
The Soul Eater Lich

His soul was touched by the dark... He were told that he only has two choices... Choosing the reencarnation, he became a Lich in a undiscovery world. With some gifts from a strange being, he now has to deal to his Lich personality... "I'm starting to like it..." He tought. Disclaimer: I don't own some of the powers used and the novel picture, if you're the own of the picture, please say it to me and i'll remove.

Kitsoune · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

Wolf power...

The forest was dense and dark, the only sound that could be heard was the slight sound of the icy wind through their ears.

Charlotte looked forward as she breathed heavily, her breathing making a slight white smoke in front of her, while her body trembled slightly due to hunger and the cold around her. Ignoring this, she looked at the men in front of her with a sharp face, while feeling her mana be slightly scarse.

'I have to take it...' She thought, while resisting the urge to fall on that floor and close her eyes. She didn't want to disappoint her master, she wanted to learn more!

Her legs trembled as she looked at the man in front of her, who smiled sharply and licked his lips in satisfaction, as if looking at food prepared by the best chef he had ever seen.

"Give it up, little girl. We know of your crime, accept your punishment!" The man at the front said, as he smiled more broadly, his eyes clashed with hers as she trembled slightly in the cold. He thought she was afraid, but her eyes showed something else and he for a moment felt like becoming the prey of the situation, but it soon passed and it only made him add to his smile.

"Crime?" Charlotte asked a single question. Her voice was hoarse and weak as she positioned herself to be able to cast a magic if necessary.

"Playing the misunderstood? Your crime of heresy and mass murder! But rest assured, come peacefully and maybe your punishment will be lighter." The man spoke, while the other men behind him laughed heavily at this statement.

Charlotte didn't say anything while frowning. She wanted to retort, she wanted to talk about how much she suffered in that place, she wanted to say that even after all the crimes they committed, no one showed up to save her... But she remembered Theo, who saved her in her last moment, and smiled back at them.

This took a slight chill on the spine of all the men as they raised their weapons. But the chill on the spine disappeared soon, while again they smiled at her, without lowering their weapons.

"Did you accept your punishment? Good girl..." The man in front spoke, while the last part made a point of talking as if he were talking to a dog.

Charlotte said nothing when she raised her hand and a blue circle appeared in front of her, sending a small stake of ice quickly on top of the man.

The man dodged without difficulty as he looked at that stake, which crossed a tree further behind him, and felt the chill again. He didn't know that a girl so without mana like that could cast a spell like that. Ignoring this, he jumped on top of her while swinging his sword to her head.

Charlotte swerved backwards as she increased her distance, but a man behind the one who had just attacked her lifted the staff, when a golden circle appeared at the tip of it, and a strong beam of light came out of it.

"Tsc." She popped her tongue, while a blue circle defended her from this beam of light. But she wasn't strong enough when the impact broke her shield and crossed over, crashing into her and sending her back, causing her to hit her back into a tree.

"Cough" She spat blood while trying not to choke, panting heavily, she felt she had almost no more mana for anything as she rose from the ground. She looked at them as they snort in contempt.

"Trying to resist huh?" The man with the sword said, while one with a bow, who was just behind the man with the staff, shot an arrow in her direction. The arrow was aimed at her head, but Charlotte swerved her head to the side when the arrow hit the tree behind her.

'Are they playing with me?' She thought, when she saw that there was no magic in it, it was just an ordinary arrow. The icy wind hit her belly, which was exposed by the beam of light, while the wind did the work of cooling her reddish and warm belly, while she felt sore by this process, but did not show it on her face.

She looked with her frown at the man, while again another circle was formed in front of her, but her vision faltered, when the circle broke into a thousand pieces and fatigue struck her, while sweat came out of her body.

Her eyes trembled with weariness, as more and more smoke came out of her mouth, indicating her heavy and irregular breathing.

"Hmph, someone like you trying to resist?" He said, as he went forward and kicked her in the mouth, causing some teeth to break.

Charlotte grunted from the pain of the kick while trying her maxim to keep her tremulated legs stand. For a moment, the man looked at her, and laughed at her pathetic appearance... The silence permeated the air when only rustling was heard.

'Wait... Rustle?' She thought, when her smile widened and she paid attention to the sound. The man did not notice the sound as he laughed and looked at her.

"Do you have time to smile, huh?" He said, when he took a knee to her chin, causing her to fall back, but that smile of hers didn't come out, while making him angry. "What are you laughing at?" He asked out loud, but she didn't answer.

He snorted high as he raised his sword, wanting to kill her at once, that smug smile of hers was extremely annoying. With a slash, he felt his sword cut through the wind as he hit something...

But unlike what he expected, the sword ricocheted, when he looked at where the sword had hitted. A large black wolf stood in front of him, making him shudder from top to bottom as he looked up at the black wolf. An imposing skeleton was mounted on that dark monster, bringing shock to all of them.

The magician raised his staff, when thousands of magic circles appeared in front of him, his despair was enormous and his hands trembled, the circles were instantiable, but this only served to make the attack stronger. Thousands of golden beams went over the wolf, directed at the skeleton.

For a second, everyone saw a black circle appear in front of the skeleton, when a loud sound of explosion came out of that impact, the explosion blinded everyone in that place, and not being able to see anything, they assumed what they wanted.

"In the end it was just a skeleton!" The magician shouted, still with his hand in his eye, assuming it had had an effect... They smiled faintly, wanting to cling to the false hope that they had probably killed that skeleton, but they knew it wasn't true. A skeleton on top of a giant wolf, a monster of that level would not be killed easily.

