, and he can only run back and forth in vain.

The German team's offense couldn't start the situation, but Belgium's offense was flourishing in comparison. It is estimated that no one would have thought of such a situation before the game.

According to most people's thinking, although Belgium with Degan has the strength to fight, it may be able to score goals in the game, but the final victory should be the more powerful German tank.

But in this situation, the German team is almost in danger of being blown up!

Just like the role played by Schweinsteiger in the German team, Digan is the core of the Belgian team's offense, and all offenses must revolve around him, and Digan is obviously much smarter than Schweinsteiger Now, and with stronger abilities, under Degan's series connection, Dembele and Brat also launched attacks towards the German team's penalty area again and again, followed by Gul, Na England and Fellaini, even more. Long shot.

Lehmann became the busiest person in the German team. The jerseys of the other German players were still clean, but Lehmann's body was already covered with grass clippings.

Everyone can see that one goal, just one goal, can become a deadly weapon that crushes German tanks.

Love squatted on the sidelines, frowning tightly, his fingernails were almost eaten by him. Anyone who knows him well knows that this is Love's nervous performance. The atmosphere on the court is almost frozen, making his heart It's going to explode.

Figure out a way! Figure out a way!

Loew's heart was beating a drum, but he had no idea what to do now, and the team he sent on the field was already the strongest lineup that the German team could come up with.

Loew also knew that he should focus on marking Digan and limit his performance. He also formulated special tactics before the game, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible to limit Digan with a certain person.

However, if Degan is pinched, the other offensive players of the Belgian team will be able to gain more space. Antiiennis is very smart and did not hold back on the formation of troops just because the opponent is Germany, but Putting enough offensive forces on the field made Love very uncomfortable.

Loew was nervous, and Antiiennis was equally nervous. Every time the Belgian team shot, his heart would hang in his throat. He needed a goal now, a goal that could make him feel at ease.

With a sharp whistle, the referee quickly ran to the scene of the incident and separated the players from both sides. Just now when Digan was dribbling, Friedrich knocked him down from behind. This foul was not even a red card. Pass.

But at this moment, the game has only started less than 20 minutes. If one person is sent off, the suspense of the game will be lost. After hesitating for a while, the referee still only gave Friedrich a yellow card.

"Yellow card!? God! Just now, Friedrich's foul is enough to send him to jail. The referee is still too timid. He didn't have the courage to let the German team lose one man at the beginning of the game. Now I am more worried. Degan, judging from the slow motion, just now Friedrich directly kicked Degan's left leg!"

Digan was fine. The moment Friedrich kicked his left leg just now, he fell backwards, mitigating part of the impact. Otherwise, at that moment, he would have to recuperate again. up.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with a yellow card, Degan didn't complain. He wanted to give the referee a good impression. In the next game, the referee would relax some standards for Belgium because of guilt. This deal is not a loss. .

The place of the foul happened to be at a 45-degree angle to the left of the German goal. The distance was not very far, and it was just within Digan's attack range.

Degan stood in front of the ball, and beside him were Nagengland and Dembele. The Germans were ready. Everyone knew Degan's free kick skills. If he was not careful, he would be blown up by Degan's remote guidance. pulpy.

The referee's whistle sounded, Degan moved, and the German's spirit immediately became tense. Seeing every movement of Degan, Lehmann was also moving towards the near corner of the goal. He had studied Degan's movements before the game. Free kicks, generally speaking, free kicks at that position are free kicks with a large arc that go directly to the near corner of the goal.

Digan swung his leg and was about to shoot!

The German team's human wall jumped up together under Ballack's command, but after they jumped up, they were surprised to find that Digan didn't shoot, his feet just slid across the surface of the football, and then stopped abruptly, stepping on the ball. With a slight flick of the football, Dembele stopped the ball again, and then Na Engel, who had been standing still, suddenly took two steps, took a shot, and kicked the ball out.

Na England directly kicked the bottom of the football head-on, and the football slid across a huge arc. Under the desperate eyes of the German players, especially Lehmann who had moved to the near corner, it went straight into the far corner of the goal!


The Belgian narrator ignored the resentful eyes of his German colleagues, jumped up, waved his arms and roared loudly.

"The goal is scored! Na England! It turned out to be Na England! This is his second goal in this European Cup. I bet that after this European Cup, this kid will definitely become famous in one fell swoop!"

After scoring the goal, Na England was also very excited. He knelt down on the ground, raised his arms, and roared loudly. Digan rushed forward and pressed him under him. Other teammates also ran over. Played a stack of arhats.

This free kick tactic was completely designed by Degan. When he saw Lehmann always moving towards the near post intentionally or unintentionally, he knew that the opponent had already prepared for it. He was used to playing near the corner of the goal in this position, but Na Engel was just the opposite, so before the free throw, he brought Na Engel over and whispered a few words.

Naenglan was surprised, but he had to carry out the task arranged by Degan, and he had to complete it. Fortunately, he succeeded. Degan tricked Lehmann, and then handed him a big empty goal. As a result, he made a free throw .

Seeing the Belgian team huddling together and celebrating wildly, it is estimated that no one will say anything about ethnic conflicts now.

