
Chapter 7

I Helped The Maids To Clean The Dinning Table And Saw Bella Coming Downstairs In Her School Uniform .

I Don't Want To Miss My Favorite Classes I Want To Continue My Study , I Want To Go To School .

" Bella Are You Leaving For School ???"

I Asked Her.

" Well Yeah It's About ....." She Started But I Interrupted Her " Well Then Please wait For Me Will You ??? It Will Only Take Five minutes Minutes . " I Said With Puppy Face Making Wide Mouthed .

" Wait ...... Your Coming With Me " She Manage Herself To Say That Words .

She Was Totally Confused Not Sure On Her Ears What She Just Listen Was Even Right .

" yeah ...... I Want To Continue With My School "

I Responded Her While Running Towards My Room Leaving Bella In Astonishing look On Her Face .

I Quickly Reached My Room ,Dressed Up Myself , I Tied Up My Hairs In A Simple Braid

Looking Into The Mirror I Put On Lip Balm Of Pink Shade On My Lips And Yes !

That's It I Know For Sure I Was Looking Good Without Any Makeup .

It's Time For School So I Grabbed My Backpack And Hurriedly Walked Towards The Living Room .

I'm Not Sure What Was Bella Thinking Right Now .

As I Reached There, I Saw Bella Was Sitting On Sofa . Her Face Looked So Curious

And Was Worried About Something ,She Was Staring At Something , I Slowly Walk To Until Was Behind Her And My Lips Pulled Into Smile As I Saw Bella Was Watching Discovery Channel Which Was Playing A Snake Program " The Top 5 Most Terrifying Snakes ".

We Grew Up Together , I Know Bella Very Well , She's The Only One Friend Of Mine Other Than Lacy . watching full of adventures programs is bella's favorite hobby .

She can even enjoy watching that scary programs .

' Well It's Time's Running Out ' I Thought As Reached Behind Her Back .

" Come On , Let's Go " I Said To Divert Bella's Attention From TV .

She Looked At Me And Nodded Her Head.

As We're Leaving An Annoying Voice Made Me And Bella Turn Our Neck In The Same Direction .

" Where Are You Going Emily ?? " I Heard Olivia Which Was Standing In Front Of Us With Crossed Her Hands To Her Chest . And As Usual Her Tone Always Irritates Me.

" School " I answered Bluntly Making Her Raise Her Voice In Anger .

" YOU ...Are Deprived To School Don't You Know That ? ? ? "

Her Eyes Turned Red As I Know My Indignity Made Her Dander Up .

" What Happened ??? Why Are You So Noisy ?? ” I Heard My Aunts Voice And Saw Her Coming Down From Upstairs .

" Mom ..Look She's Going To School ." Olivia Said With Disgusting Face .

My Aunt Julia Turned Towards Me , Her Face Showing Anger As She Looked At Me In School Uniform .

I Saw How Her Eyes Changed Their Cold Gaze Into Soft One And Said

" Come On My Child , Change Your Clothes And Pick Up The Laundry And Get On With Your Duties. "

Bella Walked Towards Her Mom While Asking Her " What's Wrong With Her Attending School ??? "

Her Mother's Eyes Held Cold Stare Again As She Looked At Bella And With Cold Voice She Said " Mind Your Own Business Dear. "

Bella Opened Her Mouth To Say Something But Stopped By Olivia " Don't You Remember What Dad Said , Are You Gonna Disobey Dad ??? " She Questioned Bella , Which made Bella Shut Her Mouth .

Now Really Can't Control Myself , I Don't Know How But I Felt Anger Was Building In Me And While Looking At Them I said

" Look , I Wanted To Make Myself Clear And You Must Remember........." I Saw Three Of Them Was Staring At Me In Disbelief .

I Avoid Their Gaze And With Calm Voice I Continued " ..... First Thing I'll Attend The School Everyday , And Second One You Guys Can't Bully Me As You Please , Who Do You Think I Am ...And Find Yourself A Maid To Help You With Your Laundry's My Dear Aunt ."

I Can't Believe On My Own Mouth ....I Was Just Shocked By Me , I Don't Know Where Did I Get This Courage To Answer Back .

I Saw Their Eyes Held A Look Of Disbelief , Their Shocked Expression Stick To Their Face , Looking At Them Make Me Wanted To Laugh.

But I Held My Laugh And Sigh With Annoying Face And Said While Picking up My Backpack " If There's Nothing Else We're Leaving " And Nodded My Head To Hint Bella , As Our Eyes Meets Each Other She Grabbed Her Backpack , We Quickly Walk Towards The Door , Leaving My Aunt And Olivia In Shock .

As We Reached The Door I Heard My Aunt

Whispered " Wha..... What's Wrong With Her .....All Acting So Strange ???

Without Looking At Their Faces I Could Feel They are In A Complete Surprise And My Lips Pulled In A Smile .


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( What Happened To Emily ??? )