
The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction

Audiobook version: https://www.youtube.com/@FearTcb Discord: https://discord.gg/CgKTK7eFjn Kaizen, a master assassin, finds himself reborn into the Hidden Leaf Village as a four-year-old orphan. His last memories are of a failed mission, but now, he awakens in the Naruto World. With the skills and discipline from his previous life still sharp in his mind, Kaizen must navigate this new existence. Kaizen will be the same age as Kakashi and will have water as his main nature affinity, as hinted in the title. Kaizen will be immensely talented, but he will not have any special bloodlines or kekkei genkai that he is born with. This fanfic is as much an experiment as it is something I've wanted to see written. If anyone has tips or things they would like to see in the novel, feel free to comment and let me know! - FearTcb

FearTcb · Cómic
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35 Chs

Sparring Contest

Excited murmurs rippled through the students. Kaizen exchanged a determined glance with Kakashi, knowing this would be an opportunity to measure their abilities against their peers.


Hiroshi continued, "Before we begin, let me explain the rules. These matches are about testing your abilities and learning from each other, not about causing harm. No moves should be used to seriously injure your opponent."


He then demonstrated the seal of confrontation, placing his hands together in a symbol of respect. "This signifies the beginning of the match and mutual respect between opponents," Hiroshi explained. "And at the end of the match, you will perform the seal of reconciliation, to signify the return to camaraderie and the end of hostilities."


The students watched intently as Hiroshi showed the seals. They understood the importance of these gestures, not just as formalities but as a reflection of the ninja code of conduct and respect.


"Now, let's begin," Hiroshi declared. He called the first pair of students to the center of the training field.


"Kakashi, Aiko, step forward."


Kakashi moved to the center of the training field with his usual calm confidence, his eyes steady and alert. Opposite him, Aiko Hyuga, a petite girl with pale eyes and an air of quiet determination, took her stance. The contrast between them was striking—Kakashi's relaxed demeanor versus Aiko's poised readiness.


They performed the seal of confrontation, a gesture of mutual respect, and settled into their stances. Aiko's stance was firm, embodying the principles of the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist, though she had not yet learned the ability to use chakra in her strikes to hit tenketsu points. Meanwhile, Kakashi adopted a balanced position, ready to adapt to any movements.


Hiroshi raised his hand. "Begin!"


Aiko moved first. She advanced with a series of swift, well-placed attacks aimed at Kakashi's torso and limbs, seeking to disrupt his movements and balance.


Kakashi dodged the initial strikes, aware of the precision and danger of Aiko's attacks. He knew that even without chakra, a direct hit could significantly impair his abilities. He relied on his agility to stay just out of her reach.


Aiko continued to press her advantage, her strikes becoming more aggressive. She aimed a powerful palm strike at Kakashi's midsection. Kakashi sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the blow, and retaliated with a low sweeping kick aimed at Aiko's legs.


Aiko leaped back gracefully, avoiding the kick and countering with a spinning kick of her own. Kakashi blocked the kick with his forearm, feeling the force behind it. He knew he needed to break her rhythm.


He feinted to the left, drawing Aiko's attention, then quickly closed the distance and launched a rapid series of punches. Aiko blocked and parried with mixed results, but overall reducing any damage received.


Kakashi was impressed by her defense but didn't let it slow him down. He switched tactics, using lateral movements to circle around her, attacking while looking for an opening. Aiko adjusted to block Kakashi, her eyes following his every move, but Kakashi's relentless pressure began to take its toll.


Sensing her fatigue, Kakashi decided to take a risk. He lunged forward, feigning a high punch but quickly dropping into a low spinning kick that caught Aiko off guard. She stumbled, her balance momentarily disrupted.


Kakashi seized the opportunity. He sprang up, closing the distance with a kick aimed at Aiko's chest. Aiko managed to raise her arms to block, but the force of the blow pushed her back, making her stagger.


Not giving her a moment to recover, Kakashi followed up with a high kick. Aiko once again tried to block, but the kick connected with her shoulder, sending her sprawling to the ground.


She quickly rolled back to her feet, but Kakashi was already in front. He aimed a punch that connected flush with her jaw and Aiko was sent back landing on the ground.


At this point, Aiko struggled to get up, her breathing heavy. Understanding the situation, she raised a hand in a gesture of surrender.


Hiroshi stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "Well done, both of you," he said, his voice filled with approval. "Aiko, your practice of the Gentle Fist style is coming along. Remember to conserve your energy and stay balanced. Kakashi, your ability to adapt to her defenses and maintain pressure earned you this victory."


The class erupted into applause, recognizing the high level of skill displayed by both students, especially given their young age.


Kakashi extended a hand to help Aiko up, a friendly smile on his face. "You fought really well, Aiko. I learned a lot from our match."


