
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Failure or Reunion

*Arity's POV*

"What about noise?" Sarial asked. "Everything is stunningly quiet down here, and dark. Can't that be used to our advantage?"

"Potentially. What seriously bothers me is that there are over a hundred people for two women and a lion. It makes no sense." I said.

"Understanding why someone pursues you comes after you stop them." James said.

"I can be curious, regardless, James. I can multitask." I replied.

"Might be best to keep moving and see if you can find something that could be of some strategic use." James said.

I chuckled a little. "It's ok to say you have no advice. If I can't figure something out, I'll default to my original plan. We can work with environmental anomalies, for sure. I could potentially use Center of Attention, too."

"What's that?" Dia asked.

"A psionic ability." I answered, "It makes it very difficult fo pay attention to anyone else. The problem with being able to do so much, is that I forget what I can do sometimes."

"If you can keep enough of a distance, I know you have the ability to tamper with ones mind. Given enough time, you could make them incapable of fighting. Try to figure out the leader, start with them." James suggested after a moment.

"I can send the Wondering Eye back to watch them. If there were at least twenty less and no demon, I could readily handle them." I replied. "We have, from Sarial's estimations, over a thousand miles we need to traverse. If they aren't attacking in the next hour, I'll try messing with their heads. That would leave me limited should a fight occur, though."

"I would suggest digging in the minds of the leaders and see what they are after." James suggested.

"I can work on that, but it can't be my priority. I just hope they remain the main problem. Maybe I could lead them through a dragon's territory." I commented.

"That far down you will be limited on selection of dragon, but an obsidian may be possible." James said.

"Gem dragons do like the Underdark. We'd have to find a very hot area, I don't think the map indicated any such place. Sapphire may be a better bet, they're just as territorial." I shrugged.

"Yes, but prone to be more violent. Either way, it should take care of the problem." He said.

"That sounds like a reasonable strategy..." Sarial said in a light tone, "Said no one sane ever."

"A sane plan is hardly ever effective." Dirthin said.

"My plans tend to work out," Sarial pointed out, "I'd argue that I may not be entirely sane, but my plans are."

"I'm not here to argue about the sanity of your plans. Either way they work." Dirthin said. "Will this dragon plan work?"

"No idea. It involves either hunting a dragon, which is likely to side track us from the fastest route to you all, or we just 'luckily' stumble across ones lair while they're close enough to care. I'd argue there are more dragons down here than up there... it's a long shot. It'd work, I have more than enough treasure and gold to bribe any kind of dragon, just dunno if we'll happen along one." I explained.

"And there is no way to bring one to you without bringing the rest of the Underdark to you." He said.

"I have a scroll of tarrasque summoning that Sarial didn't want me to destroy." I say in a half joking manner.

"I sincerely hope you have no intention of using that. I have kept my brother from hunting that for years." James said.

"You ass, I knew you were stopping me." Dirthin said.

"Oh, come on, James. With me at his side a tarrasque is cub's play." I grinned.

"That is something you two can find out later." James said. "Summoning such a creature in such a confined space is guaranteed to kill all of you."

"Don't have a hairball. I know my limits." I rolled my eyes. I floated the Wondering Eye back to watch them.

"In the current situation I will let that slide." James said.

"And I'll ignore that. Fair is fair." I said.

"Hey, let's not, ok? Pretty sure if Tyra decided she didn't care for Uncle so deeply after all she could do as she pleased and you wouldn't find her till she decided to let you. I'm positive I am holding her back." Sarial said.

"Alright, I'll yield. I apologize." I said, my ears lowered remorsefully looking at the girl. "I won't abandon you. Or hurt you."

James ran his hand over his face and said, "I believe we're all a little stressed. I'll apologize as well."

"Thank you both. I understand both of you on this, Dad doesn't like to be teased, especially not cat themed. Tyra has been awake this entire time with her senses heightened so that she can predict the future. It's been what? Two to three weeks?" Sarial said. "I understand that it's been hell on you all, too, but she's literally carried me since I've been down here. She hasn't complained once, either. And no, I see that look in your eyes, Tyra, it's not your job."

"It- you aren't a burden." I said. "A challenge, sure, cause you're hard headed, but I don't see you as something I need to be rid of."

"I am glad you two get along so well." James said.

"Hard to not." Sarial said.

