
Chapter 34: Bitter-Sweet Feeling

Noah's Pov

Zaria had stayed quiet will through the night, she even refused to sleep in my bedroom like she use to.

I was lonely and I had grown used to laying next to her.

I had gotten addicted to her being beside me through the night.

There were no more nightmares.

I could not sleep, I tossed around the bed a few times in the hopes that sleep might catch up to me.

But when I noticed it was not coming, I stood up and left the room.

As I walked through the hallway, I could not help but stop right at the door of the room assigned to Kate.

I brought my ears closer to the door and I heard no sound coming from the room.

I frowned and brought my ear closer this time.

As they touched the door, I fell into the room.

Someone has opened the door.

"Noah, what in the hell are you doing in my room?" Kate sent me a death glare.

"This is my house, remember?" I asked her while I nursed my bruised elbow.

"You are such a c*nt," She stated which got my eyes widened in shock.