
The Sovereign's Crown

In the prestigious Psychic Academy, where gifted individuals train to become the elite of psychic society, Ain Griffin stands out as a prodigy with unmatched potential. His ability to manipulate emotions sets him apart, but his ambitions extend far beyond mere mastery of his powers; he dreams of achieving the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." Beyond the academy walls lies a realm of untold mysteries and untamed powers. The world of psychic society is a complex tapestry of alliances and rivalries, where factions vie for influence and dominance. From the shadowy enclaves of underground societies to the glittering palaces of the elite, Ain must navigate a treacherous landscape fraught with peril and intrigue. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Ain's focus remains unwavering: he is determined to attain the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." For in this world, the Sovereign holds real power, not just within the academy, but in the broader politics of the world. As Ain rises through the ranks of the academy, he learns that the Sovereign wields immense influence over the direction of psychic society. They have the authority to shape policies, broker alliances, and even declare war. With such power at stake, the competition for the title of Sovereign is fierce, and Ain knows that he must do whatever it takes to emerge victorious. But as Ain delves deeper into the murky world of psychic politics, he realizes that the path to Sovereignty is fraught with peril. He must navigate a web of intrigue and deception, where allies can quickly become enemies and trust is a rare commodity. With the power to lead Ain must come to terms with what it means to be the Sovereign and what it means to lead.

Sydonay · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Power Exchange

I wake up to my alarm the next morning, thinking back to the events of the previous day with a bitter taste in my mouth. The fear I instilled in Quinn had been absolute, and my victory was assured due to overwhelming fear. However, something was nagging at me. Reika and Kaiser had won their fight with Quinn due to overwhelming power—power that I lack. In a sense, it felt like I scammed her out of a proper fight. I basically used her fight with Kaiser to bring out her fear and redirected it to myself. Had she not feared Kaiser, or had I gone first, would I really be here right now?

I sit on the edge of my bed, the academy filling my vision from the dorm windows—it felt huge to look at. I need to refine my powers. I need to be smarter, more cunning—I need to be a thousand times smarter than anyone I face in direct combat. If I am unable to do that, powers like Reika's or Kaiser's will devour me, leaving nothing but bones. Kaiser's powers are especially worrying; biokinesis is what I have been able to deduce it as.The power to control your cells, muscles, bones, etc. He can alter his age, making him look like a child, which causes people to underestimate him. He is by far the most dangerous person I have encountered yet, but as long as he is under my thumb, he is incredibly useful. My thoughts are interrupted as the morning bell rings; classes were starting again. I wake up a passed-out Kaiser. "Hey, it's morning, Kai. Wake up, let's not be late." He stirs like a child, his hair a mess. "Hm? Oh, Ain, morning already? Hang on."

He slowly puts on his clothes and combs his hair; apparently, he doesn't need to shower or clean his teeth due to his power.We arrive at class on time, and as we take our seats, Mr. Nakamura seems more chipper today. "Today is your first real day of class, so in kind, I will get serious." Mr. Nakamura stood before the class, his stern gaze sweeping over us. "Today, we will be introducing new, more challenging training exercises," he announced. "These exercises will focus on teamwork, strategic thinking, and overcoming psychological barriers." The class buzzed with murmurs of anticipation and anxiety."To push you further, you will be assigned partners. These pairs will force you to adapt to different abilities and personalities." He began calling out names, pairing students who had little in common. "Kaiser and Reika," he added, causing both of them to glance at each other with a mix of curiosity and wariness. Shit, this is bad. If this is a combat exercise, these two are by far the most dangerous combo. I wait for my name, my mouth drying out as I realize I could be in serious trouble depending on the new challenge. Finally, Mr. Nakamura calls my name, "Ain and Soren." Soren? Who was that? He must have passed the test yesterday but didn't win. Weird, I can't remember him.I sense someone behind me; their emotions are clear—they reek of fear. Fear? Why? I turn around; a guy a little taller than me approaches with a friendly smile. He has long green hair and purple eyes, his academy uniform properly in place—not a stray hair to it.

