
The Sovereign's Crown

In the prestigious Psychic Academy, where gifted individuals train to become the elite of psychic society, Ain Griffin stands out as a prodigy with unmatched potential. His ability to manipulate emotions sets him apart, but his ambitions extend far beyond mere mastery of his powers; he dreams of achieving the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." Beyond the academy walls lies a realm of untold mysteries and untamed powers. The world of psychic society is a complex tapestry of alliances and rivalries, where factions vie for influence and dominance. From the shadowy enclaves of underground societies to the glittering palaces of the elite, Ain must navigate a treacherous landscape fraught with peril and intrigue. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Ain's focus remains unwavering: he is determined to attain the highest honor in the academy-the coveted title of "Sovereign." For in this world, the Sovereign holds real power, not just within the academy, but in the broader politics of the world. As Ain rises through the ranks of the academy, he learns that the Sovereign wields immense influence over the direction of psychic society. They have the authority to shape policies, broker alliances, and even declare war. With such power at stake, the competition for the title of Sovereign is fierce, and Ain knows that he must do whatever it takes to emerge victorious. But as Ain delves deeper into the murky world of psychic politics, he realizes that the path to Sovereignty is fraught with peril. He must navigate a web of intrigue and deception, where allies can quickly become enemies and trust is a rare commodity. With the power to lead Ain must come to terms with what it means to be the Sovereign and what it means to lead.

