
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Cómic
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11 Chs

Issue Number 10

This Issue Begins Mid Day the same day as that the Last Issue took Place. Pete and the Sinister Six are all sat in the Lounge section of the Bunker. Pete stands up and says "Listen, due to the sensitive Nature of the operation I'm gonna say we need to get JJJ out of the Picture today. So Let's get Planning?"

The Sinister Six all agree. Pete gets up and Begins to talk the team Through a Plan.

"So thanks to the Scarlet Cat we have Access to the Daily Bugle Network. We can modify there Systems from Here. But I don't want to start feeding the Truth through the Bugle until we can free JJJ, Otherwise Spiderman might kill him and frame it on us."

Flash Looks at Pete and asks "So this is just a extraction operation?"

Pete looks at Flash and points at him and says "Yes precisely, This is a Extraction and I've Called my good friend the Tinkerer for some Tech fresh out of the Anti Symbiote Storage. She'll be along tomorrow to bring your New equipment." Pete walks out the door and Picks up a Crate and walks back in and says "I got Beetle to drop these off earlier. This is the Anti Symbiote Tech." Pete places the Crate on the table and opens it up and says "I'm actually glad we got Taskmaster now." As he picks up a advanced sniper riffle and places it on the table and says "Taskmaster, This will be your responsibility. This is essentially a Knock out gun for Symbiotes. Shoot it at JJJ and the Symbiote within him will be temporally immobilised."

Pete then Places a box of White Grenades on the Table and says "Everyone will take 3 of these. These are Incinerator Grenades. They also pack a lot of Sound if you Press the Blue Button. Flash your probably the safest person here no one has better fit gear for facing a Symbiote. Loud Noise can kill them."

Pete then reaches into the Crate and Pulls out a Giant Ord similar to the one that holds Carnage in Special Projects and says "This, This is what we will try and put the Symbiote in if we can extract it from JJJ without it's realisation." Pete then picks out a Tube connected to a Ejection needle and says "This is how we'll remove it from JJJ whilst it's Unconscious. If we get everything done right we'll be done within a Hour."

Adrian then asks "What if one of us becomes infected?, What's the protocol?"

Pete looks at Adrian and says "I know that it's a scary possibility but we're gonna have to take the chance and if one of us gets badly infected or taken over then I feel sorry for you as this is a Painful process. To extract the Symbiote."

Pete then looks at the Crate and says "Okay, Right. I'll divide up this kit and split it up between us. Ben I'm gonna need you to set up the Extraction Kit up inside one of the Warehouses in the Docks whilst I go with the main team to get JJJ. Everyone go get ready. We got a hostage to save."