"Haah, anyways, been lovely to chat. I need to focus, so we'll be ending the communication now." I sighed.

"Yes. We should be focusing on what our tasks are. Stay safe you two." James agreed.

"Right. I'm gonna get to rounding up people and get them prepared for the Underdark. Well, as prepared as I can get them." Dirthin said.

"See you soon." Sarial said. And I ended the communication. I offered to let her contact Mills, she hesitated. Then accepted, she did want to speak to her lover, if he was awake..

I set it to Mills' device and handed it to her, then pressed the button. A couple of breaths later, he answered the device.

"Mills." Sarial said. "How are you?"

He looked a bit better in the display. "I am doing far better I had a nice nap."

"Must you come down here?" Sarial asked.

"And why wouldn't I?" He asked in return.

"It's exceptionally dangerous, and I have an ultra powerful feline with me." Sarial said.

"Which is precisely why I will be there to get you out." He replied.

"Haah. You're impossible. Like Dad and Tyra almost getting into a cat fight." She complained.

Mills chuckled and said, "They almost got into a fight?"

"Yeah, Dad scolded her over a scroll of tarrasque summoning, and she told him to not have a hairball, so he said he'd let that one slide and she responded that she'd ignore that to be fair." Sarial summarized.

"Goodness. Sounds like if they were in the same room they would have come to blows." He said.

"That would be interesting, because I'm sure even with what all Dad can do, it wouldn't matter because Uncle would end it." She replied.

"That is not a fight I'd want to be anywhere near." He commented.

"Nor I. They both apologized after I scolded them." She smiled.

"You are such a brave woman." He said.

"I'm not. To be honest, we owe Tyra a lot. When we'd first ended up down here... it was incredibly painful as I was losing our baby. Tyra kept that from happening, and it took a lot out of her to do." Sarial confessed.

"And I'd give her the world if I could for that. I don't think she'd want it, though." Mills replied.

"I'm not necessarily scared, but I do understand the danger. I think I'm done with adventure." She told him. "I just want to be home with you and the baby."

"We will make that happen." Mills promised.

"We gotta make a room for Dia, too." She said, tearing up. "He's had a tough life so far."

"Once you're all home we'll have to show him the moon." He replied.

"Definitely." Sarial agreed. "Uncle's rounding people up now. We're being followed by a small army."

"The poor bastard's don't know who they're tailing." He said.

"Tyra surely plans to sacrifice herself if they attack." She informed him. "She and Dad hope we come across a dragon to bribe."

"I'm not a particular fan of either of those plans, but I suppose out running them isn't an option." He frowned.

"They've dogged us since we left a city." She sighed.

"Just had to be the Underdark you're stuck in. Could have whisked you both away otherwise." He also sighed.

"I miss you. Any news on the town?" She asked.

"I miss you, dreadfully. And last I heard, the town is doing very well. I believe Dean has instructed the dwarves to make something known as a 'water slide'." He told her.

"I knew he was the right one to bring in. I'm just concerned how he'll behave over you and I. I'd originally intended to keep things quiet, but I don't think it's appropriate anymore." I sighed. "I need paper. Do we have paper?" I nodded. "Excellent. We do. That city gave me ideas. I will write them out and send them to Alberich."

"If he has feelings for you, then yes, it's inappropriate to try and keep him in the dark." Mills agreed. "What kind of ideas are you wanting to share with Alberich?"

"He, the Dwarves really, wanted to expand the lower part into a city, that deep hole, I've got ideas for it now, as well as playground ideas, and a militant training facility. I should consider a proper school building, too." Sarial said.

"Schools are important." He said. "Is the training area for your guards, or are you planning on making an army?"

"A militia. It's harder to victimize a group of people if they are well trained." Sarial said. "Majorally, I want our guards to be better than the Capital's. Which would work better if I could get Haril on board. Fat chance of that."

"Well, I could always try to talk to him once we get you home." He said.

"If you want to. I figured I'd try to talk to him, just to see. I'd offer him triple his current salary, which is hardly anything." Sarial told him. "What'd be better is if I could snap Adelaide out of her rage and get her to come to our town."

"It would be good if we could get your mother on board." He said. "But I believe it would take you talking to her directly to get that to happen."

"Yeah. Maybe I can talk to the Sultan to get an audience with her. I can't fight my way to her currently." Sarial said.

