
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs


"AHHHH" that scream was heard from everybody in hogwarts as everyone ran from the booths to the inside of the school.

"HERMIONE!" The twin of Gino yelled her name as he ran towards the library pushing through the trampling children.

In the library Hermione was already there holding a book. "I know, I've been looking ever since the match started. While everyone was looking at the game I looked up and saw the shape of a skull in the clouds. I didn't know if it was a coincidence or not so I didn't tell anyone."

"SO THERE'S A NAME FOR GINO'S DISAPPEARANCE?!" Merwin yelled as She sat down and there were 4 dusty books written by Merlin himself. "T-that's-!" He stammered while touching one of the books.

"Yes, that's the books that Merlin wrote about, he once got trapped into something like that instead of a ball it was a stone tomb it banished him to purgatory a place where the worse wizards were sent. These four books, talk about how he escaped. The tomb only traps wizards with pure Merlin blood."

Merwin covered his golden eye. "So that's why I didn't get caught in it." He muttered to himself.

"Only thing is they probably won't let us get out of the school now with all the ruckus." Hermione sighed.

"No," Merwin said sternly and stood up causing her to turn to him in curiosity. "Gino is my brother, and if Voldemort or anyone wants to kill him/control him or anything well I should be the one responsible for that." He said raising his hand for his broomstick to appear and he flew out of the open window of the library but not before grabbing the books. "I knew it." Hermione had a cocky smile as she continued researching.

Cobalts castle

"So he's planning on saving dear old brother. I gotta say, Voldemort and his lackeys did an amazing job in capturing Gino." He asked himself while looking at a mirror that spied on the hogwarts students every move.

A henchmen who was torturing the wizards spoke up. "What are you going to do about it master?" Cobalt held his wand in his hand.

"Nothing, he'll have to get to the lady of the lake and find Excalibur but it's almost impossible. First he'll have to fly almost 500,000 miles just to get to the entrance. Then he'll have to swim up to get to the guardians even if he does pass it, he's not worthy enough to pull the sword out." He smiled at the mirror. "It seems like he's been reading and he found that out."

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Merwin yelled standing on his broomstick while flying effortlessly and reading. "I can't swim to save my life, am I even worthy, Dammit hermione why didn't she stop me?!"

He continued flying for what felt like a millennia and at Dumbledore's office all the staff stood before Dumbledore who only sighed. "What do we tell the press? The world famous son of Merlin just magically disappeared? The wizarding world is declining also, someone are stealing wizards. There's been 50 missing wizard cases so far this month." Hagrid notified Dumbledore who rubbed his beard. "Not to worry, I have the finest wizards trying to open the ball." Mad-eye interrupted. "The ball isn't the problem! It's the missing wizards. We've determined that it's the death eaters but how could that ball gotten in here?" The staff wondered im silence.


Gino wandered the literal purgatory that he was in and covered his mouth and nose with his shirt blocking out the deadly . He had only been there for a day but it had seemed like his body had aged 20 years each second. He'd grown and beard and body hair. It was clear to him that he was aging rapidly but something was keeping him from dying…but what?

After about 2 hours of wondering the purgatory, he encountered different creatures and magical beast that were supposedly banished to purgatory. He balled his fist and yelled. "AHHHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream that killed the creatures and beast around him. "Where am I?" He asked himself as he passed out on the floor and the outline of a shadow appeared in front of him.