
Kentaro, The Farmer

"And then, he came behind me and boum! I punched him in the face, Hahahaha!"

Kentaro had been recounting his adventures to grandma Riko and Hatsu.

"Poor Kentaro, you have fought so much at already such a young age."

Grandma Riko felt bad for Kentaro. On the contrary Hatsu was impressed by him.

"You know Kentaro, our clan lived in the land of grass. Have you perhaps heard of the Namikaze clan?"

When he heard this surname, Kentaro was a little bit surprised.

"Namikaze clan? I have heard very little about it."

Before grandma Riko could say anything, Hatsu explained about the Namikaze clan.

"Our clan was powerful, influential and respected. Our shinobi were well-known for their high speed and intelligence in battle. Unfortunately...."

Hatsu began getting a little bit emotional, grandma Riko took her hand and explained further.

"Twenty-two years ago, a coalition of clans in the land of grass attacked us. Our shinobi fought bravely to defend us, the women and the elderly. They succombed to the unending attacks.

Very little clan members managed to escape. Among those who escaped, there was me, my son and his wife. Two years later my daughter-in-law gave birth to Hatsu. She was so beautiful already from a young age.

Unfortunately her mother died after giving birth. My son, her father, died six years later with other clansmen who were trying to regain the clan's honor."

Kentaro felt bad for them, they had lost everything.

"Grandma Riko, isn't there a way for you to find other Namikaze?"

"No Kentaro, all the remaining clansmen are scattered in the Shinobi world. Mostly in the land of fire."

Kentaro stood up and took the three bowls of the table to wash them. It was a way to show his gratefulness.

"Kentaro plea-"

"No grandma Riko, I will wash them do not worry."

Kentaro washed the bowls up and leaved the shack, he wanted to take some fresh air after the story he had heard.

It was night and the sky was filled with stars. So beautiful, in front of the shack was a little field.

"This is where I grow carrots, haha, Kentaro do you mind helping Hatsu tomorrow planting the dry fruits?"

"I do not mind, grandma Riko. But carrots have seeds, no?"

Grandma Riko shaked her head.

"No, carrots do not grow from seeds but from a specific dry fruit. You have much to learn little Kentaro."

Grandma Riko entered back in the shack and Kentaro stayed alone.

He checked the map to see where he was exactly.

"I'm not so far from where i lost consciousness, I will stay here for one week and then I will resume my travel."

It was time to sleep, Kentaro entered the shack and saw grandma Riko laying on the ground with Hatsu beside her.

The bed was empty.

"Kentaro go lay on the bed."

"No no no, grandma Riko I will not sleep on the bed while you and Hatsu sleep on the ground."

Kentaro could not do this, it would be very rude of him if he did this.

"You will sleep on the bed, you are wounded and you need the best place in the shack to rest. So go lay down."

Seeing that Kentaro did not move or respond. Hatsu talked to her grandma.

"Grandma, you go sleep on the bed."

"Yes grandma Riko, sleep on the bed please. Sleeping on the ground will make you sick, the ground is very cold."

Grandma Riko relucantly stood up and layed on the bed. She wanted Kentaro to sleep on the bed, he was a guest after all. She had learned to treat them well.

On the ground, Kentaro slept next to Hatsu.

His eyelids were heavy and he fell rapidly asleep, Hatsu who was beside him turned towards Kentaro.

She looked at him sleep, like this she fell asleep herself.


Kentaro woke up, his forehead was red and had a handmark on it.

"Finally awake, I called your name a hundred times. You didn't wake up so I slapped you."

'What the fuck, grandma Riko has a lot of strength!'

"I'm up grandma, please do not slap me anymore. Where is Hatsu?"

Hatsu was obviously not in the shack.

"She is planting the dry fruits in the field. Go and help her if you feel better."

Standing up, Kentaro stretched a bit and leaved the shack. There, he saw Hatsu making little holes and putting a dry fruit in them.

"Hatsu, I'm here to help you."

Kentaro approached her full of smiles.

"Are you sure about that Kentaro, you are still wounded."

"Do not worry for me Hatsu, I'm gonna help you and your grandma with the chores."

Kentaro faced the field and clasped his hands, countless little holes were made in the field.

"Let's go put the dry fruits in the holes."

Together they planted the dry fruits two times faster, grandma Riko looked at them from the side.

When they were done planting the dry fruits, water was needed. Kentaro formed hand seals.

The earth of the field was visibly getting wet and the holes were filled with water.

Clasping his hands, the holes then closed. He had taken care of the field in a couple of minutes.

"Very good Kentaro, can you accompany Hatsu to the nearby village. Go buy some meat, okay?"

"Sure, let's go Hatsu."

Following Kentaro from behind, Hatsu was happy that he accompanied her. Because every time she would go there a group of men would always harass her.

"Hatsu, I had weapons when you found me right? Where are they, I haven't seen them in the shack."

"I... I am sorry Kentaro, I went to the village with your katana to wash it and let the old blacksmith examine and repair it if anything was wrong."

"Why are you sorry? It's very kind of you."

Hatsu shook her head.

"There is a group of bad men in the village, everytime I go there they harass me. That day they stole the katana from me."

Kentaro didn't appreciate what he had heard, to steal his katana was a grave sin.

"It's alright Hatsu, I'm gonna pay a visit to those guys."