
The first Beginning

It was raining. the biggest thunderstorm in history, no one can stop it.but on this night years ago a woman was running into a dark forest, the bloody forest. the women had to hide. her husband told her to run. he had secrets not even she new about. the woman was pregnant at the time and the baby was going to come soon she new it.she ran as fast as she could,as she ran all she could smell was blood. she stop for amount and to breathe and out of the corner on her eye she saw a hut. she slowly walk up to it, as she walk up to the hut it old and sturdy she knew it would last long but she needs to hurry, she thought she heard footsteps but then turned around and didn't see anything and then kept walking she thought there was eyes looking at it behind the trees. she tried opening the door and as she did those a big creaky sound it was scary but she kept moving knowing it will be more safe to hide than to be found as she looked into the hut she saw some hay on the ground and an old rocking chair in the corner of the room then look in the other corner of the hut. she stopped holding her breath knowing that there was another person in your hut or maybe two she couldn't tell but then all the sudden and she looked at them she slowly walk away from them and closes the door she went to the side of the hut and she sat down on the wall she look down trying to figure out what to do she knew she was going to be hunted any second or maybe killed. she looked up and saw a woman with black hair, black as night she knew she was going to remember that because she has never seen hair like that, the woman also held a dagger. "you will not hurt me or my child " the woman with the black hair said as she held the dagger tight in her hand. the woman on the ground shaking "my baby is coming" she said with a shaking voice. the woman with black hair pulled her hand out in front of her. "my name is Edge" the woman looked at her with her bright tired green eyes with her own sad eyes. she wanted the pain to go away, so she pulled out her hand and said painfully "my name is Rona Eline"

my frist time doing this hope you like

purplefoxgalcreators' thoughts