
The Center of Attention

"My man doesn't need your rescue!" Vicky dragged her weakened body over and forcefully pushed aside the young girl from the Angel Guild.

Her gaze, filled with a mix of resentment and weariness, fell upon Anna.

According to the plan, the Angel Guild was supposed to send an elite team to participate in the operation to annihilate The Brotherhood of Night Blades. But what happened?

By the time the battle here had ended, Anna arrived leisurely with her team, rendering their presence meaningless... Irving had almost perished alongside Duncan and the two elders just moments ago!

"Vicky, it's not what you think. We had our own difficulties." Anna quickly stepped forward, seeing Vicky's expression, and sighed. "I know you're not going to listen to anything I say right now, but Irving's injuries are really severe. The healer we just brought in, she was recruited with great effort from across the country…"