
Red-eyed Dove

Today has begun like any other day in the magic academy as cliche as it sounds, it was nonetheless a calm beginning for everyone in the academy, Professor Patel began his first-class 'Contemporary magic' for the beginners, and he went on to narrate the tricks and spells being written on the book ′ Modern magic by Professor Hoffmann, while Professor Charles has taken over the detention class to teach more about the laws of magic society and the academy. The soon-to-be graduates were under high pressure as they were strenuously put under action and Master Chu had trained them on Essential teleportation and crucial war magic recently.

Papers were sprawled on the green grass groomed bed, each paper detailing the future warriors of the coven, a table was situated on the farthest corner of the garden under the tree, one leg of the table broken, with a pen dangling in the air.

Exhaling an exasperated sigh, Professor Agnez turned around to look at the tapered, extensive garden. The end of the garden was marked by the beginning of a maze, which will mark the last test that the students have to pass through. Once a student reaches the end of the maze, they will be permitted to enter the academy. Professor Agnez was solely articulating the arrangements for the upcoming test. Removing the wand bound on his hip, he swirled his hands, chanting simple spells to arrange the papers on the table as he wished.

Crouching down near the leg of the table, he placed his hands on the broken leg of the table, the torn-up wood began to clump together with each other forming a rigid texture, growing more, establishing a round firm base mirroring the other three legs as they slowly raised back to the height of the others.

"This will do, " He whispered.

Dusting over the desk, he plucked a leaf from the tree; he whistled a young boy to come over.

Following his professor's order, a young boy reached near him. He waved his hands, gesturing for him to open his palms.

As the soft, small hands opened, he placed the leaf inside the palm and asked him to curl his hand inside.

"Blow your name, will you? " He requested.

The boy brought his hands over his lips and whispered his name in the air with a smile etched on his face. The smile slowly began to fade, replacing it with panic as his little hands began to shake, and slowly the skin lining his hands started to burn. The young boy whimpered in pain.

Professor Feng turned around and glanced at the boy. Passing a mischievous smile, Mr. Feng raised both hands, waving his hands in the air which was punctuated with a few spells. But no change was observed within the young boy, Mr. Feng lowered his hands, and he passed on to his work after shrugging his overcoat on the ground, not without throwing a glance towards the boy.

The young boy's brother began to chant his own spells, known to his knowledge and forced himself to remember the spells that he learned from his parents to stop the pain, but to no avail.

A few moments later, the place echoed with a strangling noise, people rushed towards the young, who lay passed out on the grass field, hands tightly closed in fists, his brother standing wide-eyed, scared, tears streaming down his face looking at the helpless boy.

The squealing continued, despite the unconscious state of the boy. Confused whispers surrounded the air. With one long painful whimper, the boy woke up with a painful gasp continued by the rapid fluttering of feathers. Heads were thrown upwards, there a beautiful, soft feathered white dove occupied the blue sky, flapping over the sky. Circling over the sky, it landed on the very hands it was birthed, the soft hands of the young innocent pupil.

As soon as the bird landed, a swarm of people surrounding the boy gasped and pushed their way backward. The glaring red eyes of the bird caused panic in the crowd.

The eyes depicted something malicious and cunning, but also fierceness.

No one except the professor knew the sole purpose behind the red eyes that the dove withheld.

"She will be your guardian, so as you will be her. " He patted his back.

"How did you do it? " At last the boy exclaimed.

Twitching his lips in amusement, he continued, " One of the few tricks in my pockets. "

"Teach me," He exclaimed as he waved the bird away. It circled him, scaring a few people away, and finally sat on his shoulder.

"Now boy, she is your responsibility. Don't push her away, " He spoke while arranging a few papers on the farthest corner of the table. He plopped himself on the emptied space and diverted his attention to the boy.

"You will need her in the upcoming days. " He gave him a closed smile accompanied by a head nod.

"Why do I need her? " He whined.

"That's not my place to reveal, have her as your pet, train her, teach her, she will be your best friend, " Professor Feng proposed.

"I already have a best friend, my brother. " He pointed towards his brother.

"Don't you want her? " The Professor challenged.

"Yes, but why me? Why did you choose me to give the bird, there were so many people and why won't you teach me the spell? "

"Cause, You are a strong kid" He smiled.

With an exhausted sigh, the young boy withdrew himself from the conversation. He was tired from the strenuous events of the day. He turned his head towards the bird sitting on his shoulder and looked deep into the eyes of the bird that resembled his own. With a small smile, he patted her head softly.

"I have a request to make, " Professor's voice brought him back.

"Sure, I owe you one, " He replied.

"I need you to train her to cross the magic spell around this place and reach the mundane world and deliver invitations to a place which I would rather not mention now. Do you think you can do that? " The professor gently approached the matter.

"Sure, I can do that, " He replied.

"Are you sure? " The Professor prodded.

"Yes, I trust you. " The young boy beamed a smile.

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