
The Silver Esper [Stopped]

[Mature content] There are depictions of violence/gore and abuse towards characters. There is also swearing as well in this story. __________________________________________________________________ People with abilities, powers of which normal humans can not use. Monster's, freaks, people have called those with these abilities with such names, but there is one name that became attached to them eventually, Esper. The strongest of all abilities is physic, an ability that makes nearly anything possible for a skilled user. Sent to another world similar to her original she lives as Avalon Kanze a girl with rocky blood relations. Living in a country that didn't exist in the other world Niahurii, she is forced by her blood relations to join the military as a man. Unwilling, but the deal they strike is the only reason for her doing so. Avalon's lazy days in the military begin to change when that man appeared. Plans begin to change, new conflicts and allies begin to arrive. Can she keep her identity a secret or will they learn the truth? But most of all can she keep her darkest secret, the truth about her 'disease' and condition from everyone. __________________________________________________________________ "I can't believe they are forcing you to do this just to cut ties with them. How ridiculous since they've never treated you like family." "There is nothing I can do but to do this... as a man. On the bright side, we get to see the inner works of things here so we can use the useful points." "How can you be so optimistic when they are sending you to a suicide unit." "I've already died once and experienced true hell on earth. This is honestly child's play in comparison. So I see no reason to be afraid." Avalon sighed as she tightened the bandage around her chest. "Besides this world is behind in comparison. My ability will ensure I survive. So don't worry once it's all said and done. We will no longer stand for them. I will change this world from my 'home'. So dear brother be ready for the 2nd coming of Raijia's Silver Esper."

Arsin_Vulpine · Fantasía
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32 Chs

The Women of Secrets

A young woman woke up drenched in sweat as she sat up and grabbed her left leg panting slightly as sweat dripped off from the tip of her nose. She squeezed her leg tight feeling the slight sensation of feeling from the leg let out and slight sigh as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She leans forward with her eyes close before letting out a slight sigh. 'That dream again from that dread day in the other world. I've had that damn dream ever since that day happened here. Every time… I think I'll wake up missing a leg.' She muttered before standing up walking over to her desk which held a small portable mirror.

She had a little longer than shoulder-length blue hair with violet eyes. She was quite the beauty of a woman. Her name is Avalon (Ava) Kanze that's the name she chooses in this world, it has been about 20 years since she arrived in this world from her old one. She had died when she was around 30.

She the country she now lives in is called Niahurii, a place she never heard of in her previous life in the other world. It's apparently a European country. She learned to quickly adapt to her current situation in her new life, in this alternate world that was in the past in comparison to the world she had come from.

However, Ava's current situation was unique. As per a deal with her parents and grandmother, she was to act like a man for a few years and followed the family tradition as a man as well. The agreement didn't have a set time but Ava decided it was best after turning 30. Which would then allow her and her family to live in peace from those that hated her. As such she is currently living as [Avalon] Roan (Ro) Liman the 'sickly' second son of the Liman military family. She knew she could have used her first name to be referred to but she rather it this way as she didn't wish to hear the name her parents gave her in her past life be spoken but certain people.

In the mirror, Ava's hair turned pure black and became much shorter, however, her violet eyes remained. Though she could change them two with her ability she chose not to force less strain on herself. Ava had an ability called Physic that granted her a range of skills, one such being that it allows her to change her appearance like this.

She wrapped a bandage around her chest to make her breast flat against her chest making herself look a little more like a man. After putting on her military uniform she left her room and made way over to the storage room.

The military unit that she was assigned to was a joke unit that all they really did was eat sleep and drink, they rarely trained, it was something people of higher standing joined and were considered useless. As such it was fairly lax. Ava didn't mind but found it fairly boring however she didn't wish to excel more than needed since she had other plans.

As such to deal with some of her boredom she requests if she was allowed to practice a few things on her own to pass the time which was granted. Today she was practicing her sword. From her two chances at these walks of life, she's learned a few different swords styles. The European one-handed (single hand one blade) and two-handed (both hands on one blade) style, along with Japanese swordsmanship of both one sword and two-sword style.

She ended up and the storage room and gave a slight nod. "Morning Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Liman practicing today? You are quite early."

"Ah yes, well I woke up earlier than normal so I decide I may as well train."

"You must be doing that sword training of yours if you are here."

"Yes, that's correct." Ro (Ava using a deeper male-like voice) replied with a slight nod before walking inside and going to the corner, she grabbed a wooden sword before grabbing a training dummy and taking it out with her. With the tip of the pole slightly dragging behind her due to it being fairly large. When she reached the spot she placed the wooden sword down and lifted the dummy up before inserting it, into the slot in the ground.

She grabbed the sword from the ground and held the sword out in front of her looking at the target with cold serious eyes. She then lunged forward and slashed at the dummy. Since it wasn't properly anchored it swung around a little Ava was quick to avoid the swing arm with a duck before spinning around sighed and slashing at its chest.

She was using her training as a way to vent her anger. Most of it was from her dream last night ignoring what was around her since it was a fairly safe location and everyone in the base was already well aware not to come near her when she was like this (some due to personal experience of getting attacked).

Unbeknownst to Ava a car drove into the camp and was driving by and managed to spot her training. For one reason or another this caught the occupant's attention, mostly due to the fact some training was actually being performed at this unit's encampment. One man got out and stood by the car with his arms crossed looking at the 'man' train. "Out of anyone that guy might have the best potential sir." Major (Maj) Jax McCarty muttered as he leaned against the car.

The look in Ava's eyes were sharp as she trained with her sword. She slashed her blade when she heard a slight snap her eyes flickered for a moment then in a few seconds with the pressure of her blade still against the dummy it bent sideways and broke in two. Her feet slide slightly and didn't even look as she leaned her head back and let out a groan. "I told them this was going to happen. Damn it captain's going to be so pissed its the 2nd on this month." She groaned with her eyes slightly closed. She looked down at the ground and bent down slightly and begun to poke the broken half of the dummy in its 'face' a little dejected. "You worthless dumb you didn't even last 2 weeks… then again I've been more than a little rough to you as well. But you are made out of such weak material… back home this isn't a problem." Ava mumbled poking at the dead dummy.

There are a few thoughts I have while doing this chapter that I'd love to voice.

First, this story like another I write (The 13th Loop) dose the same thing with character names after/before speaking that is the name corresponds to the character's voice. So the Main Character Avalon/Ava will occasionally be cited as Roan/Ro as she is using a male voice that is called Roan. I know it might be a little confusing at first but it's an important distinction I make for a few different reasons.

The second thing is that as I'm editing these chapters I can't help but see the bad grammar and spelling (I use Canadain English btw), I can kinda help with the spelling with my computers and checker but the grammar will be bad for a while. As to help with my bad grammar I use a grammar extension, and recently (like in the last year) may feature I once could use were locked and currently cannot afford it at this time, so the chapters are (annoyingly) using essay grammar format since I'm that bad at grammar so please bear with it as all this was done after it was locked and I apologize for it.

Arsin_Vulpinecreators' thoughts