
Harem Yu-Gi-Oh

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What is Harem Yu-Gi-Oh

Lee la novela Harem Yu-Gi-Oh escrita por el autor Lord_Vampiro publicada en WebNovel. Ishizu tiene claro su destino y esta felizmente dispuesta a cumplirlo.Esta historia está inspirada en Weevil's World (Yu-Gi-Oh) by MrLeafydream...


Ishizu tiene claro su destino y esta felizmente dispuesta a cumplirlo. Esta historia está inspirada en Weevil's World (Yu-Gi-Oh) by MrLeafydream

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Hopeless_Reader · Cómic
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20 Chs

The Mafia Luna: Torn Between The Mafia Lord And The Alpha Mate

MATURE ..... "You feel so good, princess," he panted, his movements growing faster and more erratic with each passing second. I arched my back, meeting his thrusts with equal fervor as we moved together in perfect harmony. "Harder, Enzo!" I begged, my voice a desperate plea for more. He complied eagerly, his hips slamming into mine with bruising force as he took me to the edge and beyond. I cried out his name, my body convulsing with pleasure as he brought me to the brink of ecstasy once more. "Blaze..." I gasped, my voice barely a whisper as I uttered his name like a prayer, my body trembling with ecstasy and despair. Enzo's movements grew more aggressive as he yelled, "Who the hell is Blaze?" His voice thundered through the room as he began thrusting harder, driven by anger and possessiveness. As he demanded an answer, I struggled to catch my breath, my mind reeling from the intensity of our encounter. "N-no one," I stammered, my voice barely audible over the sound of our ragged breaths. But Enzo's rage only intensified, his movements becoming even more forceful as he drilled into me with brutal intensity. "Don't lie to me!" he growled, his grip on my hips tightening painfully. With a final, savage thrust, he pulled out in anger, leaving me empty and throbbing with need. "Dressed up you have an explanation to do!" I'm domed... ..... Selene Blackwood, a half-blood slave, is sold by her heartless father to the brutal Alpha Blaze, whom she discovers is her mate. Despite being a hybrid, Blaze doesn't feel the bond and treats her as the breeder she was sold to be. When Selene becomes pregnant with his heir and excitedly shares the news, she catches Blaze cheating with her sister Elena, who he plans to crown as his Luna. Heartbroken, Selene flees to her mother in the human mafia underworld, where she finds love and kindness from Mafia lord Enzo Morretti. That's when Blaze realizes Selene is his true mate and uncovers Elena's schemes. And the Alpha lord relentlessly pursues Selene, his mate, and their heir. Selene faces a tough choice: Alpha Blaze, her old mate, or the Mafia Lord Enzo Morretti? But would she ever accept Blaze back after how he betrayed her in the past? Could she trust him with her heart again, even as her body, her mate yearned for his touch?

Mia_Evergreen · Fantasía
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- VOL. I (Romance Boys Love) 1-124 - VOL. II (Romance - Horror - Fantasy) 125-... -(Khusus 18+) Ini Cerita Banyak Yang Tabu dan Gak Pantes. Jadi kalau Kamu Homophobic Gak usah mampir n Baca Cerita Ini. Karena cerita ini berisi Hal yang seperti itu. Atas perhatiannya Terimakasih. -------------------------- "Kak, Gimana kalau aku suka sama kamu? " Aku mengucapkan secara perlahan. "Eh, ngaco lo Vin. Udah cepet tidur sana" Tanpa melanjutkan kalimatnya dia langsung pergi meninggalkan aku di kamar sendirian. Aduh, apakah dia marah kepadaku. *** Rasa yang tidak bisa Vino pendam akan suka kepada kakak tirinya sendiri membuat dia terjebak akan sebuah permainan cinta. Bukan hanya cinta yang tumbuh di Tristan saja sebagai kaka tirinya. Namun Rasa suka pun timbul dari bocah bule Australia yang jatuh hati kepada Vino. Vino mengetahui hal tersebut dan dia mencoba untuk menetralkan perasaannya, hingga akhirnya masa lalu yang dia sempat pendam muncul kembali. Daniel, dia adalah kaka kandung dari Bryant ya, Bryant adalah bule yang jatuh hati kepada Vino pada pandangan pertamanya. kisah cinta yang semakin rumit menjadi semakin pelik akan kehadiran orang-orang yang begitu berpengaruh terhadap hidup Vino. lantas bagaimana Vino akan menjalani semua ini? Cinta segi empat yang terjadi begitu riuh di rasakan olehnya. . . . Aku yakin aku bisa menemukan orang yang cocok untukku, meskipun aku tau resiko dari keluarga ku. Aku akan menerima nya. *** Kehidupan mereka berubah ketika adanya Sebuah Kedatangan Makhluk asing dari tempat yang masih menjadi misteri bagi mereka. Makhluk tersebut sama dengan manusia pada umumnya, namun mereka memiliki sebuah kekuatan yang luar biasa. Tujuan mereka ke Bumi adalah mencari anak Kembar dari keturunan sang Raja Aelfar dari bangsa Elvania, bangsa dari kaum mereka yang paling tinggi. Raja Aelfar pernah memiliki sebuah hubungan bersama manusia biasa dan diam-diam memiliki anak dari hubungan tersebut, dan anak itu kembar. Vino, Bryant, Tristan dan Angel Adalah salah satu yang memiliki keturunan dari Bangsa Elvania, yang telah lama hilang. Apakah mereka akan di pertemukan? Baca Kisahanya di Vol. II (Sebuah Kedatangan) ------------------------------------------ Copyright 2021 : @Neptunus_96

