
Train to PAST

train to past never ends

run to tell the story

of the sour life

ruin at every second

for the sake of love

that fake a bloody heart

and pain of it

prosper like never ending crop

the tree that lives longer

than the man itself

the poor god and

the God heart

for it's sake

will melt in itself

and will grant

itself love of it's kind

the affair that no one care

and fall in the sea

to glue a scene

in everyone eyes

it melts in tears

and the train to past

just end on it's last station

glare the sky

and the hut

past see the future

and cry on it's faith

try to board train for

further past

to get more time

but past never moves

it remains there


but train had to

move back to future

and the heart

will froze again

pain will vanish

with insensitive veins

that flows

through world

carrying sorrow of God

no one will care

his production

will ruined
