
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasía
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82 Chs

Expanding Family

*Arity's POV*

Soon, it was lunch time. We all headed that way, meeting Sarial, Dirthin and the rest. "The master merchant you chose is quite interesting." I told her, amused.

"Is he?" Sarial asked. "I think he's perfect."

"He is that." I agreed. "That dragon, Perrun, is going to bring you a gift."

"...What?" Sarial paused. "You met with him?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. Nothing happened, he was just curious about Sky. He's heading to speak to Sky's parents." I explained.

"I see. Well, did he say what the gift is?" She asked slowly.

"His scales." I answered as we entered the dining room.

"I don't know if I'm going to have to kill that dragon, or leave it be." Dirthin commented.

"He doesn't seem bad.. just poorly socialized." I said.

"Well, he has been literally living in a hole in the ground." Dithin replied.

"Haril says he'll visit Hearthstone Town and check it out." Sarial said, changing the topic.

"How did you persuade Haril to come and take a look at your town?" James asked.

"Decent wage offer, wage growth potential, paid vacation, medical benefits. And I explained where my people came from, and Dean's involvement." Sarial shrugged.

"I would think Dean's involvement piqued his interest." James said.

"Dunno. He said it sounded like a devils deal, so I told him the percieved negatives to it." Sarial replied.

"Well, yes, a seasoned vet would find to many positives terrifying." James commented.

Sarial shrugged again and said, "He called Mills out on his not a disguise."

Dirthin laughed and said, "Told ya you shoulda grown a mustache."

"And I told you I'd look rediculous with a mustache." Mills replied. Sarial looked quite amused by them.

Snow said, "James, Tyra showed us all what's in her bag."

"Oh? Anything in particular interesting?" James asked.

"Quite a few. Like an item that alters regular armor to become adamantine." Snow said, "Or a cubic gate."

"A cubic gate? What a bag of tricks." James said.

"There's a variety of wands and rods, rings and scrolls." Snow replied. "And she's letting Vincent have them."

"He has more use of them, than I do." I said.

"And again, I thank you. I'll have much use of them." Vincent said.

Sarial smiled and said, "Well, there you are Bit. You solved your problem already."

"Well, at least one of them." Vincent replied.

The meal went quiet for a moment, but the mood wasn't bad. It remained light and pleasant so far.

"Have you decided on a name for your new venture?" James asked Vincent.

"Unfortunately, no. I haven't been able to come up with a name quite yet." Vincent said.

"Since it sounds like an odd collection, could call it 'Bits and Bobs'." Sarial said jokingly.

"That will never happen. And I feel you know that." Vincent replied, Sarial was trying not to laugh.

Dirthin said, "I dunno. Sounds like a fine name. Right on the nose."

"Once I have a good guard, I'll have them bop you on the nose." Vincent quipped.

"Do it yourself. I'll hold him down." I offered, looking at Dirthin.

"That's messed up." Dirthin said, I grinned at him.

"I might take you up on that offer sometime." Vincent said.

"I doubt you'd be able to hold him down if he chose to throw you." James said.

"Well, on that particular note I should probably say that I won't be throwing her for quite some time." Dirthin responded.

"What have you gotten yourself into now?" James asked.

"It's your turn to be the uncle." Dirthin answered.

"It would seem no one in this family believes in marriage first." James said.

"Well, there are four too young for such things that may not follow in your foot steps in such a manner, Dad." Sarial said.

"Well, as long as their ELDER sibling doesn't teach them such things." James said.

"I'm sure they've outgrown learning from me." Sarial said.

Daelyn looked at her with big, innocent eyes and said, "Have not."

"Well, at least you're cute." She replied.

"Yes, I am. Wait, what?" Daelyn said.

"Congrats Tyra and Uncle." Sarial said, chuckling at her brother.

Dirthin grinned widely and James said, "Yes, congratulations. It's always good to add to the Hearthry line."

"Does this make me a double uncle?" Daelyn asked.

"No, Daelyn, it doesn't." Seralyn replied.

"Uncle's baby would make you, all of us, a cousin." Sarial said.

"So I am gonna be an uncle and a cousin. I am gonna be the cousin-uncle." Daelyn said.

After a pause, Seralyn said, "Technically, you're not wrong, but that's a dumb way to put it."

"Heh. Tyra and Dirthin's cub will be around a month older than Sarial's baby. So we'll be an aunt and uncle barely before grandparents." Snow said to James.

A dawning realization came across James' face that floored him, "I'm going to be a grandparent in my thirties."

Dirthin burst out laughing and said, "I'm gonna be a great Uncle."

"You already are." Daelyn said.

