
The Walking Tree

"Then it's obvious that Paul wasn't the one who stole my book but you. Isn't it?", Blake asked.

"Yes, I did", replied Alex.

"What!! Why did you do this?", asked Paul approaching him.

"Being a science, magic, and mystery lover, her book attracted me so dangerously that I couldn't stop myself. And yes, it's really coming out to be magical ", said Alex.

"So, finally, we all are trapped here", said Barry.

"But the big question is how you got such book which sucks people inside?", Paul asked Blake in awe.

"I-i…", she began but stopped by Alex, "But the bigger question is how much more is she speaking now"

"So, both questions go to her", Barry mentioned.

"Okay, so I got this book from my mother and I am not shy but was forced to be a girl as you had seen me in the college", replied Blake, "and now my question is, how we shall get out of this book?", she began again, "My mom would be waiting for me. I am ashamed of myself that I lied to her", she stopped with a low pitched voice.

"What are you talking about? It would be great fun being here. Let's explore it! ", proposed Paul.

"What!! Are you out of your mind? Absolutely not. We need to find a way to get out of here", protested Blake.

"But why would you miss this tremendous place! And we can find our way home gradually", Paul suggested.

"No, Paul. She is right.", said Barry.

"Yes", added Blake.

Then all of them except Alex tried to keep their views at the same time and the result was Babel.

"Stop!", cried, Alex, "Have you all gone crazy? Calm down and rather arguing over silly things we need to find a way together as a team as soon as possible",

"But...", Paul tried but got stopped when Barry came in front of him and began himself confidently, "Alright. So, for this whole adventure, I will be the leader and every one of you will follow me."

Suddenly, at a few distant, a weird sound arose as if someone's approaching them with colossal feet. It was something big and alarming behind the apple greeny, dense and tall bushes. They noticed and found some trees bending downward while some tall ones were tilting at their places. That's like an earthquake would have struck at that particular region.

That peculiar and unknown structure kept approaching them until Paul threw a stone behind those tall bushes. And then, It remained silent for a moment until a light green apple returned back flying over the trees to Paul.

On getting the apple, he laughed childishly in stagger saying," Magic! I knew it. It's magical, yippee!"

Then only, the apple blast out abruptly giving them enough jerk that they fell down on the ground. Though it didn't hurt them much but was quite dangerous.

While they had lied on the ground, creepy branches of a tree emerged out from the bushes which later on showed out its entire strangely freaky body. They barely got up on their feet in astonishment. It was a big and miraculously peachy tree with a large number of rosy apples on it giving a bright reddish appearance. But who knows, what it's intention was, after what happened a few minutes before.