Aiko took his hand, her smile reflecting a mix of respect and determination. "Thanks, Kakashi. You're incredible. I've got a lot to learn to catch up to you."


"Next, Daichi and Suki," Hiroshi announced.


Daichi, an eight-year-old with a muscular build from the civilian Tanaka clan known for their strength, squared off against Suki, a petite girl from the Inuzuka clan, known for their quick movements and sharp senses.


As the match began, Daichi's powerful punches aimed to overwhelm Suki. Each strike showed his raw power, but Suki relied on her agility, dodging his attacks with swift, graceful movements reminiscent of her clan's canine companions.


Suki circled around Daichi, looking for openings. She feinted to the left, drawing a heavy swing from Daichi, then darted to the right and landed a swift kick to his side. Daichi grunted but remained focused, his next punch coming with even more force.


Despite his strong offense, Suki's nimbleness kept her just out of reach. She slipped under his wide swings and landed quick jabs to his ribs and legs. Frustration began to show on Daichi's face with each missed punch.


Seeing an opportunity, Suki decided to use her clan's natural quickness. She faked an attack before quickly moving to his side delivering a kick to the back of Daichi's knee, causing him to stumble. Without wasting a second, she followed up with punches and kicks, taking advantage of him being off balance.


Daichi tried to regain his footing, but Suki was relentless. She moved in close and pivoted to land a final decisive kick to his abdomen. Daichi staggered backward holding his stomach, losing his balance, and ultimately falling to the ground.


Hiroshi stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "Well done, both of you," he said, his voice filled with approval. "Daichi, your strength is impressive, but work on your quickness. Suki, your movement and strategy were excellent. Keep building on that and add more power to your strikes."


As Daichi got up, he gave Suki a nod of respect.


"Akira and Rina, step forward."


Akira, a tall boy with blue eyes from the civilian Yamaoka clan known for their agility, moved to the center. Rina, with black hair from the civilian Morioka clan known for their strong defense techniques, took her place opposite him. They exchanged the seal of confrontation, then settled into their stances.


Akira darted forward, his movements quick but lacking refinement. His strikes, though fast, missed the sharpness needed to make them truly effective. He aimed to overwhelm Rina with sheer speed, hoping it would be enough to break through her defenses.


Rina responded with a calm demeanor, her blocks solid yet not entirely fluid. She countered with defensive maneuvers that displayed her potential, but each action showed signs of inexperience. Her footing was firm, but her transitions between blocks and counters lacked the smoothness of a seasoned shinobi.


The students watched as Akira's flurry of punches and kicks met Rina's steadfast blocks. Despite his efforts to vary his angles and combinations, Akira's attacks were somewhat predictable, and Rina managed to hold her ground, but her counters lacked the decisiveness needed to turn the tide.


As the fight continued, both students began to tire. Akira's speed decreased, his strikes becoming more labored and less coordinated. Rina, though still maintaining her defense, also showed signs of weariness. Her blocks started to slow, and her counters lacked the force needed to do any real damage.


Hiroshi Sensei observed closely, noting the potential and areas needing improvement. He called an end to the match, recognizing the balance yet highlighting the developmental gaps in both fighters. Akira and Rina stood apart, catching their breath.


The matches continued, each pairing providing insights into the students and their starting points within the class. After several matches, it was Kaizen's turn.


"Kaizen, you'll be facing Hiroto Uchiha," Hiroshi announced.


Kaizen stepped forward, his expression calm and composed. He met Hiroto's intense gaze, noting the proud tilt of his head. They performed the seal of confrontation, their hands moving in a respectful gesture before settling into their stances. Kaizen felt no apprehension, only the usual methodical calm that he brought to every challenge.


Hiroto struck first, his attacks quick and direct. Kaizen, wanting to challenge himself, steadied into the rooted stance, providing a firm base. He parried Hiroto's punches with the techniques of Wing Chun, using his forearms to block and redirect the blows.


Upon Hiroto sending more powerful blows, Kaizen sidestepped smoothly, using Muay Thai movements to avoid Hiroto's strikes, which hit nothing but air.


Kaizen then countered with a sharp low kick, targeting Hiroto's calf with the precision of a taekwondo practitioner. The impact was solid, causing Hiroto to shift his weight uncomfortably. Seizing the moment, Kaizen followed up with a quick jab-cross combination from boxing, his fists snapping forward and connecting with Hiroto's chin.


The force of the punches jolted Hiroto's head back, his vision blurring momentarily. He staggered, losing his balance, and fell to the ground with a thud. The impact left him dazed, a throbbing pain spreading from his jaw. Kaizen stepped back, maintaining his stance, watching Hiroto carefully as he tried to recover. The surrounding students gasped, impressed by Kaizen's taijutsu.


