
The soul-less mirror.

The Mirror Without a Soul. ISBN 10 1694527743 ISBN 13 978-1694527745 August 1, 2019 September 20, 2019. Author: Alfonso Vazquez Herrera. Pseudonym. Yurik Vazquez. This is the story of a man who already entered his 40s, after having lost all his lifestyle, his friends, his economic belongings and even his family, being left alone in life, a man already expert in being alone, since he was an only child, and his parents had also been only children, And so, with no brothers, cousins, nephews, no uncles, he decided to restart his story at the end of a fatal event in his life, with a few coins in his pockets and a pair of old sports shoes, She began a long journey always trusting in her good luck, which at the same time was not so good, because apparently such good things begin to happen to her, that you will think she has it very easy, and as a reader you will want to be in her place, and as a reader in the place of one of the co-stars of the story, But when the plot is triggered, you will realize that it is actually not so easy, and in the middle of some exciting events, such an exciting drama will unfold, In the middle of 2 intense impossible loves and one almost non-existent, I assure you that you will not want to be in the shoes of him, or any of the co-stars.

YurikVazquez · Ciudad
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65 Chs

The shrew lurking.

He was just finishing bathing when heard a knock on his bedroom door.

-Who? He asked still from inside the bathroom by opening the door.


He hears the voice of the girl in the park, but this time without expression, without grace and without the music she sang every time that she spoke.

-Angry, as I expected.

He thought and removed the lock on the door leaving it ajar, quickly returning to extend his bathroom a little more, they spent a few minutes in silence in which he came to think that the girl had not entered the room, because the door was still ajar, and looked into the corridor expecting to find her there, smoking or throwing a tantrum but no, he advanced a few steps down the corridor to look down the stairs towards the hotel lobby without finding her, and shrugged his shoulders without trying to think of an explanation, but when he returned, he found her sitting on the edge of the bed, just watching him quietly and with a dry gaze; Martín  thought that the best way to win the discussion that was coming was precisely to avoid it, he wore a blue boxer and a white shirt that although it looked clean showed the wear of many washes, Lolis wore a blue jeans with rips and a magenta blouse, which combined perfectly with his red sneakers and the crimson of his lips, He tried to tell her something but she looked so sensual with that cold look and her crimson lips, that they simply and strangely did not speak, He decided to start the campaign and knelt at his feet, but not with the intention of humiliating himself and asking for forgiveness, but with the intention of loosening the buckles of his shoes that shone much brighter than his eyes.

-Let! Whats you doing?

The girl tells him kicking him to prevent him, but he did not cease in his attempt and although she continued kicking, he achieved his goal and Lolis seeing that the first battle was lost, turned to the ceiling ignoring him completely, Martín slowly raised the closure of one of the trouser bastilles, and when she felt that he was attacking her second line of defense, she withdrew her feet to stand firmly on the bed, but she had to back down because her enemy was already crawling over the sheets, seeking to take the second bastille, until the headboard of the bed truncated her retreat and she prepared to counter, But seeing her enemy kneeling before her, she took him by the hands trying to prevent the third of her defensas was also violated, while he unlocked the buttons of the blouse she wore to attack her main target, which was the loop of her jeans.

- Take it off, we have to talk!

And it was when he stood up defiantly, grabbing her by the waist to make her feel the tension of his sword, forcing her to gently tilt her head back, and when the girl felt that her defenses were about to be knocked down, she set out to selling their defeat dearly, and counterattacked to defend like a beast to the last of her frontiers, its enemy stopped attacking it, because with only an attack of its advances, it was defeated by an strength without reason and senseless, the fury of her green eyes that fulminated it in its entirety, and only a couple of words could pronounce before falling defeated, Like a puppet undone and wounded before the cold look and those inert lips that he knew could kill him with just a kiss.

-I love you.

-What did you say?

The girl ask already astonished with all her legions devastated, by the enemy that he had surprised her with that couple of words, which were like a nuclear attack, a military strategy for which she was not prepared.

-That, I love you.

The dying soldier answers her with a guttural accent that she found sensual.

"No, don't do it daddy, that's not how it's worthwhile; That's cheating!

I love you so much my love,

I don't know at what time.

My heart can be stopped

Because of this feeling.

And at that moment she lost the battle that she had practically already won, because in a couple of seconds the strong arms of the soldier who imprisoned her with their kisses, suffocated her while gently knocking her down on the horizontal of the bed where all her defenses were violated and all her borders penetrated in a pitched battle that began at the edge of the morning and ended up barely and ended up barely scratching the morning sun.

