
The Slut Chronicles

Autor: Kritika Sharma
Contemporary Romance
En Curso · 12.7K Visitas
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What is The Slut Chronicles

Lee la novela The Slut Chronicles escrita por el autor Kritika Sharma publicada en WebNovel. ‘The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed’ is a work of fiction based on a true story. It is an amalgamation of crime, thrill, mystery, romance, true-friendship, betrayal, and revenge. This one story has it all....


‘The Slut Chronicles: Betrayed’ is a work of fiction based on a true story. It is an amalgamation of crime, thrill, mystery, romance, true-friendship, betrayal, and revenge. This one story has it all. Authored by Kritika Sharma, ‘Betrayed’ is a romantic-thriller story that revolves around the mysterious life of Ishana – now a supermodel. She is one of the fiercest personalities known, but she was not like this before. She is one of those innocent souls who was subjected to a series of unexpected crimes. What she suffered in the past is the harshest reality of our society. Should a girl accept her fate, move-on, or maybe even take her life? Or should she take the most aggressive steps and avenge her honor? Betrayed, heartbroken and abused, incidences in Ishana’s life mould her to be what she is today. The fast-paced reading, with the most engrossing plot, and unexpected climaxes, this book is a page-turner and a must-read for everyone who wants to read a fresh and different story. In a broader perspective, don’t let the title fool you. This story is not of a girl with loose character, instead, it is a story of a girl who refused to lose her character. It is a story of a perfect crime that even makes the unthinkable possible. Are you ready to join Ishana in her journey? Fret not, this is going to be the most unexpected read for you…

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Before the Secrets revealed...

Rayna Issabelle Byrant, a 15 years old girl who was being killed by an unknown killer. Her family was being killed on the same day as her. She watched her family members died in front of her. She was totured badly before she died. The next day, she was able to open her eyes again but she was in a dark and black place. Suddenly, a voice asked her. "Live or die?" And she wanted to live again. When she opened her eyes again, she was back to her past. She was able to see her family once again. But nothing comes free, she had to live with another girl's soul named Ryana inside her. Which means, there's two souls inside a body. They agreed to help each other with their own request. "Help me avoid the tragedy." - Rayna Issabelle. "I want my justice." - Ryana Ilyana. And, she managed to changed her life for a better one. She knew everything from her past. Heartbroken. Betrayal. She managed to stop those things from happening again. And, her life changed. She's became closer to her sibling and became a student with a good reputation. But, to avoid her family destined death isn't that easy. And she needed to pay for it with a great cost in order to save them. Her happiness and her own life. "I can take it as long as it's for my family." - Rayna Isabella. "Promise me you won't leave me again. I can't lose you." - Zach Rayden. Her heartbreaker from her past. Will Rayna be able to avoid the incident that took their life from happening again? "Your life gonna be different from what they should be because you've changed the storyline from the beginning." - Ryana Ilyana. What will happen to her next? "Promise me, you will never remember anything about me. That's should be our last promise." - Rayna Issabelle. "I'm afraid I'm unable to do that. I will find a way to help you no matter what happened." - Zach Rayden. With that, Zach helped her to find the truth about her. And that's when, those secrets revealed...

Hironaka_Mitsuko · Fantasía
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2 Chs


穿书前,风午悦是华夏异能界老大,天之娇女,众星捧月。 穿书后,风午悦是新婚夜与野男人私奔结果被正牌夫君一锤子爆头的小炮灰。 风午悦表示:扶我起来,我还能活。 白得了一个死咬她不忠的夫君也没什么,甩了就是。 可……这男人好像是书中大反派!差点全灭主角团的那种!偏激狠毒心里有病! 宗持:“想甩了本王跟别的男人跑?你活腻歪了。” 风午悦:“你把刀放下。” “怕了?” “不是……你的刀扎着你自己了。” “要你管!你发誓,说你只爱本王一个,不离不弃,别的男人都该死。” “……” “不说?那本王捅死自己。” “?” 这都什么跟什么? 风午悦脑壳痛,这日子没法过了。 * 他曾权倾天下,独揽朝政,肆意妄为,也曾身陷囹圄,失去一切,卷土重来,可赢也好输也罢,得不到风午悦,他死不瞑目。 没有人懂,她是他灵魂归处,哪怕粉身碎骨,也要全力拥抱。 ——宗持 她娇弱难养不好伺候,因为心疾难医;也强大果决杀伐天下,因为异能傍身;后来也坐享似锦繁花,岁月无忧,因为宗持拿命宠她。 他爱穿红衣,比血妖冶比火热烈,她看久了,也就变成她心头朱砂。 有时候想一想,她脆弱的心上竟要承载那么重的他,就好气哦。 ——风午悦

臻棠 · Integral
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293 Chs


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