
The Attic Part 3

The two children tugged on their mother's white shirt trying to get her attention. She looked down at the two children who were still rubbing their sleepiness away.

''Mama, what are you looking at?'' Asked the little boy trying his best to hold back a yawn.

''N-Nothing… Anyway you two should make your way downstairs and have breakfast.'' She answered thinking that it would be better to not tell them about the hole in the roof.

The three of them made their way down the stairs and into the packed dining room. The food was set down on the table. Nothing spectacular since they haven't unpacked everything.

It was just a plate of bacon, eggs and some toast with a glass of orange juice for the kids. The adults had the same but with a cup of coffee to fuel themselves for their busy day.

They all wolfed down their food. Kind of disgusting now that I think about it. Like, just chew your food. Anyway, after they all finished they quickly rushed to start the unpacking.

After minutes of unpacking, the children quickly grew bored of the unpacking and ran upstairs to their rooms. The parents expected that to happen and just laughed it off.

They had a lot of old junk that they kept around after their parents died. Both the husband and wife are only children, so naturally they inherited everything.

While the couple unpacked downstairs, the children played around in their rooms upstairs. They ran around pretending to be a knight and a princess. The boy with his sword and the girl with her tiara.

The whole house was full of noise. Downstairs, upstairs.... And last but not least, the attic. Creaking sounds ran across the ceiling of the children's room.

Sounds went from appearing slow and silent to loud and quick thumps that echoed in the children's room from their roof.

The two stood and stared at animalistic sounds with terror slowly spreading on their faces. They now knew that what they saw last night, actually existed.

The girl struggled to open her mouth to call for help. All the sound she could produce was one loud ear piercing scream that could be heard throughout the house.

Now there were not only the sounds that the beast was making but the parents running up the stairs as well.

The two adults burst through the door with frantic looks on their faces. The father ran to the two children.

''W-what happened to you two?'' His tone was panicked but also serious.

While the father was talking to their children, the mother stared at the roof. Specifically at the hole that she noticed that morning.

The thumping hadn't stopped a single second since the parents entered the room. As a matter of fact, it got faster and louder.

All four of them stared up at the ceiling. What a strange situation had they found themselves in. An otherworldly creature up in their attic that wanted to devour all of them.

The father felt no need to call the police, he knew that they would label it as a prank call and end the call. The dad stood up and pulled the family downstairs.

He burst through the front door, dragging his family to their car. The children got in calmly. But the wife begged and howled, begging her husband to allow her to assist him in what he was about to do.

The man just shook his head and turned his back on the scared woman who looked worried for their situation. But he could not risk the most important thing in his life to be hurt.

And so….He enters the house.

Sorry for the delay and the quality. I was kinda busy recently.

LordHermescreators' thoughts