He seems more akin to some kind of prince. His hair is tied back neatly, but the rest of it flows freely like a lush forest. His face is clean-cut, and his smile is welcoming. He holds out a graceful hand, although it seems to shake a little. "Ain, is it? Nice to meet you. I am Soren Locke. Let's do our best together." I sigh, a little put off by his demeanor but shake his hand regardless. "Ain Griffin, the pleasure is all mine." Kaiser smirks, "Try to keep up, pretty boy. Ain's used to a fast pace, and I'd hate for you to hold him back."Soren's fear factor rises a lot at the comment, even if he doesn't show it on his face—it would seem he fears Kaiser the most. As Kaiser walks away, I add, "I wouldn't listen to him; he just wants to psyche you out. Look, you know my power; I can control emotions. I can reduce your fear down to nothing so you can fight without reservation. What are you working with?" Soren relaxes a bit, "Shapeshifting—I can turn into animals or other people." I gasp; that is extremely useful. How did I not pay attention to such a power during the opening test? He begins again, looking down; I feel his anxiety pick up. "I have a slight confession to make." I raise an eyebrow, and he continues, "At the moment, the most I can do is turn into a dog or other similar animal." What? This went from extremely useful to extremely useless.I try to put on a fake smile,

"Why?" Soren gives a nervous smile in return, "I, um... I am scared of getting hurt and hurting others. The thought of turning into a beast and rampaging scares me. I lose part of myself when I transform, so I have a mental block on anything more than that." Huh? Oh, that isn't as bad as I thought. I give a more genuine smile, "Thank goodness it isn't more serious. You had me scared for a moment. Let me handle that part. With your shifting powers and my emotional control, we're going to make a seriously strong team." Soren looks taken aback; he offers me a small smile, "I am counting on you, partner."Mr. Nakamura called the class together once more. "We have a special challenge today: a simulation exercise designed to test your creativity, teamwork, and stress management. We are doing 2 vs 2 exercises, with a twist of course—nothing is ever so simple here." His lips form an almost evil grin as he continues, "Today we will utilize my power for our exercise. I have the power to swap psychic abilities, which I will be using to swap your power with your partners. I want you to experience something truly new today as you take on our challenge. This will be a sort of mini-tournament that you sixteen will participate in. Class will be held in the training room next door."

As Mr. Nakamura finishes his announcement, the class erupts into murmurs of excitement and concern. Swapping powers? The very thought sends a shiver down my spine. How would I handle Soren's shapeshifting? How would he manage my emotional manipulation?I glance at Soren, who is visibly anxious. I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry; we'll figure this out together. Just stay calm and remember, it's all part of the training." He nods, taking a deep breath. "Right. I'll do my best, Ain." We follow Mr. Nakamura to the training room, a large, high-tech facility filled with various obstacles and simulation equipment. The atmosphere is tense, every student sizing up their opponents and allies, wondering how the day will unfold. Mr. Nakamura stands at the front, his presence commanding the room's attention. "Pair up with your partners and get ready for the power swap," he instructs, his voice firm.I stand beside Soren, trying to steady my nerves. Mr. Nakamura approaches each pair, placing a hand on their shoulders and concentrating for a few moments. One by one, the students' powers are swapped, evident by the changes in their expressions and postures. When he reaches us, I feel a strange sensation, like a surge of energy passing through me. My mind feels different, more fluid, like it's adapting to a new reality. I glance at Soren, who seems to be experiencing something similar. "Remember," Mr. Nakamura says, "this exercise is not just about using your new abilities but also understanding and adapting to them. Good luck."Mr. Nakamura adds, "I will announce the first round after you adjust to your new powers. Test them out, get a feel for them, and then we will begin. You're lucky I am your teacher because today you will get an exercise like no other. I should mention this is for a grade; the higher you get in the tournament, the better the grade, so make sure you don't get knocked out in the first round." He laughs and walks away, leaving us to begin to get a feel for our newfound powers. I look at Soren, who appears uncertain. "Okay, Soren, let's test this out.

Try using my power. Feel my emotions and select an emotion to isolate and then amplify or decrease that emotion. I will try to think of things I like or hate in the meantime."Soren begins concentrating. I try thinking about things that I like, such as pizza or a new TV show, and feel that emotion as Soren concentrates, increasing it. "Too much, Soren, less; you're going off the deep end." I never really thought about it, but using my power is as natural as breathing for me. It must be the same for everyone here; as I look around, it seems everyone is having difficulty. I hear a nearby student yell in frustration, "This power is useless; it doesn't work for me at all. I just want my own power back." The other student yells back, "What did you say?" They begin to verbally fight behind us; I decide to move away into a quieter corner. I absorb the information in the classroom; everyone seems to struggle—all but one team. I glance over to see Reika and Kaiser adapting to each other's powers. Reika smiles, pleased, "This power suits me; my fists feel much heavier now, and my skin has never looked so good." Kaiser seems just as pleased, "There is power in being unseen; I might not want to give this back." I notice he also looks much older, his proper age now; his face looks almost scary at that age. Maybe that is part of the reason he makes himself appear younger. He must, to some extent, want to have allies or friends, and his usual appearance might intimidate people too much. One thing is clear: they are the tournament favorites for sure, but I would not let myself get outmatched. The tournament is just beginning, and I am ready to show them my real worth.