
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Roses and Home

*Sienna's POV*

*Chapter Warning Rated R Content*

We stayed together in the bed all night. Resting, cuddling and being playful. I gave him many kisses, too. He enjoyed feeling my body, and chatting. Finding out each other's likes and dislikes. I told him about my nickname of being rabid, due to biting people who were very mean to me. I got it from Baas and Bellam. We also tended our mysterious eggs.

We got up at dawn, and moved one of the bookshelves to begin the expansion. Unsure of how to do it, I summoned Gnome, Undine, Salamander and Dryad. I asked them for their advice, and showed them the plans. Dryad noted the types of rooms and asked about furniture. I told him I wasn't sure bout it. He'd smirked in a boastful manner and told us to leave it to him. He and his folk would work on something and bring it tomorrow. I thanked him, graciously. He gave my cheek a kiss before poofing.

Undine griped about it, stomping her feet angrily. Salamander laughed at Undine, and Gnome was grumpy. I laughed helplessly at the situation. I looked at Plight and told Undine I liked him very much, which distracted Undine from the tantrum. When I gave Plight a kiss, Undine gushed about how we were gonna get married and she'll make it rain that day so that we'll be blessed forever with bliss.

Salamander looked grumpy now, and Gnome asked if we were going to live here together. I nodded and said that we were. With that Gnome looked at the plans more carefully and then started speaking with the other two about how to do it best.

Plight seemed quite entertained by them. I smiled at him and told him that even though I have difficulty making friends with people, spirits love me quite a bit. Undine taught me to get even with people who've been cruel to me.

All at once, the three remaining spirits agreed on a course of action, and asked for me to play, lending them my mana, like yesterday. So, I took out my lute this time and played it. Dancing, the spirits got to work, in unison, Gnome and Undine worked together on the rock wall, to soften it and remove it, then Salamander baked the walls, making it more solid, but also leaving it covered in ash.

Curious, I asked them while they worked why they did it this way, together they summoned yakshis and flower devas. I wasn't familiar with them, but they spoke briefly before setting about bringing light and plants to life within the rapidly expanding family room.

I was surprised, and thanked their help, realizing the yakshis were blessing the area of their own power, along with the flower devas. Amazed, I explained to Plight what the new spirits were, and represented. The yakshis embody fertility and prosperity, and the flower devas are beings of light that unlock powers of plants and flowers for healing. They were blessing the place that we called home, together.

I felt touched by the sentiment, Undine's greedy and doesn't like giving to others, but she'd made a deal with these new spirits to brighten and bless the home.

This continued for several hours. Undine got bossy towards Plight, even changin their language to common to direct him on what he should be doing. There were metal ores that they'd uncovered while removing earth, and they needed those mover out or they'd have to call Aura, and they didn't want to do that. Cause Aura would have to use my mana, too.

Plight was fine being directed by the little spirit. I decided I shouldn't tell him that Undine is also known to drown those who irritate her. With the way lights were being created in these spaces there would be no need to light torches or the like.

The best part about the new spirits was that there was no need to air this area out because it smelled fresh and wonderful, not earthy, muddy, or burnt at all. Undine made an endless waterfall where I'd changed Sarial's plans to make a kitchen. Fresh water would always be available from there.

Yesterday making the farmland had shook the Earth violently, today, with Undine and Gnome working together, and without Dryad moving things about, there was no quacking of the Earth. The drain on my mana was also considerably less, though I was still tiring.

The bag man was listening to the music, though not coming out. Just watching curiously, seeming to enjoy the music. Perhaps when the expansion is complete, I will head to Bibs and try out mother's songs that she played with Alexander. I could summon my mother with her true name, just like I do with Undine, but I considered it rude.

Around lunchtime I was out of mana completely, and the spirits returned for the day. I wasn't completely exhausted today, because it wasn't a fast pace drain, they'd taken their time. But I was fiercely hungry.

The spirits had completed the family room, the kitchen, Sarial's hallway and bedroom, along with the eventual nursery room, and the wing that Plight and I would rest in. We looked over their handiwork, impressed.

I told Plight that I was very hungry, so we went out of Sarial's home, locking it behind us, as we'd been directed to, then headed to Dueling Rivers for a meal, rather than have the meal there, since supplies were limited currently.