"Not the same thing, kid, but thanks." Dirthin said.

"Dirthin is our uncle, but will be my babies great uncle. It's like how Mom and Dad are our parents, but they'll be my babies grandparents." Sarial clarified to Daelyn.

"So what's a third uncle twice removed? I heard that at the market." Daelyn asked.

"I can answer that one." I said. "For example, My nephew Alexios is aunt Hessa's great nephew, twice removed. Hessa is my grandmother's sister, which mean she's 'removed' from being directly Alexios' great, great aunt. But she is still a relative."

"Oh, ok." Daelyn said.

"I didn't think you had any family." Serlayn said.

"The entirety of Gold Pride were blood related to me or by marraige. I was disowned at Vincent's age due to ... an incident.. that made me the Arrow and the genetic mutation of my eyes." I explained. "Being named the Arrow, I was not permitted to claim any familial bond, or even my name. I'm not the clan's Arrow any longer, so I can speak freely."

"That sounds rough." Daelyn said.

"It was initially. But I adapted to it. That's the difference between when I met your family and now." I replied. "I wasn't going to come back after that first meeting. Sarial undid that plan."

"Oops?" Sarial said, unapologetically. "Well, I think you're better off for it."

"It was not a complaint. Just an observation." I smiled.

"Well, I feel I should lock this down. Shall we get married?" Dirthin said.

"Sure. You're already stuck with me." I replied.

"Oh, I'm stuck with you?" Dirthin said, "I think you have this all backwards. You see, you've found yourself trapped with me." He gave a fake evil laugh.

I raised an eyebrow looking at him. "Look who's lucky I'm not a particularly mean person and have said I won't erase myself from their perception."

"Should I get that in writing? I feel I should get that in writing." He replied.

"You should definitely have that in writing, because I know she can do that." James said.

"Yes, well, remind me to use it on you." I said offhandedly.

"You say that as if I need to see you." James said.

"Yeah, not seeing her would be the concern in my book." Sarial said. "Specially if you two get into an argument again."

"That was more or less stress not being handled well." I said. "I can assure you I can normally ignore such things."

"Indeed. Everyone was very stressed." James agreed.

"You can go into most alleyways and see a reenactment." Sarial stated.

I laughed at that. "I can see that."

"Yes, yes. Lovely comparison." James waved off her words.

"Cat references don't bother you at all, do they?" Sarial asked me.

"No. I am a feline. Whether it's a lion or a housecat, they have similar characteristics." I shrugged. "But I can see where city raised Leonin could feel differently."

"I feel that's supposed to be a slight or something." Dirthin said.

"Nope. Just a difference in opinion. I was raised where it's common place, but I've seen humans use comparisons in a derogatory manner." I said.

"Well, it is supposed to be a derogatory thing. I don't think it was until we became a household name." Dirthin said.

"An odd hobby." I commented. "Intent matters more than words used, to me."

Lunch finished up shortly after. James told everyone we were going to Ymir's Town, and to consider it a family outing. Sarial accepted that but said she and Mills are going to work towards her goals, but the rest of us should have fun. James started to say something, but Snow interjected and told James to let her do her own thing. If they weren't going to trust Mills, they should have just killed him and dumped his body while Sarial was missing still.

I expected Mills or especially Sarial to say something in response to that, but instead, James relented and accepted his daughter's decision. I pointed out that Sarial has a mile radius, and as long as she stays on this plane that the earrings we still had on would allow us to speak to each other if need be. It was a psionics activated thing. This made them feel better.

I was pretty good at laying concerns to rest, I'd tons of experience with it. It was odd to me, for them all to consider me family. But I supposed that was quite normal, wasn't it? I was carrying Dirthin's cub and he wanted to marry me. We were mates now. So, this family was MY family. I finally had a family. I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

Once we were in Ymir's Town, James told his daughter the general layout of the town, they headed off, and so did we. We checked out the shops and several other places along the way, then we rode a sand skiff for amusement sake. The kids hadn't been on one before. onc we returned, Sarial had suddenly said she needed Vincent. So we took Vincent to the library. After waiting for some time, Sarial declared they were successful due to Vincent, and it was James' turn to go chat.

Sarial, Vincent, Lucretia and I then went to install the portal, wasting no time. It was nice, because I got to see Sarial's town. It was interesting to look at, but the partially built city below was stunning and unlike anything I'd seen for the surface world, and the Underdark for that matter. It definitely borrowed from the Underdark's City we'd been in, but different enough to be uncomparable. And her home was utterly glorious, and meant for comfort. When we returned to Ymir's Town, then their home I saw Sarial was very tired. So I described her town to them. What I'd seen of it.

