
The Soul in the Dark

In "The Souls in the Dark," you'll walk alongside a lonely soul embarking on a journey through lifetimes. From the vibrant streets of New York City to the corridors of hospitals, explore life's mysteries, spurred on by a mysterious inner voice leading toward enlightenment.

Primordial_Turtle · Fantasía
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5 Chs

New Life

There's a surge of pressure, an overwhelming sensation of being squeezed. I'm being pushed downward, compressed, as if I'm being forced through a narrow passage. The world around me is in chaos, a cacophony of sounds and sensations. I'm jostled and turned, pushed and pulled in directions I cannot comprehend. 

Light floods in, blinding and harsh. It's a stark contrast to the darkness I've known. The air is cold, and I struggle to breathe. My senses are overwhelmed by new stimuli — sounds, smells, and sensations bombard me from all directions.

Wait. I can remember. The emptiness. The eternity. My past lives. 

Why? Why can I remember now? Impossible. What is different about this life?

In the distance I hear "Congratulations! You did a great job! Do you have a name for the baby yet?"

A soothing voice responds. "Moria. Her name is Moria." 

The nurses leave after telling my new parents ""You're going to be amazing parents. Take your time to rest and recover."







SYSTEM UPDATING: Remaining time - 3 months

I flinched at the mechanical voice. A wail. Loud and alarming. Is that coming from me?! Despite the physiological reaction, I felt relief. The time limit gave me hope that I would know more about the situation I was in.

But.. now I had to live through my childhood again. It shouldn't be that hard right?

The first thing I had to do as a newborn: act like a newborn. Maybe in this life I'll become a great actor. 

I am gently cradled in the arms of a stranger, their face obscured by a mask and gown. I feel their touch as they examine me, their hands gentle yet probing.The familiar scent and comfort of my mother close by, her presence reassuring even in this unfamiliar place. As I am moved from room to room, I catch glimpses of other babies, their cries mingling with mine in a chorus of confusion and discomfort. 

Nurses bustle around us, their movements efficient and purposeful as they attend to the needs of others. Despite the strangeness of it all, there is a sense of safety and familiarity in the hospital. 

I still remember my past life extremely clearly. Weird. I can even remember the things I forgot about during my early childhood. Do I have eidetic memory this time? Maybe it's because of my confusing situation. Wait. Who was that person talking to me in the emptiness? I thought my imagination was making things up again.. Could it be? Are they the ones responsible for all this?

Where are they now? No. I shouldn't be thinking about that now. I need to focus. I need to make use of all my previous memories. 

First, I need to stay healthy until the timer runs out. Then I can learn more about my situation. Once I start schooling, I must stand out. I can't waste time doing addition and subtraction. I also need to learn where I am now. Am I still in Korea? 

Hm. Wait a second. The nurses weren't speaking Korean. The signs aren't in Korean either. It looks a bit like English?

A masculine voice says "Lets go home Moira." My father perhaps. My best guess is that I still remember the language from a previous life. Huh? No matter how much I try to remember, I can't recall which life I learned English in. No matter. It's not important now anyways.. right?

As a newborn baby entering my home for the first time, the experience is a mixture of comfort, curiosity, and vulnerability. Wrapped snugly in a soft blanket, I am cradled in the arms of my new parents as they carry me through the front door. 

The transition from the hospital to home brings a change in atmosphere. Gone is the controlled environment of the hospital room, replaced by the sights, sounds, and scents of my new surroundings. The air feels different, perhaps a bit warmer, with familiar smells that I can't quite identify yet. As we step inside, I am enveloped by a sense of security. Though everything is new and unfamiliar, there is a reassuring presence in the arms of my new parents. 

Their voices, soothing and filled with love, guide me through this new space. I am gently placed in a cozy bassinet or crib, surrounded by soft blankets and comforting sounds. The hum of familiar voices and the gentle creak of the floorboards provide a sense of continuity from the womb to the outside world. 

I sense the excitement and joy of my family as they welcome me home. Their smiles and tender touches tell me I am loved and cherished. As I drift into sleep, I am filled with a sense of contentment.

Slowly I have begun adjusting to my new life here.

As a newborn, my world is a whirlwind of sensations, emotions, and discoveries. Everything is new and unfamiliar, yet strangely comforting in its simplicity. I am keenly aware of the warmth and safety of my mother's embrace, feeling her heartbeat and the rhythm of her breath as we bond in these early moments together. 

Her voice is a source of comfort and reassurance. My senses are heightened as I take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the world around me. The soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains, the gentle hum of familiar voices, the scent of my mother's skin – each sensation is a wonder to be explored and savored. 

I am learning to navigate my body, testing the limits of my tiny fingers and toes, marveling at the sensation of movement as I kick and stretch in my swaddled cocoon. Every movement is a new discovery, a step towards understanding this strange and fascinating body I now inhabit. 

Strange isn't it? Learning how to walk in a new body? You bet it is. 

Looking around my new home, it seems as though my new family is rather rich. I've learned during my time spent here that I've been born into a famous upper class, wealthy family in New York City, America. A quick search on the internet even allowed me to find a video about my new home!

The man's voice narrated the important points of the house and allowed me insight into my family's wealth.

Nestled in the heart of Manhattan's prestigious Upper East Side, the Haslion family's residence stands as a towering symbol of opulence and grandeur. The Haslion Mansion, as it's known among New York's elite, commands attention with its elegant façade of gleaming white marble and intricately carved stone accents, evoking a sense of timeless sophistication.

Upon entering the palatial foyer, guests are greeted by a breathtaking display of luxury and refinement. A grand staircase, adorned with a cascading crystal chandelier, sweeps upward to the second floor, while marble floors gleam underfoot, reflecting the soft glow of ambient lighting.

To the right of the foyer lies the lavish living room, a sprawling expanse of plush furnishings and exquisite artwork. Oversized windows offer panoramic views of Central Park, while a grand piano stands poised in the corner, awaiting the skilled hands of a talented musician.

Adjacent to the living room, the formal dining room beckons with its regal ambiance and sumptuous décor. A long, mahogany table is set with fine china and crystal stemware, illuminated by the warm glow of candlelight. A magnificent tapestry adorns the far wall, depicting scenes of medieval splendor.

The Haslion Mansion boasts an array of luxurious amenities designed to indulge every whim and desire. A state-of-the-art gourmet kitchen, outfitted with top-of-the-line appliances and marble countertops, is a haven for culinary enthusiasts. A private home theater, complete with plush seating and a cutting-edge sound system, offers an immersive entertainment experience.

Upstairs, the family's private quarters exude an air of refined elegance and tranquility. The master suite, a sanctuary of comfort and style, features a king-sized canopy bed draped in luxurious linens, a marble fireplace, and a private terrace overlooking the city skyline. An expansive walk-in closet showcases a dazzling array of designer clothing and accessories, while an en-suite bathroom boasts a spa-like atmosphere with a soaking tub, steam shower, and his-and-hers vanities.

For recreation and relaxation, the Haslion Mansion offers an indoor swimming pool, a fully equipped fitness center, and a tranquil spa retreat complete with massage rooms and a sauna. A lush rooftop garden provides a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, with manicured lawns, flowering gardens, and panoramic views of the city below.

In every corner of the Haslion Mansion, from its palatial interiors to its meticulously landscaped grounds, the unmistakable mark of wealth and privilege is evident. It is a residence fit for royalty, a testament to the grandeur and extravagance of the Haslion family's lifestyle.

It seems as though I don't need to worry about money in this life at least.