Hiroto's pride was evident; he hadn't activated his Sharingan yet, relying on his innate skills. As he lay on the ground, he couldn't believe he had been knocked down so easily.


Sensing Hiroto's anger building, Kaizen prepared for the next exchange by shifting back to the rooted stance. When Hiroto got back on his feet, his expression was a mix of frustration and determination.


Seeing Hiroto frantic approach, Kaizen took advantage and executed a spinning back kick borrowed from karate, aiming to keep Hiroto at bay. The kick connected with Hiroto's torso, sending him staggering backward, the impact forcing the air from his lungs.


Finally realizing the seriousness of the fight, Hiroto activated his Sharingan. The single tomoe in his eye spun to life, enhancing his perception and reaction time. Kaizen observed this change with interest but remained composed. He continued to analyze Hiroto's movements, adjusting his tactics accordingly.


Hiroto's strikes now had an added sharpness, the Sharingan allowing him to anticipate Kaizen's moves with uncanny accuracy. Kaizen adapted by integrating the defensive slips and weaves of boxing, avoiding Hiroto's punches with minimal movement. His body flowed smoothly as he evaded each strike, his feet shifting subtly to maintain his rooted stance.


Despite the Sharingan's advantage, Kaizen found openings. He executed a powerful side kick, drawing strength from his stance. The impact forced Hiroto to stumble back, his Sharingan flickering under the pain and lack of focus.


Kaizen pressed his advantage, his thoughts briefly reflecting on how swiftly he could have ended the fight if he were allowed to harm Hiroto. He consoled himself with the thought that this was a valuable opportunity to face the Sharingan, a renowned ability within the ninja world. He also realized how much work he needed to do to catch up with the physiques of the clan students. Even though they were older than him, they had clearly been training extensively.


With Hiroto still off balance, Kaizen decided to shift tactics. He lunged forward with a series of knee strikes, drawn from Muay Thai, aimed at Hiroto's ribs. Each knee lifted with great speed, crashing into Hiroto's guard and forcing him to backpedal.


Hiroto, struggling to maintain his footing, attempted a desperate counterattack which Kaizen had anticipated. As Hiroto's fist came hurtling towards him, Kaizen utilized the rooted stance technique to absorb the force, redirecting Hiroto's momentum.


With Hiroto's balance compromised, Kaizen unleashed a powerful open palm strike to Hiroto's chest, a technique adapted from Aikido. The force of the blow, amplified by the transfer of momentum from the Rooted Stance, sent Hiroto sprawling backward. He hit the ground hard, the air rushing out of his lungs as he struggled to catch his breath. The Sharingan in his eye vanished, an indication of his defeat.


At first, Kaizen remained positioned to strike, but then quickly understood the spar was over. Walking up to his opponent with a friendly smile, he extended a hand. "Your Sharingan is impressive, Hiroto. You fought really well," Kaizen complimented.


Hiroto, breathing heavily, accepted the hand. "You're strong, Kaizen. I couldn't keep up with your techniques," he admitted, his voice tinged with a newfound respect.


As they stood facing each other, the intensity of the match lingered in the air. The watching students, awed by the display, began to clap, acknowledging the skill both fighters had shown.


Hiroshi stepped forward, raising a hand to signal the end of the match. "Kaizen wins," he announced, his voice cutting through the applause. "Kaizen, Hiroto, you both demonstrated impressive skill."


Turning his gaze to Kaizen, Hiroshi continued, "Kaizen, your unique approach to taijutsu is remarkable. The way you incorporated the rooted stance, particularly in your final move, was exceptional. Utilizing the rooted stance to absorb and redirect Hiroto's attack, and then follow with a powerful counter, is a technique usually reserved for those who have mastered the stance."


He paused, letting the significance of his words sink in. "The fact that you were able to execute this move effectively, despite not having mastered the stance or incorporating chakra, speaks volumes about your talent and foundational understanding. With that display, I have confidence that you may very well be capable of learning the Leaf Dragon Fist in the future."

Hiroshi's words shocked the class, causing them to break out in hushed whispers.

Hiroshi then turned to Hiroto, who was still catching his breath. "Hiroto, your Sharingan gives you a significant advantage in reading and anticipating your opponent's movements. However, relying solely on it can make you predictable. Work on integrating your innate skills with diverse techniques to create a more versatile combat style. Also, you need to work on maintaining your calm during a fight. Kaizen was able to take advantage of your frustrations at multiple points during the match."


Hiroto nodded, understanding his mistakes. His pride got in the way and caused him to underestimate his opponent. He would take this as a lesson to improve himself going forward.


After that match, several more rounds of fights took place, each one showcasing the students' developing skills as well as areas that required improvement. The atmosphere started to buzz with anticipation as the sparring contest neared its conclusion.


Finally, the last match everyone had been anticipating arrived.


"Kaizen and Kakashi, step forward."