The next couple of days were pretty uneventful. I taught Sky some things, and lounged aside from playing with Dirthin. He remained incredibly gentle with me regardless of what activity it was. Sexual or otherwise. But I never got the feeling he was restraining himself. Rather, I got the feeling that it was his strength that allowed him to treat me this way. And I followed his lead. I was more than happy to be gentle and sweet to him. It was incredibly pleasant.

The third day we'd been back from Ymir's Town, we had to go back for her meeting with Adelaide. To give her the best chances, I gave her resistance to all psionics and a mental fortification. Though, I didn't tell her I did. Her natural mental fortitudes were already quite high. To maintain this, I had to use the phasing eye, which also meant I went to Ymir's Town with Sarial and Dirthin. Dirthin was going to protect her from Adelaide while she tried to get through to Adelaide. I thought of how her family has all these exceptional people in it, I understood why she felt less than. But she herself was also exceptional.

She had to go and speak with the Sultan first, per Phintias. Personally? I decided to stay out of that. I told them I'd stay around the market area. I'd watch through the Phasing Eye. With that I went to the market. I had nothing in particular I wanted to get or look at. It was just shortly after breakfast, so the market wasn't very populated. Just a few people shopping before their work day began, others heading to their jobs, some hailing poeple to look at their wares.

Unlike James and Dirthin, I didn't purposely put on airs of fuck off energy. Rather, since I was doing nothing, I acted like a curious young woman. Much like I really was, though, as always, I remained vigilant. A few kids ran around, playing, heading towards the poor district. It was in far better shape than the Kingdom's capital poor district was. Or at least in appearance. A gentleman minding a stall told me I was likely to be robbed blind if I headed that way.

I smiled and thanked him for the warning. I'd never been robbed before, and I doubted I ever would, but it was good that someone was nice enough to warn me. Or, he looked down on that district. Either way, I'd began walking in the other direction. Without warning, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Knowing of several things that can do this, yet not expecting them up here, I took a step to the side and turned, much like a soldier would- or rather, should.

What I saw was a cloaked elderly human woman. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Not even married yet and already wanting to help out. I think I'm going to like you." The old woman said. "I am James and Dirthin's mother. Or maybe their Caretaker would be a better word."

"Caretakers are usually a type of servant, no? I think they refer to you in a parental manner." I replied.

"Well then, I suppose they know what's good for them. At least to some degree." She said.

"If you say so. James insists on picking fights with me, and I'm barely patient." I joked.

"Well, I did say to some degree." She responded. "I was wondering if you'd like to have a conversation."

"Barely, but sure." I answered.

She smiled and said, "Wonderful. I know a lovely place just down the road."

"Very well." I inclined my head and offered her my arm, as if offering to escort her.

"Oh, well aren't you sweet." She said, taking my arm.

I allowed her to lead us, and replied, "Never have I ever been accused of such a things until I met this oddball family." She led us to a tea house that I didn't recall seeing.

She gave a little laugh and said, "Yes, they are quite odd. Bit of my fault I'm afraid."

"They're all afraid to outshine each other." I replied, as we entered the tea house.

"Yes, I was hoping they'd grow out of that, but it would seem James is the only one who decided it didn't matter anymore." She said.

"There's flaws in all styles of parenting." I noted, as she led us to a table. I handled the chair for her, then myself.

"Indeed. An adventure I hear you'll be embarking on." She commented.

"They told you?" I asked.

"For simplicity sake, yes." She answered. A waiter came over and took a tea and snack order. "Normally I would have this conversation much, much sooner. But you two just went so quick. Not to mention the whole Underdark excursion. I couldn't really talk then."

"I can assure you every step taken involving Dirthin and his family, are steps I had never intended to make, but accepted as my place to do." I said, noting Sarial hesitating, I encouraged her mentally.

"It is your family now as well. Soon enough." She replied, as drinks arrived. "Typically, these conversations are a bit more about understanding someone whose trying to be involved in my boys life. But I feel that's entirely unnecessary in this case. I feel my boys have really found themselves.. a good couple of lasses. Not that I have anything against Snow, but I do feel you'll be an even better match for Dirthin than she was for James."

"I think Snow compliments James." I said. I noticed that the situation was a little off and unreal. No one paid us any mind nor did she take not of anyone around in spite of the conversation being had. The chatter around us was also wordless, yet sounding of speech.

She smiled again. "What are your plans for the future?"

"Well, becoming a lonely hermit was kinda thrown out the window. I can't say I do have plans besides irritating James and making Dirthin happy." I replied.

"And here I thought you'd want to execute that sorcerer that threw you and Sarial into the Underdark." She said.