Antiiennis on the sidelines also hugged his assistant Francois excitedly, and other Belgian substitutes even rushed to the sidelines, celebrating excitedly.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable! You must know that before, whether in the club or the national team, Degan was the chief free thrower who did his part, but this time he gave the opportunity to Na Engel, and Na Engel did not disappoint people. , scored with a wonderful free kick!"

The balance of the game was broken by Na England's free kick. When the game restarted, the Germans immediately pressed forward. This backward situation cannot last for too long. If there is no way to tie the score, wait until the second half , I am afraid that the situation will become more and more unfavorable to the German team.

But to everyone's surprise, the leading Belgium did not choose to retreat and defend. They even attacked more aggressively. Give the Germans any respite.

Loew looked at Antiiennis who was not far away in surprise. He vaguely guessed what Antiiennis was thinking, not only to defeat the German team, but also to completely destroy the German tanks!

The reason why Antiiennis agreed with Degan's idea was because he also knew very well that once the German team gradually found its state through energy reserves, the situation would be very unfavorable to Belgium.

Everyone knows that the characteristics of German football are also unfavorable situations. The more they will stimulate their fighting spirit, once they have a chance to breathe, they will be able to accomplish any miracles.

So after the game restarted, facing the massive attack of the German team, Belgium decisively launched a full-court pressing and marking. To sum it up in the words of a famous Chinese coach, it is to grab one by one! force! Wai!

Use a wide range of running and scramble without hesitation to compress the offensive space of the German team. Once an opportunity arises, attack decisively and put all the troops into it. If the ball is lost, immediately launch a counterattack on the spot. The Germans must not be stopped and rearranged.

Belgium's crazy dog ​​tactics immediately received a miraculous effect. Although the Germans have an advantage in terms of body and strength, their ball-handling skills are obviously not good enough, and in the face of the Belgians' frenzied fighting, their passing has also begun to appear. mistake.

Finally, when the game progressed to the 37th minute of the first half, the Belgian's chance came again. Fellaini cut off Schweinsteiger's pass, and then directly lobbed it to find Digan.

Degan leaned on Mertesacker who was defending him, and gave the ball to Dembele with a header. After landing, he turned around and ran forward. Dembele's pass also arrived at this time, and Degan got stuck. , Metzelder was stopped behind him, and Degan stepped into the penalty area in one step.

Lehmann made an attack. Although he was old, he had rich experience and strength. It was a pity that Degan's hit rate was terrifyingly high for this kind of single-handed ball.

A lob shot hit the far corner of the goal. Lehmann just waved his hand, grabbed a handful of air, and then could only watch helplessly as the football rolled into the net.


Belgium led an incredible two-goal lead over Germany.

The Belgian fans at the scene were stunned, and it took a long time before they broke out into cheers.

Degan ran with his arms outstretched, scoring his first goal in the European Cup, and it was a blast.

"Unbelievable! Belgium leads the three-time European Cup winner Germany by two goals. It's unbelievable!"

It is unbelievable that Belgium scored two consecutive goals. Of course, it is even more unbelievable that the Germans had nothing to do when Digan scored.

The Germans were also dumbfounded when they fell behind by two goals before the halftime ended. This situation was indeed something they had never thought of before the game.

They guessed that Digan would bring a certain threat to their defense line, but they didn't expect that this threat was completely fatal.

Love scratched his hair in pain. He was thinking of a way, but he still had no idea. The defense line had been penetrated, but what was even worse was that the team's offense hadn't improved at all.

If Frings is available?

If Frings can play, he can take over the burden of organizing the offense when Schweinsteiger is hot-headed, but Frings is injured, he can only use Rolfers, who is good at defense , but now it seems that the effect is completely ineffective. Rolfes can't play any role in the offense, and a Gul can make him completely misfired. In the defense, he also failed to do his duty. It was his untimely response, which caused Schweinsteiger to pass the ball passively in a hurry. As a result, Fellaini cut it off, and the Belgian team played a successful counterattack.

But in the first half, the German team's attack was not over yet. Beating dogs in the water is now a form of entertainment that every Belgian player loves to see, not to mention the opponent they are chasing today, which will give them a sense of accomplishment.

attack! attack!

Leading by two goals, the Belgians are unwilling to stop. The task they received today is to attack, when the referee's whistle sounds, and when to stop.

When the game reached the stoppage time period of the first half, Belgium once again played a quick counterattack. After running for more than 40 minutes, their speed did not slow down in the slightest. They were still running fast and powerful. .

"Defend! Stop them! Don't let him near the goal!"

Seeing Digan rushing to the German team's penalty area again, Loew on the sidelines finally couldn't help it, and roared loudly. He knew very well that if he took a three-goal lead in the first half, he would The team is really over.

Situations like the night in Istanbul do not happen often, and Belgium is obviously not Milan. They will not start cheering and celebrating at halftime.

To stop Digan, who was already rushing forward with all his strength, no one has been able to do it except for fouling so far. Therefore, when Digan used two Marseille rounds to sway Rolfes and Mertesacker in a row, the German team's The goal was once again exposed in front of him.

Hesitating for the slightest again, he shot directly. The football scraped the turf and quickly flew towards the far corner of the goal. Although Lehman made a timely save, he did touch the football, but unfortunately he couldn't change it. The trajectory of the soccer ball.


Degan was cheering and celebrating his second goal in the European Cup, while the German players looked dazed. They, who had always been extremely mentally strong, had already begun to collapse at this moment, without warning!