
The auction house

Um hi. my name is Fox... uh i am a normal girl with what used to be a normal story.

I know no one will ever read this for one simple reason. its all being wrote in my head and in my head only. But maybe it will stave off the insanity long enough for me to die peacefully.

ah. im awkward. let me explain me.

Im 17, 5'' just barley. Im a blonde with short hair that i had roughly cut with a knife before everything happened (yes i know my non existent readers want me to hurry up. but no. its my story. i run this place.)

Anyways. i have almost grey eyes and weigh probably less than 100 pounds.

yes i know that's low. I've suffered with anorexia for 3 years now. Though its mostly related to the fact that i dont eat when stressed. and im ALWAYS stressed. especially now.

Um let me explain where i am and how it happened starting from the beginning.

I left home due to my dad acting up and throwing fists again. sick of the screaming i climbed out of my window and ditched. normally i would've taken my dog. but he was downstairs and if i had called him they would've knew i was leaving and put the anger towards me.

Yes ive been hit. Yes I've been beaten and choked. it doesnt bother me any more.

Anyways, i was walking down a dirt road. it was getting late and no body was around so i didn't think much of it. all i heard was a rumble and bang! it was dark.

Now i know why i didnt have my chance to run or fight back. They used dart guns. fucking great i know.

The next thing i knew i was here. where i am is almost how id expect the inside of a pound to be. ive never visited one so i don't know for sure. But we are in a dark place plastered with concrete flooring and metal bars. white walls.... We are in small cages that only allow you to take about two paces in any direction. There are towels on the ground and a toilet in a indent in the back.

I've been here for maybe a day now. they bring in food. its not that bad from the looks of it. its a bowl with a dog food lookin mix and sometimes pieces of chicken or a egg on top. I haven't eaten any. too stressed of course. I have to admit im pretty scared. i can hear kids my age wailing and crying for there parents.

I wonder if this is god taking me away from my parents and im going to be alright?

----------------------------------------------AT THE AUCTION HOUSE--------------------------------------------

Its been a day. i haven't slept but didn't feel the need to track everything in my head so i had let my mind wander- Wait. A man walkes into the same dingy hall that my cage sits in. He seems to strut as he comes down the hall. cocky bastard aye? Thinks he can fight me?... he totally could. he seems to be around 6 foot and well built. he seems to stop in front of my cage.

"and who are you little one?" he coos at me and reaches a hand through the bars.

I back the hell up instantly with what i hoped was a disgusted look on my face.

He smirked and looked at a sign plastered on my cage that i couldnt read.

"Fox huh? cute" he gives me another smirk.

"how the fuck do you know my name?" i yell. I wanted to lunge at the bars, to claw at him or bite him. but i was a wussy and stayed in my corner.

"too bad your on sale... id love to break you myself.."


he laughed.

"you better get some sleep... tomorrow this place will be open for trainers around the world to buy untrained "pets" and break and mold them into the perfect companion." he snorts. "goodbye fox..."

what. the. fuck. what did i just get myself into by sneaking out that one day?

i curled up but knew i wouldn't sleep. I was already feeling sick from the stress and i probably looked like shit.

----------------------------MORNING OF THE AUCTION-------------------------------------------------

I jumped startled as i felt a pair of eyes on me.

"all good its alive" a young man laughed.

i must have dosed off as i could now hear people bustling around the halls and talking. mostly shaped men but also some scary looking women. I could still feel bags under my eyes and even just sitting up felt like a workout.

The boy was still staring at me with a wide eyed expression and a excited smile. I glared at him from my corner, if looks could kill he would at least be severely hurt.

"Come here Al!" The boy waved over a large man probably in his early 20's.

"you should get this one!"

The man i guessed was al' peered at me through the bars staring me up and down.

"Shes kind of skinny. and weak looking. she might just drop dead." he looked down at the boy is displeasure.

"go suck a dick. Fucking unsalted carrot" i muttered

The man suddenly stares me down confused "a what?-"

the boy is now laughing hysterically,

"fuck- please buy this one. ill pay you if it dies oh my god" hes on the floor laughing at this point and many of the people are staring his direction unapprovingly.