-What did you say?

She asks again that soldier who had been very difficult to defeat.

-That I love you.

- What, what?

-That I love you.

- Huuuuy I hate you!

She tells him without any intention of fighting again while hugging him tenderly.

-I hate you because I didn't see you all day and when I called you didn't pick up my call, and when I came to look for you you weren't there and the more time I spent the more I missed you.

From here I left after 3 in the afternoon and walked to the boardwalk, I met people there with whom I was talking, I looked with my cell phone where to apply to work, I had a coffee with cinnamon at sunset that was just when the cell phone battery ran out, I continued browsing around and went to dinner at the food stall here on the corner and as I calculate that the battery is It ended me at about 7 o'clock in the after noon, and you will have started to mark me as at about 8 o'clock at night, Officially I was lost little more than a couple of hours, I can not like you as badly as you say, what happens is that you are a jealous possessive and paranoid who does not want me to go out or eat.

He tells her while he passed one of the sheets to cover his nudes and the girl preferred to kiss him gently, seeking not to provoke him intensely, as if looking for a truce, but the man feeling again the rubbing of his skin and the warmth of those lips, now crackling began he began to slide forward with his crawling hands on that enemy territory that he had not yet finished exploring, much less conquering.

"We slept a little, love.

The girl tells him requesting a necessary truce, to replenish her devastated legions and the irreverent warrior who invaded her, sheathed his sword respecting the truce requested to leave pending that battle that was not yet concluded and wrapped her in his arms as if pretending to have her a prisoner for life, As he looked at her and a few words in verse from somewhere in the depths of his soul escaped him.

Last time I saw you.

Without you noticing I stole...

A lock of your hair

To weave a ladder

May he take me to your heaven.

I had to look for the soul I lost,

In the early morning of your wakefulness

While looking for the light.

Let him show me your longings.

Last time I saw you.

Without you realizing it

I also stole...

One of your tabs

To forge a sword for me

And to be able to fight that great battle

With which I will tear down all your walls.

And once destroyed the wall that surrounds your exterior

I will then remove the bricks one by one

From the strength of your heart

And you will know the fury of my rebellion.

And even if it doesn't seem like it

It will be a war for love.

Armies of hatred and cavalry of resentment.

They will devastate all your defenses

In the midst of a battle of pain

In which you will not be unharmed.

With the battle over

All your legions devastated.

All your borders penetrated

And all your conquered territories

I will approach you

With the sword in my sinister hand.

And without demanding anything.

Placing it in your right hand.

And without looking down.

I will ask you...

Let him cut off my head!

Because the last time I saw you.


I've noticed.

That it will no longer make any sense.

Living without the cold of your dry gaze

Live without the taste of your dead lips.


If you're not here with me

Exploring your insides,

Lost in the nature of your green eyes.

Verses that they escaped from the cemetery his heart had become. that he wrote on a blank page of Word on his laptop and saved it for later editing, in addition to sending it to his email and then sending the edited file to the muse who had inspired him, the girl in red on his WhatsApp and signed it as that dead poet used to do every time a ghost escaped from his cemetery.

The Mirror Without a Soul.

And once again he thought of his situation as an old and unemployed man in a distant place, while watching her sleep peacefully at the edge of 7 in the morning, thinking also that she did not like to be woken up at dawn and although she felt tired, she decided to go out to fulfill her purpose of looking for where to employ herself.

And taking his cell phone with his papers in the backpack and about to leave he turned to bed, and could not resist returning to say goodbye to that celestial ángel, giving him a tender kiss on the lips, but the girl woke up for a moment, hanging on his neck to prolong the kiss and seeing the light of dawn coming through the window, she suddenly got up to fulminate him once again with that cold look in her green eyes and without letting him react for a moment, she stood up on the bed to get at his height to remove his backpack, snatched his cell phone and leaving him completely naked said:

- You know I hate being woken up at dawn!

And dragging him like a lioness drags his prey, towards the horizontal of the bed, wrapped him with his legs and his arms, which were like chains of silk and metal from which he could not escape, resigned he prepared to wait for his jailer to fall asleep but before the watchful cold look of his green eyes and the constant tension of his bonds, He surrendered convinced that he had only to serve his sentence of sleeping in chains to to that beautiful jailer who had him trapped.