
The Son Of The Demon

In regardless of his race, his goal was to become the strongest amongst native cultivators. He wanted to climb up to the peak of the Martial Tao mountain and look down at everyone and everything as a god. He wasn't satisfied with his status as a prince. Not even satisfied with his extraordinary and demonic abilities alone. He had to become strong. But everyone despised him. Judging from his appearance, everyone regarded him as extremely weak. Judging from his slowness in cultivation, everyone regarded him as extremely lazy. But was that really the case? No! He was the opposite. He was extremely hard working cultivator. But why his cultivation speed was very slow? How would he overcome it inorder to achieve his goal? Would he be able to reach the peak of the Martial Tao mountain and achieve his goal?

HM_ · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs

Chapter 19 : The Man who Deserves Much Respect.

Downhearted Johan stared at Joab and said solemnly...

"No need for that, we do not deserve Honoured Prince's kindness. If he didn't wake up in time last night, he would have long died by now. How can I deserve his kindness. I don't have qualifications. Don't trouble him

Johan words were full of guilty and his tone made everyone to be on verge of crying.

"Brother Johan don't talk that way. Don't you need to see your kids? Don't you want to see father and mother for one last time?"

Joab asked, causing Johan and the others to weep in their hearts.

Their faces were ugly and not different from crying person.

At this moment, the Honoured Prince Yeli emerged with some men behind him. Catching everyone's attention.

Joab hurriedly greeted and slightly bowed to him in respect. All other men did the same.

"Our Honoured Prince, I have a request?"

Joab abruptly asked.

Yeli smiled.

"Say it"

"Please our Honoured Prince, can you let these four men to return with us to see their families for one last time before being executed? They will remain in ropes therefore they won't be a threat to your life. Just one chance please"

Joab pleaded wholeheartedly.

Yeli frowned as he asked.

"One last time?"

Joab immediately broke into cold sweat as he frantically replied.

"Yes give them a chance to see their families for one last time"

Yeli didn't say anything instead he took few steps forward past Joab. Shot a glance at Johan and the other three men and then shifted his gaze to the crowd.

No one could tell what he was thinking.

Yeli sneered and sighed.

"Hmph! Giving them another chance?"

Seeing this Joab and all the men anticipated that Yeli was not willing to give Johan and his team another chance. Thus Joab walked to Yeli and got on his knees.


"Honoured Prince give another chance, only one chance. I'm not saying that you should not punish them. But just let them see their families for one last time and after that they can be executed."

Joab pleaded.

After all, Johan and his team had been with him through thick and thin. There were all just like his real brothers. How could he not sympathise them?

Hearing this, Yeli turned around and stared at Joab.

"Punishment? what punishment? They do not deserve any punishment. What they did was the right thing. I'm the one who is wrong. I cared less about about your lives. I did the wrong thing. Johan and his team had no choice but bite the bullet and do that. Untie them right now. They are our brothers. They have been with us in both tough and good times. Why should they be executed? I don't want to lose any single life again. Untie them and don't tell this to father The King."

Yeli said, sorrow and guilty was written on all over his beautiful womanly face.

His words shocked everyone that they were rendered speechless. They hadn't anticipated that Honoured Yeli would agree to Joab's request let alone forgiving Johan and his team, the people who attempted to take his life.

If not for his quick reaction and the loud noise Joab caused he would have long died. Yet he forgiven them and even put the blame on himself.

Even Johan and his team could not help feeling extremely guilty and touched.

Joab who was kneeling in front of Yeli's, glanced at Yeli in disbelie not knowing what to do or say.

Yeli bent slightly and tapped on Joab's shoulder before saying in a gentle and hushed hushed.

"Untie them, they are not guilty"

Only then did Joab came back to his senses.

"Oh alright. Someone should untie them!"

Shouted Joab to the crowd.

Yeli himself could order but he liked to use Joab so that they should respect him even more.

After hearing this, seven men dashed from the crowd and rushed toward Johan and his team and untied them.

As soon as Johan was untied, he walked straight to Yeli.


He got on his knees and bend even more that his forehead touched the ground on close to Yeli's feet.

"You're thousand times kind than anyone else I have ever met. You really worth to be called Lord."

'Lord' was another title for kings and emperors of different kingdoms and empires including Abaki Kingdom.

By saying this Johan meant that Honoured Prince Yeli was worth to be the next king of Abaki Kingdom. He hadn't expect that Yeli who almost got murdered by him would really forgive him. It was as a dream.

Seeing this, the other three men of his team followed.

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

They all repeated the same words that the second man to bow said.

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli, the son of Honoured King Tharbera. You are really worth to be called Lord."

Another person who was not involved in the ambush followed.

This was Grandpa Masula.

Joab had already knelt a long ago. The rest found that it was a good idea to follow too.

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

"Thank you Honoured Prince Yeli the son of Honoured King Tharbera, you are really worth to be called Lord."

One after another, all men got on their knees.

Only Yeli was standing between a multitude of kneeling soldiers.

The woman looking teenager was being worshipped by a myriad of strong soldiers.