A girl, Inari, made inquiries about Sarial at the Inn in Dueling Rivers, where we'd gone to eat. We explained she's at the Capital for the moment due to some business with the nobility there. She accepted the explanation, glad she was fine and alive.

We told her about Hearthstone Town Sarial had created and is beginning to run nearby. She'd heard some random things bout it, but not much. Just that Dueling Rivers economy had drastically changed since Sarial had begun paying people in town to work for her.

Honestly, I was impressed with Sarial. She had a goal, and even from a distance, was actively working towards seeing it done. I was proud to be a part of it, even if my contribution was just to make her home pleasant. Which reminded me, I need to put the glyph on the entrance.

Once we'd finished lunch, I asked to see the shops again. So we went to the square first. I bought a few yards of different colored cloths. To play around with, mostly. I figured I'd make some dolls for the kids. I bought some buttons, too. We went to Tibin's briefly. I was able to get an item from his place that would put soft filling into the dolls.

Pleased with my purchases, we started heading back to town. We heard a child scream from the woods on the right side of the road to Hearthstone Town. Running in that direction, we came across two ogres and an orog with one about to clobber a small child. They were still 40 feet ahead of us, the raised club descending, I stopped moving and pointed at the child, using my Spring ability to teleport the child to me, just in time for the club to smash the area they'd been. Plight had continued running forwards, though I don't think he saw the child get teleported, he'd drawn his weapon and attacked the ogre who'd tried to attack the child.

He hit it, dodged the orog, and bashed the ogre again. I strung my bow, telling him I have the child, they are fine, and fired an arrow into the ogre, trying to help him bring them down, systematically. Both ogres hit him pretty hard, he suggested we leave, so I picked up the child, teleported Plight to me, and we started to run to the road. By some way of luck, we reached the road as the ogres caught up to us, they were faster, Alexion was there looking for the child.

Seeing the ogres upon us, he reacted, casting Destructive Wave, as the orges clubbed Plight and I. I'd barely managed to shield the child, but that ogre hit shattered my shoulder. I'd cried out and dropped to my knees as Alexion's magic swept past Plight and I, maiming one ogre, and killing the other. Alexion jumped over me, meeting the orog's axe with his sword.

Plight, worried, healed me. I just barely was able to cast the cantrip Firebolt at the ogre. Alexion killed the second ogre. The orog swung at Alexion, which didn't get past his shield. Plight hit the orog with his hammer, I managed another measly firebolt, and Alexion finished the orog off.

Alexion turned to us then, frowning at Plight, then at me. "You are a bard. That means long distance fighting, and, mostly spell casting. Are you senseless? Do you have no spells again? Why would you run to a fight without your spells?"

"Why was there a need for a fight? Why was there a child running loose in the forest with no attendant?" Plight argued.

I simply checked the child for injury, I know Alexion is just worried.

"Children wonder off. People back at town weren't as vigilant as they should have been. That will be corrected. The world is dangerous, as you should know, Plight. This does not change that you both endangered yourselves. Saving someone is noble, but not if you lose your lives in the process." Alexion said.

"I would always prefer to try and save someone than watch them die and do nothing." Plight said.

"That makes you a dangerous and careless ally. Those who fight with you will follow, especially my sister, regardless of her condition. Do you understand?" Alexion glared at him. "Your choices impact the world around you. They directly impact Sienna."

"Alexion, I know you were scared to see me and Plight injured, and I know you mean well.. But a hundred times over, I'd run to save a child. Just like Plight and I did. We also managed to get help, you." I said, "And look, this child fainted away. So we should bring them back now. I will be more mindful about the use of my mana. But please do not blame Plight, ok?"

Plight shook his head, and turn back to me and the child to examine us. The child didn't need healing, but I was still injured, so he healed me the rest of the way. Then he said, "Alright, we should get back and get this child somewhere they can rest."

Alexion shook his head and said, "Very well." He helped us both to our feet. "Walk ahead, I will watch your backs."

With that, we returned to the entrance. I took the glyph out and had Alexion apply it. It didn't take long, Alexion led us to Eluvian, who had sent him looking for the child. Emel saw us with the child, the bloody clothes, and scolded the guards, saying that this was why they were expected to be vigilant. One child had gotten lost, as children are prone to do, but because they were lax because they have easy lives provided by adventurers that Plight and I got clearly quite injured, which means the child could have died. Since lives were at risk if they failed, not just themselves, that they needed to step up and do better.

