
The so-called

Avis Simon is the eldest son of a normal family, his mother was sick more than 2 years ago, in which Avis was forced to work at night, while during the day he studied, his younger sister was a super gifted genius. In a world where powers exist, Avis had not yet managed to put his power to use, unlike his sister, who was born with two different powers, yet money was scarce and Avis needed it more than ever. ______________________________________________ the cover does not belong to me, if the author comes forward and wants me not to use his or her cover, please let me know, thank you very much.

Moon579 · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Alfred Roser

-Damn, I'm late, I overslept!

running down the street at the highest speed his legs could give him, Avis did not hesitate to jump over benches and even shorten his way through the tambourines just like a cat, only to find a sleepy Gabriela Arnis standing with him at the entrance of the place after all his effort.

-I was waiting for you.

her smile did not match her words, but when he heard her words Avis could not help looking behind him, thinking that she was talking to someone else, even so, she came to his side and smiled at him again.

The hateful looks burned in the poor young man's head, yet ignorant of all that was going on around him Gabriela began to walk beside him.

-M.. Miss Arnis, I don't think you should get together with someone of my... category-

with his own last words he lowered his head, but she raised her head to look at the ceiling, that movement caused the dark hood to come off her head, revealing her short dark hair, her pale skin and her violet eyes.

-Stop calling me Miss Arnis, that's the first thing, secondly I don't know what category you're talking about... fu!

Almost as if his personality changed 100%, his voice became lively and less sleepy, his eyes were no longer tired, they looked even more radiant.

Yet unfortunately for him, all this behavior attracted the attention of someone unwanted.

-Gabriela, what are you doing with this loser (Alfred Roser)?

She observes him if he shrugs his shoulders.

-I don't know, Alfred, you just got here.

As if it was something he was used to, he didn't mind Gloria's words, but on the other hand he gave a look of disappointment to the one who accompanied her.

-I hope you are not trying anything weird, after all you are just trash and that will never change" (Alfred Roser).

-...- (Avis Simon)

Preferring not to answer, I kept silent and Alfred took Gloria by the arm.

-Let's go, you have a reputation and status to maintain" (Alfred Roser).

Alfred took her away from the place, she gave a slight sorry look while she put on her hood, Avis understood it well, he was nobody and they were the top of the place, those who would be great people, maybe politicians or what everyone was aiming at, hunters.


the only class where everyone paid attention and no one made any noise, the hunter training class.

The lights in the hall went out, as an old man with white hair, a few days old beard, wearing a brown coat, which highlighted the metal prosthesis on his right arm, made his way into the room.


His voice, firm and clear, gave an order that no one dared to disregard.

-Good morning, Instructor William!

He looked at them slightly but then went back to the blackboard.

-Who can tell me what we saw in the previous class? (William)

-Me! (Chin)

the Asian student stood up waiting for the teacher's order to read, but only received a reprimand.

-What are you waiting for an invitation? Lee (William)?

-Yes sir! (Chin)

-In the previous class we saw the theory behind the class B monsters and how to kill them in a simple way, without risking too much, sir.

Almost dissatisfied, the professor opened an old field notebook and began to read.

-At the same time that the human being obtained powers, the animals also, the animal genetics changed us from the cells and we are also animals, all equally, even the plants received mutations, the cause is still being sought, some speculate that it was because of the anomaly that was caused by opening portals in the world, which still can not see when they happen again or how much is the threat level- (William).

the professor began to write a table on the blackboard.

-This is what we know so far, since you are planning to go to that world, you better be aware of what you are going to.

F-class monsters: those that have only increased in size and have no special abilities.

C class monsters: those that apart from increasing in size, received abilities but do not have enough intellect to use them.

B class monsters: those that have enough skills and intellect on how to use their skills, they did not necessarily change their size, in some cases they had body mutations changing their skin, adding extra legs, etc.

Class A monsters: those that have sufficient skills and intellect to use their abilities, they have also received mutations in themselves opening up the ability to adapt to specific climates or even allowing them to adapt in combat.

S class monsters: only 2 creatures have been seen that can be placed in this rank, these creatures have more than two abilities and above average intellect, apart from having changes in their body that allow them to overcome any adversity.

Dragon of flames: flame control ability and air control, superior intelligence, resistant skin, 4 meters tall, claws, wings, fangs.

nascent shadow: ability: telekinesis, control of shadows, measures 1.78cm, it is speculated that it was a person before, its composition is still unknown.

SS class monsters: only 1 creature has been seen that can be placed in this rank, these creatures have more than 3 powers, plus an intellect that allows them to communicate, more data is unknown.

World-devouring Panther: it is speculated that his powers were, energy release, camouflage, electricity, element manipulation, cloning.

The rest is completely unknown for now.

Portal class monsters: unlike the others, the portal class monsters have hardly been seen, but as their name says, they are those who have come out of portals.

orc army: green skin, tough, low intellect, over 2 meters tall, protruding fangs, superhuman strength, ample regeneration, weapons and magic control.

lizardmen: superhuman dexterity, high intellect, 1,74cm overall, night vision, weather resistance, exaggerated regeneration, weapons, magic control.

-I said in a summary, those who are from portals, have something unknown to us, they have techniques that we do not know, they also have magic, from the beginning it was thought to be a power, but they do not use magic like the legends on earth, it is speculated that our world consumed the magic of itself, but instead the worlds where they come from still have enough energy to allow magic in them, and that explains their body changes.

Everyone was completely silent while the professor analyzed them slowly.

-The next class will be practice, so you can choose your novice weapon and remember if you still want to live a normal life, have a family and be happy, you can drop out of the academy until tomorrow.

The bell had not rang yet, but the teacher had already left, before his last words the doubt went through Avis's head, the image of his smiling little sister passed over and over again in his mind.

-What should I do?