
The Silver Esper [Stopped]

[Mature content] There are depictions of violence/gore and abuse towards characters. There is also swearing as well in this story. __________________________________________________________________ People with abilities, powers of which normal humans can not use. Monster's, freaks, people have called those with these abilities with such names, but there is one name that became attached to them eventually, Esper. The strongest of all abilities is physic, an ability that makes nearly anything possible for a skilled user. Sent to another world similar to her original she lives as Avalon Kanze a girl with rocky blood relations. Living in a country that didn't exist in the other world Niahurii, she is forced by her blood relations to join the military as a man. Unwilling, but the deal they strike is the only reason for her doing so. Avalon's lazy days in the military begin to change when that man appeared. Plans begin to change, new conflicts and allies begin to arrive. Can she keep her identity a secret or will they learn the truth? But most of all can she keep her darkest secret, the truth about her 'disease' and condition from everyone. __________________________________________________________________ "I can't believe they are forcing you to do this just to cut ties with them. How ridiculous since they've never treated you like family." "There is nothing I can do but to do this... as a man. On the bright side, we get to see the inner works of things here so we can use the useful points." "How can you be so optimistic when they are sending you to a suicide unit." "I've already died once and experienced true hell on earth. This is honestly child's play in comparison. So I see no reason to be afraid." Avalon sighed as she tightened the bandage around her chest. "Besides this world is behind in comparison. My ability will ensure I survive. So don't worry once it's all said and done. We will no longer stand for them. I will change this world from my 'home'. So dear brother be ready for the 2nd coming of Raijia's Silver Esper."

Arsin_Vulpine · Fantasía
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32 Chs

The Younger Twin's Concerns

Roan then said goodbye to Shane before racing off to her room in the bunks to put away the package. Shane was then looking over at Lukas. "I know you are not really that kind of guy. But could you look of for Roan when those of the Liman family come here for him. Roan and I don't really have the best relationship with the family. I don't have it as bad as Roan though. The matriarch and grandmother despise Roan, and most of the family is like that. Though I don't know about father and older brother, it does worry me."

"Is it that bad that you want someone else's help?"

"I would protect her myself taking her in my unit but she's stubborn and prideful. Besides Something tells me him being with you will turn to a good thing eventually. But yes the situation is that bad between the family and Roan. The matriarch has tried to kill Roan on more than one occasion… not to mention she sent me and Roan to the Keyne district with the hope that the 'savages' would kill us and the servants off just for being remotely associated with the Liman family." Shane sighed looking over at the building that his sister went too.

"You'll find that though Roan is weaker than most men he can more than make up for it in other areas. Knowing him, he's already come up with a plan to make sure him and his friend are the chosen recruits." Shane replied with a slight smile. "My twin has a vast amount of experience… more than what a single person could have in one life. I know its your decision and all but Roan will be a useful addition to your team while he remains in the military."

"That reminds me. I want to check this with you. Roan didn't join by choice did he?"

"No he did. He made a deal with the matriarch… to be able to fully cut ties with the family. He had to join the military. I believe the matriarch was actually going to throw Roan in a suicide unit… but I think father last minute changed it to the 13th… I'm fairly sure of that as I saw his signature on the transfer order." Shane sighed, Lukas felt a cold chill run through his body just hearing this.

"Did she do something similar to you?"

"She didn't send me to a suicide type unit like she tried with Roan she couldn't without grandmother's aid. But I was put in to a high combat and death kind of unit, close to what Roan was nearly sent to. But thanks to that I got my own unit and loyal troops." Shane replied as if this wasn't really that big of a deal.

"What is the reason the matriarch is so out for the two of you?"

"I can't really say anything for sure as I've yet to find anything concrete. However Roan and I don't really looked like either of our parents but rather look more like the matriarch's parents who she had a bad relationship with. Apparently their relationships so bad she curses her missing parents every year not even hoping for them to be found.

"But I have no idea why my grandmother hates Roan." Shane sighed crossing his arms. 'I would think that grandmother just hates women if she had a bad relationship with the matriarch and her daughter but she doesn't.' Shane thought. "I didn't tell you any of this for pity. I want you to understand how bad the situation is. That's why I want you to protect him from the members of the Liman family while in your camp that's all I ask." he sighed as he climbed into the car. "Don't tell him I told you this."

"… why?"

"He doesn't like to talk about it, cause than he thinks people will just pity him. He hates people's pity… a positive-negative outlook on life. Very little what happens to him, is nothing but to other's it worse and what's going on around him. Roan what's to be seen for who they are then anything else that's what he's often told me. Also if he find out I told you he won't talk to me till next month."

"That last one isn't my problem."

"Just don't talk about it. Cause even though you're his captain he tends to hold grudge." Shane muttered turning the key and starting the engine.

As Avalon returned from her room Shane had already left. "Whelp Shane's gone… well I'll probably see him again in a month. Let's go captain I want to get back to training." Roan told him with a slight smile on her face though her eyes held a slight hint of sadness. She turned away holding her hands behind her. Lukas just nodded and made his way to the shooting range with Avalon following close behind.