
The Siren's Song

This is a tale about a runaway prince and a mermaid with a deep secret. Wanting to explore the world and find true love before his parents can force him into a loveless betrothal for the good of the kingdom, Prince Aiden secretly sets out on a journey that turns out to be nothing like he expected. After catching a glimpse of the girl of his dreams, he desperately tries to find her, only to discover she is not what she seems. When their currents align and worlds shake, it will take more than one brave soul to right a century old wrong and bring safety and tranquility across the seven seas.

MissMatchedMind · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

Chapter 9

The glittering golden light of the sun projected shimmering rays of glitter in her aureate eyes. Her long, luscious hair swayed gently in the soft breeze, a golden waterfall cascading gracefully over her shoulders. Her billowing white dress danced around her ankles, making her beauty seem almost ethereal, like she was a phantom that could disappear at any moment she pleased. 

Her plump pink lips were settled in a faint, soft smile. Though she said no words, her features seemed to speak to him, and he could somehow tell what they were saying. They reached out to him with warmth and longing. He could tell she longed to see him as much as he did her and she had been searching for him just as long as he. 

"You're real." He said, though he was so enthralled by her beauty that it came out barely above a whisper.

"Of course I am real." Butterflies exploded in his stomach, soaring up and swarming his chest at the sound of her voice as she spoke. Her voice was like a serenade of singing roses. It was the beauty of the early rising sun itself. It was food for the heart and drink for the soul. He knew that if he were to only listen to her talking for the rest of his life without any food or water, the soothing rhythm of her voice would have given him enough substance to keep him alive. 

"I have finally found you." His voice was still but a breathy rasp as he could barely manage to put any power behind the words he spoke. Despite the lack of volume coming from him, she was still able to hear his every word without trouble. 

"Yet you still have yet to come to me." Her eyes softened as she looked at him longingly. Her eyes seemed to be calling out to him. Though they did not speak, her lips were calling out to him. Her body and her soul together were calling out to him, beckoning him to her. Subconsciously, he took a step forward.

"What do you mean? You are here, are you not?" His volume finally came back to him as he was now able to speak normally. 

"I am always here. I am always with you." She said. Her voice seemed to swim out of her throat and directly into his ears. A shiver coursed through his body as warmth sparked in his chest. Her voice soothed and calmed him, sending him into a sort of trance. Her voice drew him in. Subconsciously, he took another step forward. 

"I have been searching for you for so long." His voice was back down at a barely audible whisper, but she still heard him. They were now standing so close that he could feel the warmth radiating off her body. He could see every single little detail in her shimmering eyes and could feel her soft breath tickle his cheek. 

"Come to me." She spoke. His eyes drifted closed and so did hers. Slowly, he felt her grow closer as her lips brushed against his. They were soft, like nothing he had ever felt, and left him in anticipation, wanting and longing for more. A spark of heat flowed through him as their lips connected. The world around him was gone, every person and every building like it was never even there. 

The only thing he could hear was the soft hum of the breeze as he felt transported back into the meadow from his dreams. Though he could not see it, as his eyes were still closed, he could feel it around him. The warmth radiating from the golden maiden washed onto him like she was sharing with him her very essence. He could feel her, not just her body, not just her lips against his, but her own soul seemingly entangling with his. 

Something sparked inside of him. The heat in his chest exploded. Never before had he ever felt such a sensation of warmth and love. The moment seemed to last for an eternity, and he wished it would never end. 

Regrettably, after several long seconds he felt her lips part from his, leaving him feeling empty without her touch. As his eyes fluttered open, he found that the golden maiden was gone yet again. He felt a small pang of disappointment. His search was not yet done, but he could tell that it almost was.

Even though she was no longer there, he could still feel her with him. The warmth lingering on his lips, the heat rising in his chest. But it was more than that. He felt attached to her, like an invisible string was tied to both of them, connecting them to each other. Through the invisible bond they shared, he could feel her with him even more so than he would if she were standing right next to him. 

Somehow, he could feel her emotions inside of him. He could feel her longing for him. It was as strong as his own longing for her. There was now a golden light inside of him, just as there was one inside her. Though it was not the sort of light one could see, it was one he could feel. The light was a guide to him and with it he knew exactly where he needed to go.

But first there was something missing. Before he could set sail once again, he needed to find Gale. Hollering out the dog's name as loud as he could, Aiden wandered quickly through the streets. Having been distracted with finding the golden maiden, he had no idea where he was or where the last place he had seen his dog had been. 