Hearing all that, Alexion didn't even scold them. He just nodded and agreed with Emel, saying vigilance is key with so many children about. Sarial's friend Dean, had approached during this, smiling coldly.

"Yes, well. The problem is that every child here is one of Sarial's people, and she tasked you all to train to guard her people. You've failed. Which is highly punishable, and that is my task. However, since the child came back no worse for wear.... I will take over training you guards-to-be. If you aren't up for it, I suggest you take up farming." Dean said. "When Sarial arrives you all will be worth something."

Eluvian took the child from me, she said, "Thank you, Sienna, Plight and Alexion, for finding this one." She started to walk away.

Dean looked at Eluvian and said, "You are the Matriarch, Eluvian, aren't you? My task includes helping you and yours adjust to life here and training them, as well."

He then started speaking in phrases that made no sense whatsoever. But Eluvian got what he was saying, and replied in a similar fashion. Then nodded to what he said in return and walked away. Dean then started giving orders to the guards about making shifts. The rest, he'd said are going to train... his way. Alexion offered to help, but Dean refused him saying religious people are annoying.

Plight said he was gonna go talk to people, I nodded and started to play some music. A few of the dwarven workers briefly came by to listen, but mostly it was kids and disabled adults that came to listen. Few people didn't seem to want to speak to Plight, but majorally, he was well received.

I continued to play for quite some time before Alexion approached me and told me he'd write the sending spell for me, since I could cast it. He'd remembered it. I told him there was paper and ink in the bag. He'd retrieved the things and wrote it out. I said I'd try it out if we get Alexander out of the bag at any point.

Towards the time dinner was being served, I ran over to Plight, jumping up to wrap my arms around his neck and giving him a big kiss. Which he happily returned and said, "Hi."

A few men expressed jealousy while heading for dinner. Another man smacked his back and congratulated him on his catch.

"Did you have fun chatting?" I asked.

"I did. I met several very interesting people, and dwarves." Plight answered.

"Excellent. It seems there are some people jealous of you." I tell him.

"Oh? Why are they jealous?" Plight asked, legitimately confused.

Dean was passing by, overheard, and said, "Oh, it wouldn't be because you have a petite elven lady wrapped around you. Not at all."

Plight blushed and said, "Oh. They should be."

Dean said, "Am." While walking away shaking his head.

I laughed and kissed Plight again.

He smiled again and said, "What are we doing for the rest of the day?"

"I don't know. Alexion gave me the sending spell, he'd remembered it." I told him.

"So should we head to Bibs, then?" He asked.

"I suppose we could try and see. I thought bout Sarial's suggestion.. Should we tell Alexion to follow? He seems to be enjoying the humans company." I noted, looking towards Alexion, who sat with some guards eating dinner.

"Oh wait. We can't get in right now." Plight said.

"We can't?" I asked.

"The gates are closed by now." Plight said.

"Oh. Well then, shall leave town and summon my tower? We can bathe and read the night away." I suggested. "We can also try and lure Alexander."

"Alright. That sounds like a lovely night. Much better than spending it on the woods." Plight nodded.

I released him, sliding down his body to my feet. "Let's go, then!" I said, taking his hand and heading out. He held my hand and followed willingly.

After we exited, we crossed the bridge that he and Sarial had made, and headed to the right off the road. After walking for twenty minutes I summoned the tower. First floor Kitchen, empty room. Second bedroom, bathroom. And third floor study. I elected to try to lure Alexander, first. So I entered the empty room, opened the bag, and set it down.

"Are we ready?" I asked Plight.

"I believe we are as ready as we can get." Plight answered.

So, I sat a foot from the bag, and took out my lute, and started up the song of my home, Tir Na Nog. After a moment, a hand reached out of the bag and began to tap to the beat of the song.

Once that song ended, the being climbed out of the bag and stared at me, our pendants, the Elven Kisses, flared to life shining brightly, as he managed the single word, "More."

Staring at the greatly large and bizarrely lanky creature, I set down the lute before myself, took out the viol and began to play a song mother adored. Because she'd sang it with Alexander. I couldn't have played it more perfectly if I tried.

