
Christmas Special

"Baby, wake up~,"

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open at the soft, cooing voice of his soulmate.

"Kookie...? What time is it..?"

Taehyung sat up, rubbing his sleep-blurred eyes with one hand while the other reached out, searching for his werewolf partner.

A reassuring, warm hand locked with his outstretched one, causing the Olympian to smile softly as he blinked the rest of the sleep from his eyes.

He was greeted with the sight of a purple tray filled with food, along with a doe-eyed Jungkook, who was smiling brightly.

"Good morning, pup. How did you sleep?"

Taehyung smiled shyly, pulling his lover closer for a sweet kiss before allowing the other to set the tray on his legs, and sit down by his waist.

"Morning, Kookie. I slept really well, did you get up early just to make breakfast?"

Jungkook nodded a bit, brushing Taehyung's brunette fringe from his soft eyes.

"I did. I was hoping we could have breakfast together in bed, but I wanted to surprise you. After all, it's Christmas today."

The Olympian could only giggle, knowing that he had gotten lucky when he met Jungkook. The pair shared the breakfast, laughing and talking all throughout.

As soon as the food was gone, Jungkook set aside the tray, and picked Taehyung up by his thighs, carrying him into the bathroom for a bath.

"I got you a purple bath bomb, they looked sort of pretty, and I know your favorite color is purple. The human at the store said that there are little gifts inside, so I thought it could be something fun."

Taehyung smiled lightly, holding the bath bomb in his large hands and swinging his feet slightly while Jungkook filled the tub with steaming water. They both enjoyed a hot bath so they could spend more time in the water, so Taehyung didn't dare complain.

While the tub filled up, Jungkook gently removed Taehyung's clothes, and lowered the Olympian into the hot water, chuckling at the sigh of content that left his lips as the water warmed his cool skin and soothed his muscles.

Jungkook quickly joined, turning off the faucet before slipping into the tub behind Taehyung, pulling him close by his hips. The couple merely sat in silence, watching how the bath bomb dissolved into the hot water, leaving behind a little trinket. Taehyung's box smile appeared as he held the little toy in his hands, showing it to Jungkook with a small laugh of excitement.

"It's a little puppy! Ah! Kookie, we should get a puppy! Wait, do you think the school would let us?"

Jungkook shrugged a bit as he took a cup on the lip of the tub, and filled it with water, begining to soak Taehyung's hair so he could wash the chocolate strands.

"Maybe, pup. I'll see what I can do to make your wish come true."

Taehyung hummed in content, eyes drifting closed as Jungkook lovingly massaged shampoo into his hair.

"M'kay, Jungkookie. But we don't need a dog. I'm happy with just you around."

Jungkook chuckled lightly, leaning forwards to kiss Taehyung's cheek before rinsing out the shampoo.

"Me too, baby. I love you," he whispered.

Taehyung couldn't help the smile that overtook his face at the three words.

"I love you too, Kooks," Taehyung whispered back. After their bath, both boys got dressed, and quickly made their way to Jin and Namjoon's dorm, knowing that presents and family time with the Pack would occur.

- - -

Jin had obviously gone all out.

In one corner of the living room/kitchen mashup, there was a fake christmas tree with a number of beautifully wrapped gifts beneath it, and each couple was settled on the couches and chairs, even the floor. Jin was just setting down a tray full of an assortment of cookies when the two walked in.

"Ah! You two were the last to arrive. What took you so long?"

Taehyung grinned brightly, happily accepting the hug given to him by Jin.

"Kookie made us breakfast, and then we took a bath! He even went to the human town and got this thing called a bath bomb! It dissolves in water and creates pretty colors and bubbles. There was even a toy in the middle! It was a puppy, and he even said he'd try and get me one! Sorry we took our time, Jinie."

Jin could only laugh, his heart swelling in happiness for both Jungkook and Taehyung. The two were an odd pair, for sure; a werewolf and a Greek God. However, he couldn't possibly be happier for the turn of events.

Both beings had been through so much pain and suffering that they deserved to be happy, even more so in love with each other.

"It's alright, Tae. I'm glad you two enjoyed your morning."

The pair took an open spot on one of the couches, Taehyung immediately going to snuggle on Jungkook's lap. It simply was more comfortable for him, and Kim Taehyung was not about to lose such an opportunity to be comfortable on a day like this.

Christmas for Taehyung was quite new, seen as he had never celebrated the modernized version. In the time he was used to, Christmas was just a few days before his birthday, when the humans would offer sacrifices to their gods and goddesses.

He never took part in those, after all, he himself was a god. All was pushed aside though, seen as quickly enough, Jin was passing out a gift to everyone. One present each, but it was more than enough.

Gifts were shared, thank you's were given, and laughs were exchanged. Everyone was smiling, which made Taehyung smile. Christmas was special to him now that he had people to share it with, and if Christmas was this happy, then he wanted to participate every year.

After the wrapping paper and gift decorations were cleaned up, everyone sat back and relaxed, talking quietly as there was a Christmas movie playing on the tv.

Here, Taehyung was content. His eyes drifted closed as he nuzzled into his soulmate's embrace, heart beating in rhythm to Jungkook's.

"V, I'm glad that you have finally found peace. I've never been given the chance to see you so content."

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, smiling gratefully at Andreas, also sending a smile to Suhyun, who was contentedly tucked under Andreas's arm, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Same to you, Andreas. I'm happy that you could see this side of me. I'm also happy that I can see you finally have a romantic interest."

Andreas chuckled sheepishly, long hair drifting with the shake of his shoulders.

"Likewise. Suhyun is probably the first in... Fifty years...?"

Everyone laughed lightly, and then proceeded to let the silence ring for a minute. Taehyung briefly looked around, noticing that everyone was paired together.

Him and Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon, Andreas and Suhyun, and finally, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

The triplet pair were cuddled close, with Jimin sandwiched between the vampire and werewolf. Jimin's head laid on Yoongi's shoulder while his fingers were interlocked with Hoseok's. The pair were all in their own world, yet content at the same time.

I wish this could last forever...

It will, pup. Our memories will never fade.

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So, I wrote this chapter back in December of 2019, and I've been writing this story over the past year, so I apologize for the time difference.

I've also hinted at two ships that I would like to implement in the story at a later date.

Please note that this is not connected to the story plot, but I wrote it for fun and thought that I would add it here as well. I usually use Wattpad and Quotev.com as my main platforms. I have other stories on both if you would like to check it out. :)

A good day/night to all(strongpowerthankyou)





Wattpad; jjinsanity

Quotev.com; @JeiBTS