Sydonay · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Throne Wars

I follow a chipper Kaiser to the school gates, where two marble statues stand as imposing sentinels. The craftsmanship is unlike anything I've ever seen, almost making the figures seem alive. We spot a lineup of students ahead; everyone has to check in first. This school doesn't let just anyone in, after all. I have my documents ready, a school ID in my pocket with a small picture of myself and some basic information.The crowd in front of us is a unique mix. Some students chatter amongst themselves, but for most, this is their first time meeting each other, creating a slightly awkward atmosphere. Just as I'm getting excited, a big guy with short buzzed red hair and an unkempt school uniform around his waist cuts in front of us.A tinge of annoyance flashes on my face, but I don't want to stand out on my first day, so I keep my head down. Kaiser, on the other hand, doesn't share my sentiment. He puts his hand on the big kid's shoulder and smiles, seemingly friendly. "Hello, friend. You must not have seen us, but we were here first. Would you kindly get behind us?"The big kid turns to face us, his green eyes shining with fire, his freckles dancing in the early morning sun. He scoffs, "Do you know who my family is? Redheart. Show some respect, pipsqueak, and maybe I won't mash your face in. You're way too young to even be here anyway. Go back home, little boy."Kaiser doesn't lose his smile, but it takes on an eerie look. He doesn't flinch. "I hate those who rely on their family's name so easily. I gave you a chance. Remember that. Daddy isn't here to save you anymore." He grabs the big guy harder; I notice his arm beginning to get veiny, his muscles pulsing and twitching. Suddenly, the big guy yells out in pain, "Agh!"Kaiser finally loses his smile. I recognize this emotion: it's rage. It rears its head as he throws the boy onto the ground. The boy lands awkwardly, and then Kaiser does the unthinkable. He begins kicking the boy's head, his legs doing real damage.Kaiser mocks, "We—" Kick. "Need—" Kick. "To—" Kick. "Teach—" Kick. "You—" Kick. "Manners!" Each word is punctuated by a brutal kick. Once he's done bloodying his boots, he gives one final kick to the face, tossing the boy out of the line, bloody and beaten. I stand in shock as Kaiser seems ready to go further. He approaches the boy, rage overtaking him.Just as he's about to punch him, I grab his arm. Kaiser turns to me, and it seems like I'm his next target. All rationality leaves his eyes. I find myself yelling at him, "That's enough! You proved your point!" Kaiser is still furious, but I begin using my power on him. I can sense and control emotions to an extent, as long as they are already feeling that emotion. I use this ability to dial back his rage.His fist drops, the rage fading from his face as he begins to look confused. "Oh? Did I snap again? My bad, man. Happens sometimes—one of the drawbacks of my powers. Did you do that? I feel calm."I nod. "Yeah, I can control emotions to an extent. I just dialed back yours. You good?"Kaiser nods. "Cool as a cucumber."No teachers come rushing out, although most people are turned towards us now, their mouths agape. I try to ignore their stares. It appears I'm now associated with this act of violence. Just great. My first day, and now I'm going to be known as trouble to the other students. Speaking of trouble, this kid could be less than useful—a dog off its leash isn't exactly something I want. After enrollment is over, I need to distance myself from Kaiser unless I want to get swept up in his bullshit.Kaiser seems to be his usual self now, the anger completely vanished as if it never existed. I glance around, noting the horrified expressions of our peers. Whispers spread through the crowd like wildfire, and I can feel the judgmental stares piercing into us. Or maybe it's just me. I've never liked being the center of attention, especially not for something like this."C'mon, let's go," Kaiser says, his voice unusually cheerful given the circumstances. He motions for me to follow as he steps back into the line, the students in front of us now giving him a wide berth. I swallow hard and follow, keeping my head down.As we inch closer to the front of the line, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. The marble statues flanking the entrance loom larger, their lifelike eyes seeming to judge every student who passes between them. I can't help but wonder what this place has in store for us. I reach into my pocket and feel the cool, laminated surface of my school ID, reminding myself that I belong here.Finally, it's our turn. A stern-looking woman with glasses perched precariously on the tip of her nose stands near the entrance of the school gates, a stack of papers in her hands. She eyes Kaiser warily but doesn't say anything about the incident. I guess fights are more common here than I thought."Name?" she asks, looking at me.I hand over my ID. "Ain. Ain Griffin."She glances at my ID, checks something off on her list, and hands it back to me with a nod. "Welcome, Ain. Next?"Kaiser steps forward and hands her his ID. She eyes it, then looks up at him, an eyebrow raised. "Kaiser, is it?""That's right," he says, his tone almost bored."Try to keep the violence to a minimum, Mr. Kaiser," she says, her voice sounding uncaring. Kaiser just shrugs and takes his ID back. We move away from the desk, and I can't help but feel a wave of relief wash over me. We're in. Now to find a way to distance myself from Kaiser before he gets me into any more trouble.We follow the flow of students into the main courtyard. It's a sprawling space, with ornate fountains and meticulously maintained gardens. Groups of students are already forming, some familiar with each other, others awkwardly introducing themselves. I scan the crowd, looking for a friendly face, someone who might be able to help me navigate this new environment."Hey, Ain!" Kaiser's voice jolts me back to reality. He's grinning, his earlier rage forgotten. "Looks like we're all set. Wanna explore the campus?"I hesitate. I really should distance myself from him, but for now, I don't know anyone else. "Sure, why not," I say, forcing a smile.We wander through the courtyard, taking in the sights. The school is impressive, with towering buildings and beautiful architecture. It's almost too much to take in all at once. Kaiser, on the other hand, looks at the students all around us. He gives an almost empty smile. "Isn't it great? So much hope in one place. So many students with powers beyond the public's grasp. Wouldn't it be great to have all the power in your own hands?" Before I can respond, he points to a tall white building. We eventually find ourselves in front of the massive building with a sign that reads "Main Hall." Students are filing in, and I can hear the low hum of conversation coming from inside. It must be where we're supposed to go next.Kaiser nods, "Let's go in. I'm curious to see if this school will live up to my expectations." I follow behind Kaiser wordlessly, and we line up behind some other students. Inside, the hall is even more impressive. High ceilings, ornate chandeliers, and rows of polished wooden benches fill the space. At the front of the room, a stage is set up, and a tall man in a crisp suit stands behind a podium, preparing to address the crowd.The man at the podium clears his throat, and the room falls silent. He surveys the crowd with piercing eyes, his presence commanding immediate attention."Welcome, new students, to Amber Riddle Academy," he begins, his voice carrying easily through the hall. "I am Headmaster Varian Hawke, and I oversee all aspects of your education and training here. Let me make one thing clear from the start: Amber Riddle Academy is not your average school."He pauses, letting his words sink in before continuing. "You are here because you possess unique abilities, talents that set you apart from the rest of the world. But do not mistake this as an invitation to relax or rely solely on your gifts. This institution is designed to push you to your limits and beyond. We do not coddle the weak or tolerate mediocrity."There's a murmur among the students, a mix of excitement and apprehension. I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. This place is going to be even tougher than I thought."Your time here will be marked by rigorous training, intense competition, and relentless challenges," Headmaster Hawke continues, his tone growing more intense. "Only the best will succeed. You will be tested not just on your abilities, but on your willpower, your resilience, and your determination."He steps away from the podium, pacing the stage as he speaks. "Many of you will falter. Some of you will fail. And those who do not have the strength to endure will find themselves cast out. Amber Riddle Academy is a crucible, and only the strongest will emerge forged into something greater." The atmosphere in the room grows tense, the weight of his words settling over us like a heavy fog. I glance at Kaiser, who seems unfazed, his expression unreadable."But there is one more thing you need to know," Headmaster Hawke says, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper that somehow carries through the entire hall. He smiles. "One of you may claim the title that has eluded both staff and students for generations. The title of Sovereign. At Amber Riddle Academy, you are not just learning to control your powers," he says slowly, deliberately. "You are being prepared for a war. A war that has been raging in the shadows for centuries. A war that will determine the fate of our country. I am serious when I say that this year could be the year someone takes that title. Should it be this year, or next year, one thing is certain: that title will carry our country to even greater heights."He clears his throat. "More will be revealed in due time," he says. "For now, know this: your training here is not just about survival. It is about preparing you to stand against an enemy that seeks to destroy everything we hold dear. Welcome to Amber Riddle Academy. Your real education begins now." With that, the man steps off the podium. His address was brief and to the point. Murmurs spread throughout the hall. Kaiser whispered to himself, "So, it's a throne war? Perfect." At that moment, I knew at the very least Kaiser would eventually become my enemy. One that I was not sure I was ready for at the moment. I need to keep him close for now.