He sat on the ground staring at me, hair covering his face, occasionally plucking at a lute string in perfect sync with the song. When the song completed, he began to weep and said, "No more." And began to try and climb back into the bag.

Panicked, I sprang forth and snagged the bag, closing it. I shook my head at him, clutching the bag to my chest. Not knowing what to do, as he reached for the bag, he hesitated, then dropped to the floor, curling up into the fetal position.

I hummed a brief tune, casting Sending. I felt it connect, as he reached for my lute and began playing that song again, slowly, depressed. Plight had stood next to me, then sat and hummed a melody I didn't know to him- to Alexander.

<"Amilessë, I believe I have found Alexander, I know it is rude, but may I summon you to the Mundane? He is warped.. heartbroken."

"You've gone to the Mundane? Yes, summon me. I will bring you home.">

I wasn't worried bout her doing so, not once she got here. I said her true name three times in a row, and she appeared. Approaching me, then stopping, seeing her necklace glowing. She blinked, then registered the room and looked down at the creature and Plight.

Without speaking a word to either of us, she leaned down, and smoothed the hair from Alexander's face that was distorted and weeping.

"You sweet man.... What have you done?" Mother asked him, turning a wintery blue.

She drew him up, glancing around, then pulled him with her outside. She walked several yards away before stopping. Drawing his face to hers, she pressed her forehead to his, he didn't fight her. Waves of cold and death surged from around them, as Mother drew on the very life around her to power the magics she was beginning to use.

Soon, the area around them froze, trees crumbled to ash and the ground turned black as Plight and I watched. After several more minutes passed, a flash of light shot up from them and dissipated. They collapsed.

"Mother!" I cried out, alarmed, and ran to them. Tears forming in my eyes, as I slid next to her in the dead zone. Plight had ran with me, checking on Alexander, who was a tan, beautiful blonde man once more.

Once we'd made sure they were breathing I wept with relief. "Let's bring them inside. There's a bed room above the kitchen."

Agreeing, Plight lifted my naked father up, and I lifted my mother. We carried them inside, up the steps, and laid them together in the bed. Alexander still had my lute clutched within his fingers, and I didn't mind that at all. Plight left some of his extra clothes on the nightstand for Father when he awoke.

With that done, we'd left the room. We'd gone into the kitchen. Unsure what to do, but wanting, needing, to give the unconscious estranged couple privacy, I resummoned Galdur's Tower next to this one. A simple layout. Study, bathroom, and bedroom. We had a snack in this kitchen, before heading to the second tower.

There, I cast Sending to Alexion. Once it connected, I told him Mother was here, and she'd recovered Alexander. They were both unconscious. I'd let him know when they awoke.

I summoned Baas and Bellam outside, asking Bellam to keep an eye out for anyone coming near. I then let Baas inside the first tower, asking him to watch over Mother. They'd agreed to their duties willingly. Only with Baas fussing about not being around for me so much here.

Plight and I took a moment to calm down in the study. I suggested we take a bath together, to relax. He agreed, and we headed into the bathroom. I worked on filling the tub, while Plight waited sitting on the bench.

Once the bath was full, I directed him to strip and get in. As he did so, I also stripped. Then I got in sitting in between his legs and leaning back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me in response.

After ten minutes of relaxing, I reached for the soap and began to lather Plight up. I was deep in thought about what all had occurred thus far. "I wonder when they'll wake." I said in a soft voice.

"I'm not sure when they'll wake.. but I am sure they'll be fine. They should wake soon." Plight assured me.

I kissed him, wrapping my arms around him, "Yes. I believe you."

He would smile and said, "I hope you do, I always try to tell the truth."

I hugged him, getting us both sudsier. "I'll wash your hair, do you want me to massage your scalp?" I asked him.

He blushed a little and said, "Your massages are very good, so yes, please."

I giggled, rinsed us off, and got the shampoo. I then raised onto my knees to reach his head easier. Working the shampoo into his hair, I gently worked my fingers in firm, slow circles. Once I'd worked over every inch of his scalp, I rinsed his hair, mindfully not getting any in his eyes.

With such calm peace filling his eyes, I gave him a soft kiss. "You are truly handsome, Plight." I tell him.