Neptunus_96 · LGBT+
248 Chs

His Beautiful Mother in Law

[18+] A dirty sweet romance between a highest-end young man with his beautiful and lovely mother in law. A sin and forbidden affair of mature woman with the man she should not love. [ DROPPED WITH ENDING ] . . . "That's sure look delicious." His deep and manly voice praised. "Thank you." Her enticing lips curved, an enchanting smile lined perfectly on her beautiful face as she looked at the food. A chuckle escaped his lips and his his picturesque eyebrows could not help but raise in amusement, his pearl-like dark eyes looking at her innocent smile. His perfectly structured lips quirked into a fine smile, it was his signature smile that never fails in making women sexually uncomfortable in their panties. "I mean sure the food look delicious but." He paused to have her beautiful diamond-like blue eyes look at him. "You're far more delicious." He stated as he parted his lips to lick his lips sensuously. His insanely handsome face flashing an alluring and boyish grin as his charming eyes blinded her eyes. Her ears down to her neck turned crimson instantly as an instant pink blush graced her statuesque, beautiful face. "Y-You shameless!" She shouted, pretending to be an angry lioness, yet the way she looks like is more like a shy little kitten. He huffed a laugh, amused. He placed an arm on each side of her, circling her against the dining table. "Delicious." He smacked his sexy lips. "and, Tasty." He breathed. His warm breath kissing her cheek, crawling into her skin, sending ticklish up to her spine. "Mm, the food are getting cold." She muttered meekly, trying to resist his irresistible devil temptation. How can a mere word of hers manage to convey so much temptation he had no idea, but fuck her sweet voice gave him the chills down between his legs driving him insane. His feverish, ravenous eyes looking at her. He kept flaunting his overflowing sex appeal to the delicious woman before him. She is like a warm cheese, his passionate and smoldering gaze melting her, into him. "Let's eat." Her sweet voice whispered. "You mean." He leaned back to have a better look at her bewitching and blushing face. "Eat you?" He teased, in alluring and inviting tone. "or, Eat me?" He gleamed his delicious smile, offered himself as if he is the most delicious delicacy. Clutching her skirt tightly she bit down her pink lip in flush as she could feel her bottom lips began to get wet, moist. "B-But.." Her eyes met his passionate eyes shyly. "I'm your mother in law." She bashfully reminded. . . . Tags: [ Amorous Male Lead ] [ Beautiful Female Leads ] [ Sweet Story ] [ Polyamorous Romance ] [ Realism ] [ Incestuous Relationship ] [ R-18 ] . . . My other books : Her Young Amorous Husband My Wife's Mother Is My Lover

BlaccLotus · Ciudad
71 Chs

The forgotten prophecy

The sound of thunder rang through the night. Clouds slowly covering the Persian blue sky like a blanket. Night had fallen. In about forty-six seconds the full impact of the brewing storm would reach her. She could already feel the raindrops hitting her bare arms falling to the tempo of her beating heart.  She was used to this by now. She counted the twelve steps that would take her to the front door of the all so familiar house she would see every single night she dared sleep. She crossed the threshold and was instantly hit by a wave of warmth; she shrugged of her sleeveless jacket before crossing the small distance between her and the kitchen where her coffee was already brewing. In the amount of time she had visited there, she never saw who occupied the house. She was like a visitor, a trespasser. Every night for as long as she could remember she would fall asleep and wake up in this same old routine. She had no control of what she did in this place that set her nerves on edge every time she visited this awful place. She grabbed her coffee and walked out of the kitchen, through the corridor that seemed to stretch out for miles and into her room. Instinctively her head jerked to the right, where engraved on the wall was the most intricate symbol she had ever seen. A triangle stood proud amidst a thrall of ancient if not forgotten texts. Ruins ran around the perimeter of the circle and flowed into the little space in the circle left. She knew she had seen the texts somewhere, the knowledge niggling at the back of her mind yet staying out of her grasp. Her fingers followed the lines glowing like fire trails. She always did this, it seemed to calm every single one of her nerves right before the dream would finish. She waited for the all too familiar buzzing sensation that would occur seconds before the scene would fade. Nothing happened. Everything was still, the air became thick with tension but nothing moved. For the first time ever, she felt scared. Her eyes widened as she realized that something was off. Nothing had ever changed, it had been the exact same since she was no more than a small bundle of baby. So why would something changed. Her head jerked round as she scanned the room for anything off, anything dangerous. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the window like a magnet. She didn't bare blink as she waited with bated breath. Something was coming, she could feel it. Her whole body was buzzing with the anticipation. Slowly but surely something started to emerge from the blanket that shrouded the room. She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized with growing horror that they were a set of deep blood thirsty eyes. Eyes that meant danger. Eyes that looked at her with such intensity, that they left no doubt of the message they conveyed. It was coming for her.                                                                     Before her brain could register what was happening, her mouth was already open and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. With a giant crack, the glass shattered and she was engulfed in the darkness once more.

Pia_Adam_7734 · Fantasía
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10 Chs


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