
The snakes Journey

This story is about a famous mafia underboss that is named Ray Connor, he get’s betrayed by his boss and is reincarnated as a snake. There will be no romance in this novel and the protagonist is very evil.

magnetic45 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Rebirth of evil

In new york there lives a man named

Ray Connor. He is what you would call

a infamous killer in the mafia.

He has committed all kinds of crimes from theft to murder, and he is about to get a taste of death.

As Ray is sitting in his chair he hears

someone knock on the door he says,

"Who is it?"

The man behind the door says," it's me

John, underboss.

John opens the door and tells Ray that

the boss want's to see him.

As they are on the way to meet the crime boss Ray asks," Why does the boss wanna see me?"

John the capo tells him that the boss

didn't give him the detail's. Once they

got in the building and meet the boss.

Ray asked," What happened why did you call me over boss?"

The boss says," Ray isn't it obvious to

kill you, you know you've been getting a

little to powerful for your own good.

So your going to die, to bad you were

quite the big earner.

As Ray hear's all of this, he immediately

runs for the exit but it's to late, three armed men are at the exit already.

Ray grabs the knife he concealed in his

suit grabs the John and puts it to his throat.

Ray says,"If you don't let me go, then i am going to slite his throat"

John looks at the boss with a pleading

gaze but the boss only stares at him


The boss scoffs and says," Why didn't

you try to take me hostage?"

Ray looks at the boss with a murderous

gaze and says,"As if i could take you hostage, i would be the dead one if i

tried that"

The armed men point there weapons att

Ray and the boss says," Any last words"

Ray dosen't answer and instead slits

John's throat. The armed men open fire

and turn Ray into swiss cheese.

As Ray awakens he finds himself in a

complete darkness with a weird liquid

around him, he tries to move his hands

and feet but instead feels a tail.

Even for someone like him it was hard to calm down. As he moved his body he felt

something like a wall after hitting it a few times, it craked and light got on his eyes.

After half a hour he managed to get out

only to be greeted by the dead body of a

snake. Ray was really confused he had

read a few webnovels before as a kid to

pass time, so knew that he was reincarnated.

As looked around more he saw several

other animals in the Jungle like place,

he heard running water and in the wilderness the first thing you have to find to is water to survive.

As he saw his own reflektion in the water,

what he saw made him very happy because he saw a snake, a snake with

yellow eyes and black skin. In his former

life he was quite the snake lover.

As Ray was looking at his reflektion, a

rat jumpt out of a near by bush and tried

to bite his tail.

Ray turned around and bit the rat on it's

eye, it pulled it's head back and squeakd

loudly. Ray didn't miss the chance and

bit the rats throat killing it.

A transparent screen poped up Infront

of Ray's face.

Ray said in shock,"Is this a status window!"

This is my first time writing a novel, so the

grammer may be wrong at times, but i hope you enjoyed the chapter atleast

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