The man then walks off.


i sit and watch for hours as people pass by a few staring at me and then seeing how skinny i am and leaving. After a while the place is quiet and i watch as one by one men and woman enter with staff and large dog crates that they then poke and prod the other victims into entering. I guessed they were using cattle prods as they seemed to shock the others.

after a while the man named al entered with the man from the first night.

"this girls tricky yknow. she will definitly show her fangs. sure you dont want a prod?" The man aksed jokingly.

"yes im fine you can go now." al said almost bored.

The other man winked at me before leving. gross.

Taking a better look at al' he had short hair dyed a greyish-blue. He seemed to be on the taller side of 6 foot and well built. he was kind of scary. and with the condition im in im not sure i can take a hit much less fight back.

I can feel my bodies shaking worsen. I wasnt too scared as much as i was starving and on low energy.

I listened as he pushed the carrier kennel up to the door and then slid my own kennel door open. My only way out was into that kennel but i was no dog. why should i move? i stayed in my corner glaring him down.

"get in" he growled

I ignore him

"you just want to stay here then? i can get a refund and see who buys you next? hmmm? maybe they will use the prods and teach you respect early hmmm."

I shiver and my gaze becomes softer. im so tired. so so tired. i look at him and what i say next is probably the stupidest thing I've ever said. especially with the context of all that's happening.

I look straight into this mans eyes and mutter "if i come with... can i have a blanket?"

The man seems taken aback by the question but nods. "sure. a blanket"

I look at him again giving my best glare

"it has to be one of those soft blankets. really soft"

He seems like he really doesn't want me to get my way but he nods again almost destined to do this without having to fight me.

I crawl into the kennel curling up to try to contain my warmth. Its so cold. Al' shuts the kennel door and picks up the kennel. It has wheels but it didn't matter to this man as i was probably very light. I cant lie and i am ashamed to say that i enjoyed it while i was being carried in that kennel. his body had radiated heat and i was so cold. i had curled up as close to that heat as i could and i just let the heat carry my mind into daydreams of me and my dog. and what might be waiting for me out of this facility.


I came back to as i felt him set the kennel down. we seemed to be at a front desk where he was handed a bag. i heard him ask

"is there any blankets here?"

The lady smiled and pointed towards a gift shop in the corner where there were probably tons of over priced toys and clothes. i saw him point at me and the girl nodded then he disappeared into the shop. He came out a few minutes later with a large bag and what looked like a large olive green dog bed, He came back and eyed me. i stared back holding eye contact but let him win. what can i say? i felt obliged after he shopped for what i guessed was for me.

He wheeled me out to a large van and pushed my kennel into the back. The outside looked like any other store parking lot in a city. cars everywhere. even some humans being walked like pets up the road. i wonder if that was really legal here? i had heard about somthing like that a while back. Pet trade of human being legalized to reduce population and shit. but from my veiw just legalizing slavery with a bow on top.

I jumped hearing al' sigh.

"were you paying attention at all."

i shook my head no. Not at all.

He grumbled somthing i couldnt hear and then repeated himself

"im going to open the kennel. dont run, you will just be returned or killed. you were chipped as a pet when they took you. Not only that but you wont get your gift" he kept a stern gaze on me as he talked and slowly opened the door. i stayed where i sat. i wasnt stupid. in my state not only could this man outrun me but he could probably break my bones without a second thought.

I suddenly beamed inside as he pulled out a soft light sage green blanket and layed it in the kennel. i stared at his hands as he reached in and grabbed out two things. a soft looking fox stuffed animal and a green collar with my name printed on a tag a crossed it. He handed me the stuffed animal and i jumped back as he tried to put the collar on. i just ended up banging my head on the kennel.

"just let me put it on. It'll make it so you don't end up here if you get lost. I growled inwardly but decided he was already being kind so i might as well just roll with the puches. after putting it on i heard a beep.

"wait what" i almost yelled clawing at my neck. but it wasnt coming off.

"shhhh calm down. Only i can take it off. it can be scanned and tell that your mine. But dont scream. itll shock you."

I stared at him horrified but he just shrugged as if saying. welp what can you do.

He then shut and locked the kennel and shut the trunk.

i could hear him hop in the front seat and we were off.

unedited. 1927 Words!

Sorry if its a bit of a ramble.