"And you are truly gorgeous." He said, before kissing me.

I giggled joyously and snuggled to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, so I wrapped my legs around him. To give us both the full skinship we desired. This position also led me to the realization that he had a very solid and pressing issue.

I giggled and moved my hips a bit and said, "Is it uncomfortable?"

He blushed and said, "It feels like it could burst."

Feeling unmerciful, I pressed a kiss to his neck. And said, "My sweet darling Plight."

He groaned slightly, and squeezed my body. "You must be evil." He said in my ear.

"Am I?" I asked him, "Mm. That's throbbing."

"And to think I was so relaxed just moments ago, " He said, "I am all tense again."

I kissed his lips, rubbing his chest with my hands. His hands started rubbing at my thighs, that were still wrapped about his waist. Then they move around to cup my bottom, before rubbing my hips, back and resting about my shoulders. My cheeks flushed lightly, and I showed him a smile.

He returned the smile, then kissed me. I tucked one of my hands into his hair, deepening the kiss, with a soft moan as my other hand cupped his jaw. His hands went straight back to my hips, and gripped them. His control shredded, he raised his body up onto his knees. The new angle gave him full access to enter me, and he did. Slamming his hips forward on pure instinct.

It was incredibly painful, as he thrust inside me. Then a heat enveloped my body, and breathy moans began to come from me as the pain dulled into an incessant, throbbing need. All I could do was wrap my arms about his shoulders and hold onto him. My shoulders were braced against the rim of the tub, his hands still bracing my hips. Water splashed from the tub with every frantic thrust of our bodies.

Just when this tension, this undying need, that was building within me felt like it'd drown me, my world shattered, with a cry. With a deep growled moan, Plight also climaxed. His hands moved around me, holding me tightly as we panted and throbbed together.

Still panting, I rubbed his jaw. He kissed my lips. "Are you alright? I am sorry for losing control again." He said, breathlessly.

"I am fine." I told him, "The first time hurts for women, it's natural."

"Still... I should not have lost control... It could have been dangerous." He said, withdrawing from my body, though he still held me.

"How so?" I asked, wincing slightly at the removal. I was very tender.

"Losing myself has never ended well for me." Plight said.

I kissed him and said, "I think that was a little different from what you are used to. I hope."

"Yes.. it.. definitely is different. And wonderful." Plight agreed.

"You aren't remorseful?" I asked, anxiously.

"Only for the fact that it is over." Plight said.

I looked at him shyly, blushing, "Elves have sex for bonding purposes. We can do it again, as much as you'd like. But it seems a bit messy, to do this here. The water has escaped."

He looked around and said, ".. I agree. It has escaped the tub."

I giggled and said, "Let us try the bed next time, hm?" As I started to stand my legs shook as though I'd ran for miles without stopping. Plight's hands steadied me and helped me stand to leave the tub.

"Are your alright? Your legs seem shaky." Plight asked, frowning.

"Yes, it seems like the activity used very different muscles than I am accustomed to using. It feels like if I ran a marathon, only I am very energized." I told him. "What about you?"

"I do seem to be sore in a few places, but recovering quickly." Plight noted.

I got us towels and wrapped one around myself. Then, I felt an odd sensation between my legs, moved the towel, and looked. An odd mixture of a little blood, and mostly ejaculation, was running down my thighs. I blushed furiously at the realization, wrapping the towel back around myself.

"Are you sure you are ok? I smell blood." Plight asked, concerned.

"Yes, Plight. I am fine." I tell him. I then explained to him in more detail about a woman's first time and what that entails.

"Ah. Mm. Thank you... For the further explanation." Plight said uncomfortably.

I offered him a towel when he got out of the tub. "Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yes, I feel the first time for a man is .. far easier." He said.

"That's ok. It is just how nature decided it should be. It should not hurt like that again now. So don't worry, ok?" I hugged him.

"Ok." Plight said, hugging me back. He tilted my head back slightly, so he could kiss me. I happily returned it.

"What do you wish to do now?" I asked him.

"I suppose we should get to reading." He said.

"What would you like to read?" I asked.

"I am not sure, whatever is available?" Plight said.

"Alright." I nodded to him. I cleaned myself up, we dressed, and headed down to the study. We spent the rest of the night browsing what options were there.