
Waking up as another person

Shravan is waiting for the bad news, sitting on a chair of the City Hospital of Mumbai inside room no38. Her sister is admitted after a fatal accident. He lost his whole family except the sister. One nurse enters the room and calls his name and ask him to come to the operation theatre. She is dying. But as soon as he reached there she had left. Docters have gone and wardboy are taking out the body of her. Yesterday he has his mother, father, his sister now he is alone. All the formalities is being followed for next two days and then when everyone left, he just closed himself in a room.

Maid make food, give it to him and then leave. He has got a good fortune. His father had a good business. He can have all the materials that can be bought. He can live like that for years without any difficulty. But he choose to end this meaningless life. He cut his nerve and dead.

He woke up, not feeling the same. Someone call "Samantha are you there". He see around him, there is no one, he shout "there is no one out there". Someone right through the stairs enters the room saying "why are you lying". He said" no I am not there is no Samantha around me". She said "what is happened to you Samantha, you are Samantha!" He checked himself, he has got breast, is in a girl night wearing. Oh! he said with shock. "Let's go we have to go to college fest, we're getting late" the lady said.

"OK, I will be ready in 2 min"

Samantha get up, she just wash her face, walk down the stairs.

The lady is waiting for her in car, "hey! what happened to you, why are you reacting like that"


Samantha can't explain the lady anything, the change of conscience, may be it's the transfer of soul or he is in different person conscience.

"Let's go" lady said.


"Can you drive I just don't want"


Samantha enters in the car through driver gate, start the car.

"Can you tell me the direction, I think I have lost"

"Are you getting amnesia again"

"I think so"

"Ok, left from there"

Samantha is feeling lucky that she has amnesia, she has not to explain this all happening to her.

A bird just hit the front glass panel, and Samantha loss the balance, their car just hit another car. The car of Shravan's father. This is so intense it just make it to move the car in opposite lane, where a truck just crash the car. Both the elder in the car died, a girl is there wounded and there is crowd.