"Yes... Definitely not." Mills agreed. "Should we focus on that first?"

"Plight had said he'd go with me to see her... He's got some new priorities now, so it isn't bad for you to do it. Plus, appeasing her rage will help the baby. So they won't also experience it." Sarial replied.

"Well, hopefully we will be able to talk to Greggor and get the item to prevent the transfer." Mills said.

"I'm not really concerned with it anymore. Adelaide could help with that, too. With learning about it." Sarial said.

"True, she has had many more years of experience." Mills nodded.

"You should get ready to go, Sweetling." Sarial said.

"Yes, I.. should get ready. It's just very hard to stop talking to you." Mills said.

"I love you, too. Which is why I'd rather you not come down here, but also why I understand why you are." Sarial replied in a gentle voice.

He looked sad, "I love you, as well. I will... go now."

"Take care or I'll let Uncle beat you up." She said.

"Or, think of it this way, if I get injured it's your Uncle's fault." he replied.

She laughed before ending the call. She began writing letters to people, the first being to the Dwarven elder Alberich, which included drawing up schematics for a city-esque expansion for the lower part of her town. With ways to improve a functioning training facility in the right wing of her town. The library would be expanded, too. She included a playground, inspired by the one we'd seen. And finally, a school building. A spark had come back into her eyes as she wrote out her plans. She'd included that she'd been kidnapped but is finding her way home, though slowly. She added a thousand gold as a deposit towards beginning.

She wrote to her littlest brother next. She asked him what he thought of opening a business in her town. She knew he was bored, and thought he'd be interested in potentially looking into starting one there. She wasn't sure what he'd want to do, but she was willing to help him in any way he may need. She asked him to think it over, and consider carefully before she got home.

She wrote to Dean and thanked him for all he's done so far. Told him where she'd ended up, and that she would be back as soon as she could. Sent with his letter a solid two thousand gold. She included a copy of the play ground schematics and informed him he has a chance to leave if he wants, she's pregnant and going to run the town with the father. She hoped he'd continue to help her, but she knew that was unfair to him.

The next letter she sent out was to Ivan. She detailed what she'd sent to Alberich, explained where she was, and what'd happened. Then she thanked him for his continued efforts, and mentioned she may have obtained a brilliant merchant for the town, but she'd have to see about it when she returned. She included that if she should die instead of make it back, that she'd like the council to watch over the town and establish a voting system to elect the people's representative. Should she live, she'll tend that position. She asked him to share the news with the council if they aren't aware.

She sent a letter to her mother, comforting her as much as she could. Asking her for a special treat when she gets home. She'd sent the letters via and attachments via Dia. It was good practice. As to where she'd gotten ahold of these funds, I let her have full reign of the gold I'd accrued over the years. It was doing me no good, and the girl needed the funds.

It took two more full days for them to make their move. When they did, Dia and I roared. The cavernous cave system rattled even our ears, but I jumped onto Dia's with Sarial and he took off like lightning. We bounded along for miles. After half a day, we slowed up. Dia desperately needed a rest. I was keen to let him take it. Once he'd fallen asleep, we waited.

I'd left the Wondering Eye with them and began watching and trying to find out information about them. They remained quiet and tight lipped. I tried needling into each of their minds, to start fights among them and unsettle them. However, they seemed to be ready for Underdark creatures, who often have psionic abilities. Most were blocked from my tampering.

It took him around an hours nap to wake up. Still, he felt tired. But we couldn't linger any longer. We set forth once more. Sarial was walking with us, giving Dia a bit more of a break. I was slowly beginning to look forward to seeing Dirthin in person. I planned to tackle him with everything I'm worth. I decided I absolutely wanted to belong to him for as long as I live.

It took another day and half before the signs of the followers caught up to us. Having noticed them just before I had, Sarial had drawn and strung the bow and shot before I fully registered what had occurred. She'd dropped three of them. This caused them to back off a bit. But soon they were emboldened once more, and returned fire. I took out my ability amplifier and altered the terrain making Walls of Wood that they'd need to pass through. After throwing eighteen walls up, I stopped bothering. That'd keep them busy, or it wouldn't.

