
Totally Unexpected


Meredith had thought about many ways to ask Cross if he was serious about the marriage idea without sounding like she wanted it and she couldn't think of any. During breakfast, she remained silent to prevent any more insults from Marc, and her gaze remained fixed on Cross's charming face. Her husband? That was unthinkable! She chuckled inwardly. How could the same man who had acquired her from an establishment notorious for auctioning girls become her husband?

Once Cross finished his meal, she hastily set down her juice and followed closely behind him, determined not to be left alone with Marc.

Cross noticed her trailing him and graciously made way for her to stand in front of him, which made Marc even angrier.

Out of Marc's sight Meredith decided to ask Cross about the marriage bomb he had dropped in the dining room.

"I just had to ask. It sounds crazy" she said when he responded to her question with a bewildered look, like she had lost her mind. Did he hate the idea of marrying her that much?

"Do you actually want to marry me?" He inquired, his gaze penetrating deep into hers.

"Of course not! We barely know each other. What I desire is my freedom, nothing more."

Before she could finish her sentence, he had already pinned her against the wall and claimed her lips with a possessive kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long," he murmured softly, his fingers gently tracing her lips.

Her eyes widened, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. He was drawn to her as well.

"What I decide to do with you is your choice. You belong to me, whether it's through marriage or not. There's no escaping me. Do you understand! Mine!" he declared firmly.

"Then you are just as bad as the home" she said with anger in her voice. 

"Can't you see I need to leave? To let my people know I am okay? Please come on! I cannot live with you like I didn't have a life before I was stolen away from my home. "

"Enough! Do not try that with me again! The only reason I brought you home is because I had pity on you. Don't you think you can play that same game on me twice!" He snapped at her even though he didn't mean to. Something about her begging and being so innocent reminded of Beauty and her scheming ways. "I am keeping for as long as I want and that's final"

"Then you are not any better than Marc. You are just as wicked…"

"Don't say it!" He warned, lifting her chin to place more hot kisses on her tender lips. Gosh! He liked how she tasted… he liked it far too much. He was beginning to like her more than he wanted. He tore himself away from her. 

"About your question. I don't intend to marry you. Like you said, I don't know you enough. I made that statement for reasons best known to me and it shouldn't be your concern. But I intend to keep you with me forever or for as long as I want. I will make sure you are protected. I know you are afraid of Marc, so I would make sure he never comes close to you. He always leaves before I do, but to keep yourself safe keep your doors locked and I have a CCTV installed but he has no idea. Just stay safe!" He said, feeling the desire to kiss her one more time as he stared at her helplessly. But he controlled his urge and walked away from her. 

Meredith didn't waste any time to rush into her room and lock it. She wasn't just scared of Marc pouncing on her, she was afraid she wanted Cross the same he wanted her. And she couldn't become such a girl. He may have bought her with money but he would never own her heart and one day she would find a way to escape from him, forever. She sank into a corner, and wondered what she was to do with her life in the meantime. 


Marc couldn't take it! He wouldn't take it! How could Cross bring in the same woman who had rejected him and even go as far as saying he wanted to marry her. He thought about involving Cross's father but decided against it. He would handle it himself. 

He pretended to leave the house just to make sure Cross was out of his way. As soon as Cross drove out the gate, he came back home to set his plan in motion. 

Slowly, he crept to Cross' room and opened his door with the spare key that he often kept in the sitting room. Once inside, he began to crack his brain about what to steal and pin it on Meredith. She was a slut after all even if she wasn't into the business for long, Cross would believe she was the thief once anything went missing. 

What would he steal that someone as rich as Cross would miss? He thought hard. And his eyes sparked with mischief when he saw Cross' watch lying on the side table. That very good witch had been gifted to Cross by his mother on his 18th birthday. And it was the most valuable gift he had even if it was not the most expensive thing he had. Yes! Stealing this very watch would make Cross throw Meredith back to where she came. He laughed. 

After picking up the watch, he called in the cleaner and asked her to plant it inside Meredith's wardrobe. The young cleaner had wanted to protest but she was too scared of Marc to say so. 

"Once you've done it, let me know. Trust me I will pay you handsomely for it" he said, with a smirk on his face while the cleaner walked out reluctantly. 

His mind was filled with joy as he went to his car and drove off knowing that Meredith would be taken baxk to the Siren Home once Cross found out she was a thief. And just that moment Cross would be done using her and throw her out, he would pay for her time and finally get to punish her for rejecting him the first time. 

A wicked laugh escaped his lips as he drove away.

As he had foreseen, Marc returned to find Cross in the living room with a tearful Meredith standing by his side.

"What happened my blood?" He pretended not to know his plan was already working. 

"Well, my watch is gone! Or should I say it was gone and I have found it in her belongings!" 

"What? You mean she's a thief? I never thought any better of her. What else did you think would happen when you brought a strange girl home simply because you felt pity for her. She may look innocent but I am sure she's filthy inside. So what will you do now? Use and send her back or do you want her steal more?"

"I swear! I am not a thief!"

"Shut your mouth! No one believes your lies!" Marc yelled at her, moving closer like he wanted to hit her. And for once Cross didn't try to stop him.

"Just let her be, Marc. Trust me I am more upset than you are. You know what that watch means to me"

"But you are too damn calm! You should be stripping her naked and taking her to your room to ravish her and then throw her back. That is what you should do!" Marc said, staring at a weepy Meredith with anger while concealing his excitement in his frown. 

"That's not right! I can't do that"

"Trust me, she deserves worse. She stole the precious gift from your mum" 

"I never said this particular watch was from my mum. How did you know?"

"Well, you just said so" Marc stuttered. "You should be thinking of how to punish the theif and not insinuate I know what must have happened to your watch" 

Cross thought hard about it all. He took a long look at Meredith who was still in tears and wondered if he should believe her. 

"Are you doing this to make me want to send you away? Did you purposely take from me because you want me to cast you out? Do you truly want to lose my favor?"

"I didn't steal your watch! Can't you see someone is conspiring against me? It's easy to accuse me because I'm the outsider here!"

"Be quiet! Who gave you permission to shout in here?"

"Let her be, Marc! Just let her be! I'll uncover the truth."

"There's nothing more to be done. Either send her away or let me handle her," he attempted to reach for Meredith, but she retreated.

Cross positioned himself between the two and said icily, "I said, leave her alone! I'll uncover everything. Let her be, at least for now."

Marc seethed with anger, realizing that Cross had already fallen for Meredith, and his plan might never succeed. He needed to come up with another strategy!

Is this thing between Meredith and Cross going to grow? Comment for more.