"Dirthin told Sarial and I that she was handled." I said slowly.

"Well, second-hand information can often be misleading." She commented.

"Then this matter will be corrected." I shrugged, noting through the Phasing Eye that her chat with Adelaide was remaining silent thus far.

She eyed me and said, "I feel you are being purposefully minimalistic in your conversation."

"What do you want to know?" I asked in a light tone. "I'm not well versed in conversation."

"Is that a skill you wish to have?" She asked.

"Not particularly. I'm liked by those who matter the way I am." I answered.

"Alright. It's good to be self-assured." She said, "How is your tea."

Since she brought attention to it, I activated an ability to detect poison, it was my only real concern. Since it wasn't poisoned I tried it out of politeness and said, "It's a fine tea."

She touched the middle one of her necklaces and said, "I am glad you enjoy it."

"So that detects psionics used?" I noted.

She smiled and said, "A lady never tells."

"I'm cautious. Regardless of your words and familiarity I can never be too certain on affiliations." I shrugged. "I also have no reason to not believe you. You'll have to understand that I don't appreciate being approached from behind."

"Being cautious is always a good choice. Especially in such an unknown situation." She replied. "But do you know what is strange to me? Being so cautious and yet following a stranger to an unknown location."

"I believe I have the ability to escape this situation if I had need to. Plus, I have my axe, and can summon numerous things, including Dirthin, though that may frazzle him." I replied.

"Oh, no need to frazzle the poor boy. I'm sure you'd scare the poor thing half to death. Knowing him he'd swing first and then that would just be awkward." She said.

"I'd find it excessively hilarious." I said, grinning. "Anyways, they are twins aren't they?"

"Indeed they are twins. And far more similar than either would like to agree with." She said.

"No, I can definitely pick out the ways. But only one of them acting over-bearing annoys me." I said.

"James got sick of being out of control at a very young age." She responded. "I have no idea where he might have gotten that from."

"I have a theory. They're originally from Pride Stride, aren't they?" I asked.

"Yes, they are. It would seem your clans company that they kept forced your clans prophesy to come true." She answered.

"All gone? Or just significantly?" I inquired.

"I may have tipped them off on a few to spare." She said. "Those showing direct opposition to the previous established leader."

I nodded and said, "As long as they have nothing to do with me going forward, they can keep their lives."

"I doubt they'll be of any concern." She replied.

I shrugged a little and said, "So how is feeling me out unnecessary?"

"Because I'm sure even if I tried to pry you away from him, it wouldn't end well for anyone." She said.

"He's smart enough to comprehend exactly what I meant when I told him I intend to mate for life." I replied. "So I believe your assessment is accurate."

"Precisely. Well, it was lovely chatting with you, but I must be on my way." The old woman said.

I tilted my head and said, "Quite alright. Sarial is asking me to do something anyways."

With a smile, she stood and said, "I do truly hope you enjoyed your tea. And I wish you all luck. Good bye." She left.

Since she left, I used Nomadic Step to reach the building where the office is attached to, then opened a gate between here and them. They came through and Sarial blanched, flinshing. I stepped forward and laid my hand against her, checking her health and stabilizing her. I noted she shouldn't teleport, then leveled Dirthin with a fierce look. I told him I'd like to talk to him.

He responded he wasn't sure what he did, but alright. Then he opened his office door, taking us back to the Hearthry Estate. Sarial excused herself and Adelaide then, leaving the two of us alone. My tail lashed as I looked at him, mimicking a piqued feline.

"I haven't the slightest clue what I have done.. or didn't do, so have at it." Dirthin said.

"No? The sorceress is still about." I replied. Pretending I gave a shit about that.

He looked confused for a second, and then realization came across his face and he said, "Ohh. Right. Well, she's not out and about."

"Clarify then." I demanded.

"It might be easier to show you." He said.

I said, "Hmph. I have other gripes. But I think one will need to be directed at James."

"Oh? Should we.. go through all of your gripes?" He asked.

"Absolutely. Someone's been flapping their jaw about the pregnancy." I said.

He looked at me confused and said, "Are we hiding it? I don't think I've told to many people. But there's ears everywhere."

"No, we aren't hiding it. But when a stranger strolls up behind me, undetected and then just casually brings it up... You'll have to understand how angry that makes me." I said.

"A stranger approached you from behind without you detecting them." He said incredulously.

"Yes. And I don't think it would shock you to know what was discussed." I said.

"Oh? What was discussed? And with who?" He asked.

"An old human woman." I said, keeping up my angry act.

He winced and his features showed a look of 'oh no'. "Oh. Mother found you, didn't she?"

