
The Son Of The Devil Prison

The son of a rape victim, raised in a prison for the hardest kriminel. What will happen when he finally gets his freedom? A story about a kid who knows how to fight and kill but is still a toddler when it comes to interaction with the real world. Read and follow him as he explores the world and meets new friends and enemies.

Skitzo666 · Fantasía
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10 Chs

9. Dungeon

As I walk towards the in that Margaret told me about, I think back to the most important thing she told me. Something which was burned inside me as soon as she said it. 'Margaret The Flaming Beast Rhoana'. That was such a cool name. I get chills just thinking about it. I also want a cool name like that. Something like Noah The Devouring beast or maybe Noah the cold but beautiful assassin… No not that one. That one is just stupid. But I want something just as cool. As I'm thinking about my name, I realize that I'm in front of the place she told me about. I walk into the in and a old lady shows me to my room. I lay down on the bed and soon after fall asleep. I wake up early the next morning and get ready to go to the dungeon she told me about. She said that a group of B-level adventures would be waiting for me at the entrance of the city. As I walk down the streets towards the direction the group should be at, I look around at the almost empty street. It feels like a different place than yesterday. No kids crying nor any adults talking loudly, just a few people going to work. ''NOAH?'' I hear someone call my name. I look in the direction and see a group of people there. That must be the group Margaret told me about. I walk up to them and realize that one of them is the same guy that stopped Chef from continuing his prank. ''So, it's you'' he says as he holds his hand out with a smile on his face. I grab his hand and smile back to him. ''I'm David and I'm the team leader of The Beast Killers'' he says as he points to the people behind him. There are three more people other than David. One of them is a tall and big guy with a big beard and a war hammer on his back, he's wearing a full set of armor and a helmet in his hand. The other one is a petite blonde girl with a long white coat made of some kind of animal hide and a staff in her hand with a fist size yellow mana stone on top of the staff. And the last one is another girl, black hair and a bit taller than me with a brown bow in her hand, she's wearing leather armor just like David. ''Everybody introduce yourself'' David says as he pulls me closer to the other people. ''I'm Karl and I'm a fighter and a earth user. I'm usually in the front fighting head on'' he says in a deep voice that matches his build. ''I'm Sata and I'm a deviant. So I'm kind of special'' she says with a proud smile on her face. ''Sata is a healer, so if you are wounded, she'll be the one to help you'' says David. I look to the last person who is turned away from me. She is holding an arrow in her hand and holding it in front of her eyes. Is she looking to see if it's straight? ''Ehm ehm'' David clears his throat as he looks at the last member to introduce herself. ''Anna it's your turn'' he says after her ignoring his first try. ''Anna, wind, archer'' she says without looking away from her arrow. David sighs and looks at me with a weak smile ''your turn''. ''I���m Noah and I'm an assassin and a darkness user''. ''Tsk'' I hear Anna click her tongue. David claps his hand and catches everyone's attention even Anna's. ''Then let's head out. We got a day's journey ahead of us''.

The road was uneven, and I could feel it all in my tailbone as I sat in the carriage. ''The info says that it's a dungeon of arachnid species. It isn't that big of a pack, but they might have some people saved as food. So out first priority is to save them'' he says as he looks at us one by one. ''the info also says that the leader is a 6-stage mana beast. It shouldn't be too hard. Let's just do it as we always do. Karl and me in the front. Anna and Sata in the back and since this is your first time with us, Noah. I think it would be best for you to be between the fighters and the supporters. If we need help than you can jump in. But your priority should be to protect the girls''. I nod at him. I can probably do more than that. But since this is my first time fighting in a team, it would be the best opportunity to see how they fight and learn as much as I can.


A day later we arrive at our destination. We jump out of the carriage and everybody puts on their armor and we start marching towards the village. I keep an eye out for the newbie Noah and plan to do it through out our mission. Margaret put in good words for him, but I'm just not sure that he is ready to join us yet. He is after all still a teenager, while the rest of us are all in our mid-twenties. I hear the growls of monsters and the group stops. ''Where did it come from?'' Karl asks as he pulls out his hammer. ''Over there'' Noah points in the direction I was about to point in. So he is good at sensing, at least that's something. We walk a bit closer and a spider the size of a human is standing right in front of us with its back turned to us. I point to Karl and at the spider. Karl nods and silently steps closer. He starts running and the spider turns around only to get its head smashed into bits by the giant war hammer.