
The Side Character Turned Villainess

Leia was a successful car salesperson who didn't care who she had to trample to climb up in the ranks. She was on top of the world. That is, until she was thrown into the body of 5 year old Seri from one of her romance novels. Now she has to deal with the annoying Prince and his sadistic friend. The worst part? She is just a side character who is bullied by everyone! The. least. favorite. character. How could anyone like this girl?! Now, she is stuck as Seri, but watch out world: This side character is actually a foul mouthed villainess. _______ Chapter release: Daily Words per chapter: 1500-2500 Disclaimer: Some chapters may contain mature content, such as violence. There will be a disclaimer at the start of each chapter with it. Full disclosure: This novel is 90% humor and 10% serious.

Nekoru · Fantasía
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307 Chs

The Birthday Party Continues

I glared at William and Dante who stood blocking my way to get dessert. William wore his higher than thou look on his face while Dante wore that fake smile. How nauseating.

"What the hell are you two doing here?"

"You were the one who invited us." William said in a snarky tone.

"Hmph. I didn't invite you. I didn't even know I was having a party today."

Dante chuckled, "How did you not know?"

I rubbed my arm sheepishly, "Well, they did tell me I guess. I just ignored it. I had other matters on my mind."

He turned his head slightly, "Like what?"

I stared at Dante with envy. He wore a black suit that made him look much older. Why did he look so adorable right now? He's not an innocent little kid but his face is so misleading!

I forced myself to look away, "No reason."

William crossed his arms and frowned, "That means you are up to something."

I froze. How is he so perceptive?! Did they really find out about my plan to blackmail Dante?!

"Fufu. I have no idea what you mean, Prince William."

"So you are up to something."

My eyebrow twitched in irritation. I changed the subject, "It doesn't matter. What matters is that you are blocking the dessert."

"Good. If you eat any more then you'll get fat."

I glared at William. This brat needs an a** whooping.

Dante added, "I think she's adorable chubby."

I grabbed my cheeks in a panic, "I'm not chubby!"

Dante grabbed my cheeks with a sickly sweet smile, "You kind of look like a chipmunk."

I slapped his hands off of me, "Don't touch me or else!"

"Or else what?"

I looked at his sadistic smile and shivered. Yup, he's still Dante. I need to get dirt on him quickly.

"What happened to your hair?"

William's sudden question caught me off guard, "What do you mean?"

"Your hair is short."

I rolled my eyes, "Obviously I cut my hair."

"I know that, but-"

I interrupted, "If you know that, then why did you ask?"

He scowled at me, "Why would you cut it so short?"

I smiled confidently, "Because it makes me look beautiful."

"You look like a boy."

I frowned quickly. He always knows what to say to piss me off.

"You're just jealous I look like a better and more attractive boy than you."

Probably not a compliment to myself, but at least William looks angry from it.

"You could never be more handsome than me. You just look like an ugly tomboy."

My eye twitched in irritation, "How rude!"

"It's not rude if it's the truth."

What kind of backwards thinking is that?!

I grinned at him, "You know. They say that when a boy makes fun of a girl it's because he likes her."

His face instantly turned red. Wow. That wasn't the expression I was expecting.

"I don't like you! Why would I like you? You're just a weak girl who isn't cute at all!"

"How dare you! Not only am I cute but I'm also a lot stronger than you think!"

"Heh. I doubt that."

My hands turned into fists. I really want to smack him. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms.

"You'll see. I'm going to become a knight."

"Oh? How will you accomplish that? No one would ever teach you."

"Easy." I pointed at Dante, "I will just blackmail Dante into teaching me."

Dante blinked in surprise. He wasn't expecting to be dragged into the fight, "Huh?"

I froze.

Oh sh*t.

William smiled triumphantly, "So that's what you've been up to."


"Don't curse." William reminded me.

No! My evil plan! How could I be baited into revealing it so easily?!

William spoke, "Why were you trying to convince him? Don't you know that as a Prince, I can appoint Knights?"

Hmm. That probably would have been easier.

"Oh really?" I stepped close to him with a bright smile.

He took a step back, "What are you doing?"

I pulled out my puppy eyes and pouted my lips. I put my hands together pleading, "Please make me a Knight."

He looked at me nervously, "Why do you even want to be a knight?"

