
The Sith in Star Trek

An unknown Sith from Star Wars Legends has appeared in the Star Trek Galaxy! Follow in the journey of Darth Diederick to see if the Dark side of the force can compete in Starfleet. Book cover pictures: https_www_deviantart_com_dashinvaine_art_borg-30587336 httpswww.deviantart.comsashajoeart1704-Sith-658954022 httpswww.deviantart.comtotmoartsstudio2artTOXA-VANSCHIVER-for-vanschiver-272367605

ITGuy91 · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 1 - Peace is a Lie

<Space over Korriban>

Bang! Bang! Laser volleys and torpedo's lit up the darkness of space around the Sith planet. There was an almighty clash of titans between the new republic and the Sith empire. This was the latest of vicious assaults in the great galactic war. The Sith had a training academy on the planet so if the Jedi destroyed this place it would be a major blow to both moral and their fighting numbers for the long term. The Sith had, successfully, carried out a similar assault on the Republic capital's Jedi academy.

Between the massive ships and fighter craft there was a small shuttle, shrouded in darkness it weaved its way through the various battles going on and proceeded towards the largest ship in the sector, a republic attack cruiser. Getting closer to the intended target the shuttle was starting to come under fire. The shuttle stayed its course and as more volleys hit the ship started to break apart. When the final shot was fired the shuttle was disintegrated and a few of the remaining scraps of the ship bounced off the armour of the opposing ship. If you looked closely enough you would be able to see a small hole in the armour, just big enough for a human to fit through.

<Bridge of Republic Cruiser>

"Admiral, the shuttle has been destroyed. We're getting some reports of the wreckage from the downed ship causing minor hull damage" reported the ensign without looking up from his display, switching to a different target and continuing to fire on other incoming ships.

"Very good. Send a crew to check that section of the hull. Continue to provide covering fire for the landing forces" The Aged Admiral ordered whilst pacing across the bridge, eyes fixated on the view screen that was providing real-time information on how the task force was doing.

<lower decks>

"Good, time to proceed with the plan." A man thought out loud. Stepping out of one of the cargo bays the man, donned in black painted armour, back and red cloak and a mask that resembled a Imperial Trooper helmet, again dyed black and red. On his waist hung a lightsaber that was slightly curved to help the wielder grip it better and was a chrome and black combination.

Sprinting down the hallway at speeds which no human should be able to run at, he stopped at a heavily armoured door, stamped into the metal read Engineering. "Bingo" said the man and lifted his palm to the door. With an almighty screech, the door crumpled into a ball. The man, with a palm still outstretched, thrusted his arm forward and the metal ball shot into the room, as if it was fired out of a cannon. This, obviously, was noticed by everyone in the room and some even managed to roll out of the way before it was fired into the room.

Alarms screeched into life whilst the ball of metal unnaturally bounced off the walls, as if trying to take as many people with it as possible then embedded itself into a large container in the middle of the room. The lights on the ship suddenly went out and all was quiet.

The man raised his hand to the side of his helmet "Hyper Drive has been disabled, power's out." taking his hand away from his helmet he then sprinted away from the room.


"REPORT!" the Admiral shouted

"Sir!, all power is out, including backups!" an officer replied

"Someone; get to engineering and help get us back up and running, at this rate we're dead in the water and going to beat the landing party to the ground!"

Scrambling, five officers ran to the turbolift to get to engineering.

The old admiral turned to his side and spoke to a man and woman dressed in light coloured armour and robes. "Is this of Sith doing?" he asked, looking apprehensive.

"Most likely, we'll go and check the ship for intruders." the woman replied airily. They then both left the bridge.

<hanger bay>

The man in black entered the room, scanning the room for available craft, most of the ships had departed in the initial wave of attacks. His eyes rested on a two seater shuttle and started to make his way to it. "Hold it right there Sith" a male voice sounded from the far entrance to the hangar.

"If you're going to attack, don't scream it from the other side of the room. I'm on guard now young padawan" the man in back replied in a flippant tone.

"What, like this?" this time a woman's voice sounded behind him. Followed by a punch to the man in black's helmet. The punch sent the man flying towards the shuttle at the far end of the hangar.

The man landed heavily and the helmet landed next to him, with a fist imprint in the back of it.

"Yeah, like that…" getting up off the ground the man's pale complexion and blood red eyes now looking at both Jedi knight and Padawan.

Both Jedi stood before the Sith with their lightsabers ignited, dying the hanger in a green and blue hue.

"Darth Diederick; what an unexpected surprise" the woman commented

"It seems my reputation precedes me, unfortunately I don't know nor care what your names are…" Diederick replied "After all, I've killed so many Jedi. At this point i'll just call you 230 and 231" He sniggered and ignited his lightsaber.

230 - the woman - Used the force to push Diederick back but to her dismay he let the force push him but he'd force pull on her padawan to rip him off his feet and use him as a human surfboard, using force lightning on the young padawan until they both hit the ground. 231 was out for the count and had smoke coming from his body. Diederick got up and patted himself down "Well, I think this one needs more training. Imagine if you came across one of those bastards that just kill for the sake of it. Talk about a waste of time, he didn't even last 10 seconds in a fight with a Darth!" Diederick joked with the Jedi Knight. Keeping his eyes on her he was still, slowly moving back towards the shuttle.

"Stand down Sith, there is no way you can out-match me one on one" 230 angrily said.

"Woah there miss Jedi, your emotions are showing. I think you'll find I'm managing at the moment. Why don't you actually swing that glow stick of yours and see what happens" Diederick's face contorted into a savage grin and his eyes turning a deeper shade of red.

230 imbued her legs with the force and jumped towards Diederick swinging her lightsaber above her head, then downwards as if trying to cut him in half. Diederick raised his crimson blade to counter with one hand, the other looked as if it were a claw, gathering the force into a concentrated point at his fingertips. The lightsabers deflected one and other the Darth shot his hand out and released the gathered force into the Jedi. The Jedi screamed in pain and the sith reveled in her pain. 230 rolled along the ground clutching her shoulder that was bleeding profusely. Struggling to stand Diederick stalked towards her "Oi Jedi! I thought you said I couldn't match you? All I did was a push and you're nearly at death's door?!" he was thoroughly disappointed by this duo, he's faced a few Jedi before, more at the start of the war and it seemed, for a while, they were on equal footing but as the months and years went by their quality seems to be getting worse. It was the same on their side, the academy seemed to be producing new sith that were driven by rage alone. The body count was going up faster and faster, skirmishes were starting quicker and ending even quicker, more bloody and for veterans it was a disgrace that these new jedi and sith could only hold their own if they had the numbers to back them up.

"Stay back Sith" 230 spat stepping back towards the hanger door.

"Or what little jedi? You've not only thoroughly disappointed me but also your masters and your masters masters." Diederick's eyes turned back to a somewhat normal colour. "You've killed my mood. Please take your trash and leave." he pointed to the unconscious padawan. The Jedi limped over to her padawan to pick him up and leave. The sith watched with a deadpan face. 230 bent down to pick the young teen up but she felt something looming over her. Turning her face to look at the sith towering over them. "You guys are way out of your league…may the force be with you" Diederick said as he skewered both of them on his lightsaber.

Diederick leisurely walked to the shuttle and boarded it. The shuttle spluttered into life, Diederick used the weapons on the ship to blast open the bay doors and watched as the two downed jedi were sucked into the vacuum of space, with a slight chuckle he proceeded through the bay doors.

Hello all!

This is a first attempt after reading my way through other fan-fictions and novels on here.

If you've made it this far, thank you. Even if you think it's rubbish please leave a comment, I want to get better!

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