"No. She was waiting for an opportunity. At least she wasn't lying on that one thing." I replied.

"To be honest, I'm not even sure if shexs actually an old woman." He said.

"She said I was 'purposely minimalistic in conversation'. She also brought up, 'pry you away from him'." I told him.

He laughed and said, "She doesn't have an agent alive that could try."

"You are of Pride Stride." I said.

"I'm of what now?" He said.

"Remember the prophesy I told you? About the warring Leonin clan, Pride Stride?" I reminded him.

"Oh. Right. I guess the prophesy did come true. Oops." He said.

"If you haven't caught on by now, I'm not actually angry. Not with you anyways." I said, dropping my act. "If I never see her again, it will be too soon."

"Understandable. She doesn't come around very often, though." He said.

"It's a good thing I can control myself. Otherwise her picking at my trauma would have gone poorly." I replied. "For everyone nearby."

"She's particularly good at that. She loves to see how people will react to their worst parts." He said.

I lightly punched his arm. "Aren't you lucky I'm reasonable? I could have been actually angry with you." I wrapped my arms around him, then. "Was my prank very mean?"

"Heart wrenching." He replied, dryly, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm a lot more physical if angry. Or silent." I smiled.

"We could get a lot more physical." He said.

"Oh? Is that what you'd like?" I asked.

He picked me up, his tone changing completely, "Indeed, I would."

Catching his meaning fully, I kissed him, stroking his jaw with my hand. He placed his sword into it's usual place and carried me to his room. Where he laid me upon his bed, undressed us, and the activity began. This man's stamina was utterly insane. It felt unending every time, with the ending being utterly satisfying for us both. I especially loved his purrs.

Afterwards he held me as if I was the most precious thing in the world to him. Then I began to feel guilty since I wasn't with Sky. He was a good baby and I wasn't looking forward to his parents coming. My expression must have showed my sadness over it, because Dirthin question me on what was wrong. I told him I might have grown a little attached to Sky. He seemed to find this statement to be cute. He smiled and told me that everything would work out, one way or another.

James had a job for him to do, soon enough, so he left to go handle that, assuring me that he'd be back as soon as it was done. I nodded, accepting it, though I thought he was the only one who was worried about one of us not being around. So I told him that I would be in the house, still, when he returned. But in the mean time, I would likely be in the library with the kids. And that's precisely what I did end up doing.

It was the usual grouping in the Library with Snow accompanying them. Not wanting the kids to overhead, I spoke mentally to Snow about my meeting with James and Dirthin's mother and what she'd relayed to me. So, she told me about how she, at four, was abandoned to a poor village, while the twin sons of the chief had been abandoned in the Capital. The 'Caretaker' took them in until they were six, where she turned them loose in the city.

She'd been abandoned in the woods and raised herself, fixing her own eyes, until she was 7 and found a larger village. She played music for them to earn a living until Alexander took her in. He left her to a nasty mayor of Dueling Rivers at fifteen, where she worked for three years. That mayor was murdered by her mentors old adventuring party after he'd gone missing.....

It was a fascinating story. I was amazed that they'd ended up together after being seperated in such a way. Her friend Bibs was the one who introduced her to James. My own tale of it was much less interesting. I'd known some of it from Sarial already. I wondered if she ever felt insecure, having been abandoned technically three times in her life. But she seemed content and confident with her place in the world.

I was feeling this way, too. Content. I was glad I had made him happy, just by being myself. Snow and I began verbally chatting about various things. She told me stories from her wild days, and I joked about how Sarial had called me feral, but it sounded like that was really her own life. She laughed, taking that well. She told me how she's never really liked people, she just saw people as an easier way to survive. In this way, she was more feral than I am. But I had a hard edge to myself screamed to others to stay back.

I was sure this assessment was accurate. I smiled and noted that it hadn't been enough because Sarial and her cubs prevented me from staying away. She laughed and said that Sarial is a good judge of character, and that she suspected Dirthin would have hunted me if I'd not come back. This caught me off guard, but he had come to me that night I had ventured into the Denoir's house. Then he'd uselessly asked me to stay to protect his family..

I'd already learned their house is hella protected. It was one of the safest places to be, so there never had been a reason for me to stay and look after his family. I'd have served more of a purpose fighting with them. How silly.

Just like he'd said he would, he did indeed return by lunch time. As per usual we all had dinner together, Dirthin asked Sarial about Adelaide, she's fine. Snow commented bout Sarial's insecurity, and James comforted Sarial in response. Dirthin won the game that was played after dinner. And after putting Sky to bed, we retired for the night. I bullied him relentlessly for a bit. He picked at me in return, knowing there was no ill intent there.