Letting out a sharp whistle that usually always caught Gale's attention, Aiden began making his way toward more populated streets. When he began seeing more people around, he started asking them if anyone had seen his dog. At first it proved unsuccessful, but after several minutes of asking around, someone finally was able to point him in the direction of where they had seen a large shaggy dog charging through the streets.

As he searched in the direction described to him, someone called after him from behind. Turning around, he saw Gale charging towards him ecstatically, jumping up on him once he was close enough. "Gale!" Aiden called out in relief as the dog reached up to lick his face with his hot, leathery tongue. 

Following after Gale was a kind-looking elderly man- the one who had called out to him. "Is this your dog?" The man asked with a warm glint in his eye. 

"Yes, I am sorry for the trouble. I will do my best to look after him better." Aiden said, pushing the large dog off of himself. 

"All is well, no harm was done." Said the old man. 

"My thanks for returning him to me." 

"It was no bother. You are new to the island, are you not?"

"Yes, though we are only passing through. I would like to be off by tomorrow." Aiden said. He would have wanted to stay in town longer, but he had to get to the golden maiden as fast as possible. 

"Leaving so soon?" The old man raised a bushy white eyebrow. 

"I am afraid so."

"How about you stop by my shoppe for a moment. I could supply you with what you need for your journey for the most reasonable price you'll get in this part of town." Aiden had yet to buy any more supplies, so he took the old man up on his offer. Following after him- slowing his pace to match the old man's sedate steps- Aiden was led to a quant shoppe standing humbly between two large, imposing buildings. 

Though the building was much smaller than all the others around, it was in no way less pristine or inferior. The windows were bright and looked to be made of delicate yet sturdy glass. The walls were painted white and were detailed in intricate vines of gold. The entryway looked to be recently swept, no dirt in sight despite the many people coming and going, and the inside was just as clean and orderly. 

Large aisles and shelves held a vast supply of equipment and essentials useful for any voyage. Beyond the many rows of shelves stood a counter where items were to be exchanged and values counted. The old man scurried through the aisles as he assisted Aiden in retrieving everything he needed. When he had gathered everything, dropping it off at the counter, and tallied up the total, it was a hefty price. But Aiden could easily afford it. 

"So, where is your heading?" The old man asked after accepting and counting the payment. 

Aiden thought about where he was going. He thought about the golden maiden. A strange yet comforting warmth surged through him. He could feel her, he could feel the light. It tugged at his heart, pulling it towards the ocean. He did not know how, but he knew where he needed to go. He knew where the golden maiden was. 

"I will be sailing directly east of here." He said. The old man's face dropped as a startled look of perilous warning sparked in his musky gray eyes. 

"I strongly advise against that. Those are dangerous waters." His tone was low, his voice grave. 

"What?" Aiden was confused and filled with shock. "How do you mean?" 

"The seas are dark and gray. They swallow up able-bodied sailors such as yourself." The old man stared at him, his eyes unblinking as he relayed a sense of utmost sobriety. 

Aiden grabbed the bag all his purchased goods were placed in and slung it over his shoulder. "I will be sure to be careful." He was about to turn away, but the man firmly grasped his forearm with a rough hand.

"Just be careful of the song." He warned. "The sea will pull you straight into it." After giving him one last hard look, the old man let go of his arm and Aiden left, slightly shaken and still confused. 

The old man's voice rang in his head, but it was soon replaced by the light that connected him to the golden maiden. He could feel it tug at his heart. His gaze was pulled up in the direction of the ocean. He felt another tug. He took a step forward. He had to go. 

Gale barked loudly, pulling Aiden out of his trance. His gaze darting from building to building, he was made aware of his surroundings as well as the setting sun that hung low in the sky, surrounded by a bright pool of gold. Deciding to set sail in the morning, Aiden made his way back to his room at the inn with Gale at his side. 

In his dreams, the golden maiden visited him once again. This time he did not have to find her; she came to him. Her smile warmed his heart, her aureate eyes mesmerized him. He could not look away. Her beauty enthralled him. 

Her eyes softened, her smile sweetened even more. She knew what she was doing to him. 

Reaching out his hand, he cupped her cheek. She relaxed into his gentle touch. Her skin was soft against his hand. He could feel the warmth of the body heat radiating off of her. Even after he woke up, he still felt it. Sitting up in bed, he looked out the window. The sun's golden rays reached out to him like a friendly hand greeting him in a new day. 

A soft smile sat on his lips. "I'm coming."