
The spark of Norus

Autor: davelgomoz
En Curso · 1.5K Visitas
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What is The spark of Norus

Lee la novela The spark of Norus escrita por el autor davelgomoz publicada en WebNovel. After completing one of his most important assignments, the adventurer Asmodeus decides to retire with his young pupil to the enigmatic City of Elker, located in the Stavenger kingdom, where his inten...


After completing one of his most important assignments, the adventurer Asmodeus decides to retire with his young pupil to the enigmatic City of Elker, located in the Stavenger kingdom, where his intention is to relax on its picturesque shores. Both adventurers find the peace they longed for, but their tranquility crumbles when a mysterious visitor knocks on their door in the darkness of a stormy night, bringing with him an unsettled debt. - Here you will find adventure, mystery, action, magic, supernatural powers, threats of all kinds, and a very profound male main character. - Hello! I'm Davel Gomoz, author of this saga. My original work is written in spanish, but I'm translating it on english platforms to seek a bigger audience. Your input will be very helpful for me. Thanks in advance :)

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