The dust subceded, ceasing all the remaining hopes they had. Still, imposing, the skeleton without a scratch, on top of the wolf. The skeleton didn't seem to consider them as he looked up at Charlotte...

'She's still alive...' He thought, as Charlotte stood up and opened her mouth to say something, but fell to the ground and fainted. He came down from the wolf and walked up to her while holding her with his hand. He wasn't happy, but he wasn't sad either. He felt like he almost lost a precious stone, just a touch of anger.

The flames of his eyes trembled by the cold wind passing by as he looked at Charlotte's unconscious body.

"How dare you ignore us!" The man with the sword said, as he advanced upon him, feeling his pride to be betrayed. A pride of a swordsman overcomes his fear! But too bad it was all futile.

The black wolf stopped his way when he attacked the man with one of its paws, throwing him hard to the side, causing him to hit a tree. The snow from the tree was scattered in the air by the impact, while his companions ran to where he was.

"We have to run away!" The archer spoke, looking at the man, who had blood in his mouth.

"Run away? Don't play with me! It's just a skeleton!" The swordsman cried out in anger, while the wizard stood still, trembling for fear of that giant wolf. "What are you waiting for? Heal me!" The swordsman cried out to the magician, who nodded strongly and raised the staff.

A golden circle appeared in front of him, while the swordsman's body glowed in the same color and his bruises were healed quickly. He rose, still shining, while the magician felt his mana being drained by the circle.

"All right." The swordsman spoke as he raised a hand and a small golden circle appeared in front of him, but soon disappeared, while his body began to glow faintly in blue. "What are you waiting for? Strengthen me too!" He told the wizard when the wizard stopped healing him and did what was said.

A golden circle appeared again in front of his staff, when the swordsman's body shone in a strong green. The swordsman felt stronger as he pressed his own fist and looked at the giant wolf, which had not attacked and was just watching them.

He smiled. "Strong like that, it's going to be a piece of cake!" He said, as he ran forward. The archer did not stand still when a golden circle appeared in front of him and he shot an arrow, which crossed the circle and seemed to gain more speed while cutting the wind.

The wolf did nothing, as he looked at the swordsman running up to him, the arrow almost reaching him and the mage on his knees, tired.

The arrow hit him, but ricocheted through his fur, while the swordsman finally reached him and sent a sword bar into the big wolf. But the wolf snorted with this man's insolence, while using one of its paws to send him back, making him fly to the archer.

The man crashed into the archer as the two fell to the ground.

"Get off me!" The swordsman shouted, angry.

The wolf looked back, only to see Theo with Charlotte in his hands, as he looked at the course of the fight. The wolf continued to stare to Theo, as if to expect some kind of approval.

"Huff... All right, kill them." Theo said, as he sighed and looked at the wolf, that nodded.

The wolf turned his gaze to the three men as he opened his mouth. A sphere similar to the one he used before being killed by Theo was formed, but this time it was completely black. The sphere grew, when the three looked at it and hurried in fear.

"Let's go, let's go Let's go fast!" The swordsman said, while doing his best to get up and run from there. They started running backwards, but before they could take another step...


A black fire gale came out of the wolf's mouth as it quickly reached all three and encompassed them inside it. The three were completely charred, while the gale disappeared and left only their ashes, and their equipment ashes, which was soon carried away by the wind.

"Is this wolf that strong?" Theo thought, as he looked at the wolf killing three people so easily, even if it died at his hands even more easily. Theo looked back at Charlotte as he saw that the reason for her fainting was the lack of nutrients.

"Go get some food!" He said to the wolf, who nodded and ran away from there.

Theo stood there, looking at Charlotte.

"I need to take better care of my free pass for souls..." He said out loud, rambling about it... Looking sideways he looked at all that fog, covering his vision, as he looked at where the men died. The fog had opened in that direction, which the trees was pulverized on that path, along with the snow, which was soon filled with more, but became uneven. Some nearby trees also burned, but were not completely pulverized.

He looked at it as he looked at himself...

He felt alone, that fog completely blinding him from seeing too far, the dark and cold forest... Somehow he loved that feeling, he felt he wanted to completely embrace something like that, but something suppressed it while he felt neutral again...

Soon, the black wolf arrived, holding the body of a fat boar in his mouth. The wolf dropped the boar on the ground while Theo raised his hand, causing a black circle to appear below the boar and start a small campfire with the fire coming out of it.

The fire was at the right temperature, while the meat was made...

Theo looked at it as he came back to look at his list...

[Name: Theo.

Race: Thunder Soul Lich Souls: 0/100.

Life: -/- Mana: 13890 / 16000.

Strength: 380 Resistance: 450

Magic Power: 950 Magic Resistance: 1400]

For a moment, he looked at it without feeling anything, while the sound of the popping fire was the only sound in that place. The black wolf sat, when it broke into black particles, which headed into the skull of Theo. The particles entered inside the needle inside Theo's skull, as he let out a sigh and watched the boar being burn.


A/N: I need some help... I'm thinking about nerfing his MAGICAL powers, and introduce a new magic system, better to explain, but BUFF his power that isn't associate to spells, like the fruits and something that i'm planning... And maybe turn him into a different race that isn't a skeleton, but still a Lich.

Well, thank you for reading this!!! Leave some comments and reviews!!!

Thank for reading this!!!!

Leave some power stones, thats what motivates me!!

Kitsounecreators' thoughts