
Worse Than Miceter!

"It was a hot summer morning when your Uncle and I decided to go hunting. We were originally seated at my study, sipping a glass of Rusoe each when it occurred to us that our pockets were a tad bit empty. We started to discuss different ways to make money when the topic of hunting came up. For, you see, it was during this time that the Flame Boars came out. And, as we all know, killing just one of them can earn you a lot during the summer. If I had to give a range on how much you could earn, I would say that just one dead Flame Boar could garner you 10 to 100,000 gold. Their meat is extremely delicious and their fur--which is enchanted with the flame element--are excellent for making coats in the Winter. It is important to note that Flame Boars are at their peak during the summer because their element is, of course, fire. Due to this, the amount of Flame Boars on the market is at an all time low. After all, who would be so dumb as to hunt a Flame Boar when they're at their strongest? Flame boars are at their weakest in the winter. So, when winter comes around, the price of Flame Boars will go down because there is so much supply to meet the demand. During the summer, the supply will not meet the demand, meaning the prices will go up. A perfect time to get rich. Take note Thomas--this is basic economics."

And on and on Ellain rambled, slowly mixing lessons into his long tale.

Why did I design Ellain this way?

What was I thinking...

He's worse than Miceter when it comes to rambling!

It wasn't until Aaron came stomping down the stairs that Ellain stopped talking.

"Aaron, nice of you to join us!" Ellain happily greeted Aaron. "You're in luck, I was just about to get to the best part!"

"Both of you are unbelievable." Aaron started.

Ellain tilted his head in confusion, obviously haven forgotten about the Academy Fiasco a legit hour prior.

Honestly, I was just beginning to forget about it as well.

Impressive, Ellain. Despite your obvious rambling, you managed to distract the both of us from seeing the elephant in the room.

Thomas sighed. "Will you just let it rest?"

"Never!" Aaron stomped his foot.

I would like to mention that during the hour that Ellain was filling our heads with useless story telling, the rest of the patrons rationally went to bed. So, in the end, it was just the three of us in the dining room being watched by the Bartender/Owner. There wasn't enough people to witness Aaron's mini temper tantrum so, freely he acted.

"Why didn't you tell me Mother was the one who planned all this?!"

The old fox blinked, acting all innocent. "I didn't think it was an important detail?"

"Not an important detail?! You're ridiculous! As a proud Noble Merchant, I refuse to accept this blatant favoritism! This is not fair for our duel!"

Thomas hid his face in his hands. "Aaron..."

"Quiet, Thomas, you don't know what you're talking about!"

"He's five years older than you..." Ellain "helpfully" pointed out.

"Doesn't matter! I won't be going to the Academy!"

Ellain's smile instantly turned upside down and his brows began to furrow.

"Yes you are."

Aaron stiffened in response to Ellain's glare. Ellain rarely got mad, and when he did, it was a nightmare to behold.

Aaron gulped. "I-I'll sell my vacation home at the beach, then! You'll be forced to enroll him then!"

"Wait, you have a vacation home at the beach?" Both Thomas and Ellain asked in astonishment.

"Of course, who do you think I am?!" Aaron demanded, incredulous.

"My son?"

"An idiot?"

The both of them answered in unison.

Aaron clenched his fists and closed his eyes, forcing himself to concentrate on his breathing. "You are just unbelievable. To dare doubt me when I'm ten times better than Thomas could ever be!"

"Hey, that hurt!"

"Whatever! Either way, you're going to the Academy even if I have to drag you there myself!"

How generous...

Although you're impulsive, stubborn, and incredibly rude, I'm starting to see you in a better light, Aaron.


A character I designed to be the most annoying is not only just as annoying a planned, but he is surprisingly kind as well.
