

Nothing. I can only see black. Nothing just black. Shoot I need to wake up. I just need to try. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu...okay just calm it's just dark. I tried to wake myself up but nothing. What am I going to do?

"Miss. Miss wake up. Strong arms shook me until I woke up.

" Aahhh! "I looked around to see where I was. Good, I'm just at school. Shoot did that guy just saw everything? I tried to steady my breath.

" Are you good? " clearly am not, why do even people ask that when the answer is so obvious?

" Yeah"I told him. Wow what a good first impression that I made. I looked around to see if someone else saw it.

"Don't worry am I the only one who saw it." the guy seemed to have read my mind. Now that I looked closer at him he looks...decent.

"Thanks for waking me up." I said while looking at my sketchbook and hid it under the table.

"So, you're the new kid."

"I guess so."

"Hi I'm Robin by the way nice to meet you... " he extended his hands to me as if he wants to shake my hand.

"Layken" I took his hand for a shake hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you Layken."after the shake a few students have already went inside the classroom looking at... Him? with a shocked face. I guess he is one of the popular guys.

" So... " he took the seat beside me and continued to talk.

" Where did you go to School last year.?"

" Why would you want to know?"

"Just curious."

" It is classified. " I said plainly

"Okay sure no pressure ." he answered back.

Thank god no more questions. When the teacher went it we greeted him. After that he called me in front to introduce myself.

"Miss Charlton can you please come in front ad introduce yourself." the teacher said.I stood up and went in front.

"I am Layken Charlton. Nice meeting you all." then I just went back to my seat. The teacher looked quite shocked when I went to my seat.

" Uhm... thanks miss Charlton. "

"Hey, that was rude." Robin told me.

"I wasn't being rude. He didn't say for how long I'm going to introduce myself and that's it."

"You are really something." yeah right as if.

The class is really just boring. I just stared at the window and drew. I wonder why Robin keeps on asking questions. Just don't get to attached. Cause I'm sure he will just come and go just like them.