Two more days and we encountered them again. They came for blood on sight. This one was beautiful. I used my mastery of darkness and light to create Darkness immediately overlapped with Light. The effect was that those who could magically see through the Darkness that darkvision couldn't touch were blinded by the radiant unforgiving Light that had been masked by the darkness. To add to it, I summoned Shadow Beasts to maul them once they'd recovered.

The bulk of them caught up the next day. Seeing that they were prepared, I told the two to get ready to run. We'd try to speed sway again. I tried to mass plant delusions in their mind with my ability enhancer, but I felt the Delusion fail. I tried a few other tricks, no success. So I turned to light. They remained unhindered. A few attacked. I fended off the attacks.

Cursing, I hopped onto Dia's back with Sarial and ordered him to take off. He'd grown larger than most lions by now and easily could carry us both. He followed my orders taking off. Much to my horror, something wrapped around my waist, ripping me from Dia's back, seeing him begin to slow, as if in slow motion, I refused to let him stop.

"Keep going. Don't look back." I ordered. I knew they'd hate that, but also follow it.

I landed badly, hitting the ground with a decisive thud. It knocked the breath from my lungs, and one of my attackers had immediately jumped on me. I kicked them off and rolled before more could do the same. Axe in hand I began to fight. It was sub optimal, to be clear. I'd used up some of my psychic energy with attempts to waylay the group already.

Staying conservative, I added as little behind my swings as I could. I avoided a lot of their attacks, I ended up taking a few lighter strikes. Unperturbed, I continued in the old familiar death dance. Until the demon, the tanarukk, approached. I roared then, to keep the enemies off me. It mostly worked. The demon stayed back.

I knew roaring was a dumb move, things would come, but the fight was still raging, and I hoped to divert their attention to something else. I didn't know why they'd gone after us, and I was sure I didn't want to know. They also didn't seem to be in the mood to talk or listen. I used Combustion followed by Detonation for it's fiery blast to thin the heard. It wouldn't work on the demon, but it sure as hell would work on it's companions.

Once the roars fear effect wore off they closed in. I had to start reserving my energy for healing alone. Hacking and slashing at everything nearby I was losing. Their numbers seemed to have increased, how? Didn't matter. The realization began to sink in hard; I was fucked.

I attempted an escape, it failed. The demon got off a good blow to my skull. I saw stars. Staggering, I fell and they descended on me. Pain radiated through my body, I began to feel sick, quickly. Without the ability to use my psionics, I nearly resigned myself to the death that was coming. But I couldn't. My instincts kicked in and my axe began to chop into the enemies once more.

I wasn't even sure if I was hallucinating or not when a flash of silver caught my eye. I shoved the half thought away. Refusing to regret my death this time. Blackness moved into my vision and I was plucked up, up, up. Then flame burst all around, and I heard crunching and breaking and tearing and pained screams. My body went limp, hanging in blackness without noticing much. Then my body was on the ground and I blacked out.

As I was beginning to regain consciousness, my mind went into overdrive. Where was I? What happened? Right. The people following us had dragged me off Dia while we were fleeing. I'm alive.. How? My body felt excessively heavy. My eyes didn't want to open. Losing the battle, I let my mind wonder and began to fall asleep. My body wasn't in pain at the moment, I needed to recharge my energy reserves. I hadn't bothered to eat either, so my body only had sleep to use to recharge. So be it.

The next time I became aware of my surroundings I opened my eyes. The very first thing I saw was him. Dirthin. He wasn't facing me at the moment, was doing something with a dresser? I wasn't sure and didn't recognize the surroundings, but his scent was everywhere.

My curiosity won over my logic. "What are you doing?" I asked.

His body seemed to tense, before he whirled to look at me. Intese emotions were at war in his features before he finally smiled. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to me. "That's the first thing out of your mouth? To answer you, I was making room in the dresser. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Pretty stiff." I said stretching my body. Then I tackled him.

He laughed and said, "That is simply not fair, I was showing such restraint."

"How long was I out? My body isn't fully listening." I asked.

"Oh, just a couple of days. Long enough to make me really worry." He said.

"Haven't been knocked upside the head like that before. No matter how many I took out, more kept arriving." I sighed, petting his face. "That's not important." I leaned my head back to properly look at him. "Damn, you're gorgeous. And I love you, too."

"I pale in comparison, but ok." He held me tightly and began a deep purr.

