
Chapter 18

Most of my clothing was at Dax's house, but I still had enough here to make do for a few days-although, no cell phone or cash might really put a damper on how well I lived. I wasn't hungry tonight, which was good since I had no food, and I could deal with the rest in the morning. Sitting on a stool in my kitchen, I sorted through the mail, the majority of which was trash, but there were several envelopes from my attorney.

My stomach churned before I tore open the first seal. I hadn't thought about the charges in quite some time-I had no clue how long it would take to go to trial, and my lawyer had little to do to prepare for the case in my opinion. My attacker's lawyer, on the other hand, couldn't have picked a worse client. I hadn't anticipated dealing with any of it on my own. Dax and I rarely separated-he was always my wingman-but tonight, I was flying solo.