
Chapter 68: Moby

They both take seats in my room, making small talk, asking about my night, what the doctor plans for today. Not long after I tell them I'm waiting on an MRI, the nurse comes in to give me the contrast dye. She'll be back in a bit to take me for the actual test but before she goes she plants a needle in the skin of my stomach, just below my belly button. Morning and night. Two shots of Heparin a day and they hurt like a son of a bitch. I already have bruises marking my lower abdomen from previous injections. I wince but say nothing. She's better than the others have been. As soon as she pulls the needle out, she rubs small circles over the injection.

"It helps a little if you massage the spot. I know they suck. Sorry." She's young and cute-she obviously works out. Her arms are lean like a runner. I imagine she's just out of nursing school. "I'm Alyssa." She extends her hand in greeting when she finishes rubbing the soreness away.

"Moby. Nice to meet you."