I grew serious, "It's very important."

"Oh? What is it?"

I stuck my tongue out mockingly, "I don't know. I forgot."

He frowned at me, "Well I definitely won't make you a knight then."

I tapped my chin thinking. Then, I came up with a genius plan.

"What if I prove to you that I'm strong?"

"How do you plan on doing that?"

A sinister smile crossed my face, "Arm wrestling. I bet I can beat you."

He chuckled and shook his head, "Alright if you can beat me then I will make you a Knight."

Hehehe. I rubbed my hands together as I led them to a small table. We sat down across from each other with Dante standing to the side.

"Why do you have such a creepy smile on your face?"

"Let me ask you a question. In a fight who would win: Someone who is intelligent or someone who is strong?"

"The stronger one obviously."

"Hmm. I wonder."

"Whatever. Let's just start."

We grasped hands.

Dante started the countdown, "3...2...1... Go!"

We both began to struggle. D*mn. He's a lot stronger than I thought. If I hadn't been working out while I was grounded I wouldn't stand a chance. Although I could tell I probably wouldn't win now either.

My eyes jerked to a spot next to him on the table and I flinched, "Ack! A spider!"


His face instantly paled and I felt him freeze up. I slammed his hand against the table and jumped up. I threw my hands in the air.

"I won!"

William checked to see if there was actually a spider. He jumped up in a huff realizing he had been tricked, "Hey! You cheated!"

I shrugged smugly, "I said I bet I could win and I did. I never said anything about cheating."

"You! That's low! Even for you!"

I chuckled, "A bets a bet. I have Dante here as proof of it. So?"

He looked away grinding his teeth, "Fine. You win."

"Fufu. Never forget Prince William. Brains always beats brawn."

"Now, wait a second."

Me and William paused at Dante's voice. He moved William over and took his seat. He held out his arm.

"William may have lost, but you'll still need a knight to train you. If you beat me then I will accept you."

"Uh... Okay." I said hesitantly. I sat down and looked at him cautiously. This wasn't part of the plan. Not to mention his smile is sending shivers down my spine. He's definitely planning something. I grasped his hand.

William sighed, "Alright. 3... 2...1... Go."

I struggled to move Dante's arm, but it was like a statue. How the hell is he this strong?! He's like 6 times stronger than William. I can't even move his arm a bit!

He chuckled while watching me struggle, "So? How do you plan to trick me? I won't fall for something so easy as William did."

I bit my lip. Sh*t. He's just toying with me. There's no way I can beat him. Although I don't need to win at this point, my pride is telling me otherwise.

Come on. Think. Think. There has to be something from the book I could use. Didn't Mary do something to Dante that caught him off guard? Think.

Wait. That's it!

I leaned forward.


I felt his body go rigid and released him from my bite. I quickly slammed his arm on the table.

I jumped up and cheered, "I did it!"

William and Dante stared at me in silence. I stopped cheering. Maybe I went a little too far?

Dante quickly pulled his hand back and jumped out of the chair as if just realizing what happened. He went to say something but covered his mouth. He turned around so that we couldn't see him. I strained my eyes and saw the tips of his ears turning red.


"Dante... Are you perhaps... Embarrassed?"

He ignored me. I jumped around the table and attempted to look at his face. He quickly turned to avoid me. I kept trying but he was too fast. I looked at William and we both nodded at each other.

William grabbed onto Dante.

"Hey! What are you doing! Let go!"

As William struggled to hold him, I tackled him. We all crashed to the ground. Me and William peered at Dante.

Dante's face twitched. His face was bright red. Even though he was embarrassed, he looked at me like I was about to torture him. I couldn't help but stare at him. I hate to admit this, but he looked really adorable.

William chuckled, "He is embarrassed! I don't think I've ever seen him like this before!"

Dante struggled, "Stop! Get off!"

We continued to pin him down. I smiled at him, "If you act like that, I will bite you again."

He froze and looked at me with a shocked expression.

Hehe. It seems as if I found something useful.

"What is going on over here?"

We all looked over to Queen Luna who stared at us in horror. My father stood behind her and looked like he was about to faint.

I swallowed hard.

William was holding Dante down by the shoulders and I was sitting on his stomach pinning him to the ground. In no way did this situation look good.

I gave a weak smile, "It's not what it looks like."

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