"Are you alright?" I asked, nuzzling my face into his mane, putting my head against his face.

"What, are you kidding? A small army? Piece of cake. There may have also been a dragon." He said.

I turned my head, slightly, looking at him. "No, silly. I know you can fight. I was worried about your emotional and mental state."

"Oh, those were a wreck. Absolutely a wreck." He said.

"I've cried more during that excursion than I care to admit to." I admitted. "She and I both did."

"Well, I can't say I cried. Mainly because I refuse to. Say it, that is." Dirthin replied.

"My feelings are a little different from when you last saw me. I'm feeling rather clingy and vulnerable." I confessed. "I'm sure I'll be better soon."

"You can cling to me as long as you wish." He said, "I can carry you around."

I laughed. "So you'd found me?"

"With some assistance I managed to find you, then secure you and take you back." He said.

"I was only semi conscious for that." I said. "Enough to hear things being killed. But I couldn't comprehend what was occuring."

"Well it seems your charge managed to find the dragon. He was the one that took me to you." He said. "A bit of an antagonistic dick."

"I can only assume it was a Gem dragon. They're neutral at best. Malicious at worst." I said.

"This one seemed to be made of black glass." He replied.

"Obsidian. They like to torment their prey." I noted.

"Well, now he's here in the Capital doing who knows what." He said.

"He came out of the yUnderdark? Why?" I asked.

"Something about amusement." He said.

"That's... uncomfortable. Obsidian, just like James mentioned. Bet it was listening." I sighed.

"It's pompous attitude made me want to cleave it in half. But it had just helped us rescue you, so I held my tongue." Dirthin replied.

"...What did it want in return?" I asked.

"That's the most terrifying part. Didn't ask any of us to pay it back." He said.

"Perhaps he wanted something from me, then? Or it gained what it wanted without anyone noticing." I theorized. "Or it'll collect at a later date."

"All of these are possible. None of which we can do anything about at this moment." He said.

"I don't really want to fight a psionic dragon." I agreed.

"Could be an interesting fight." He said.

"They can use Biofeedback which increases their resistance to the damage their taking." I said.

"Just have to change the damage, then." He said.

"I can do that." I smiled.

"My way is a little different from yours. A lot more simple." He said. "If I have the right sword, I can do slashing, blunt or piercing damage."

"I simply decide the damage will be different." I shrugged.

"See, that's just cheating. Far too easy." He said. "Like playing a game of hide and seek and just turning yourself invisible."

"Nah, I'd just erase myself from the seeker's perception." I shrugged.

"Also cheating." He said.

"Yeah. Only works on one person a use. But uses no energy. Not good for use en masse, and only applies to me, though." I explained.

"So you can screw with one person in particular." He said. "As long as you don't use it on me, that's fine."

"I don't like messing around in someone's mind, to be honest. I prefer to augment my body." I said.

"I simply meant I didn't want to lose sight of you again." He said.

That hurt my heart to hear. Especially when said in that soft tone. I petted him and said, "My Kitten is broken, isn't he? How shall I fix him?"

"Keep up that kitten talk and it's gonna be a sparring match." He said jokingly.

"I assure you, my Feline Menace, that my words towards you hold nothing but the highest love and regard." I smiled.

"As do mine." He said, then kissed me.

I kissed him back, lightly purring and preening his mane with my fingers. Honestly, the more my senses became alert, the more I realized I was hungry and thirsty. I really didn't want to bother him with my bodily functions, but I also couldn't seem to key in on my Adaptive Body focus. So I put it on Psionic Restoration. Which worked. "I love you."

"I love you, as well." He said. "I should really go and tell Sarial you're awake. I don't really want to leave yet."

"You can easily take me along with you. Or we can take a bath and relax a little longer." I said. "I also have some body functions that are becoming necessary to tend."

"'We' can take a bath?" He repeated.

"Yes. I'd like one, and I already told you I'm feeling quite clingy." I replied.

"Not how I took the word clingy, but alright. I think my tub could fit us." He said.

I laughed lightly and said, "Clingy as in I don't wish to be far from you."

"Ah, so I'm supposed to just go in there and close my eyes? I don't believe I have that kind of self control." He said.

"I'm not shy about my body. You're allowed to look at and touch me. We're each others, aren't we?" I teased him.

"Well then. Let's go take a bath." He said.