
A Suspicious Coincidence

Benjamin's words left everyone present in a dilemma.

After listening to what Benjamin had to say, Irving bluntly stated, "We are not the Night Blades, we don't easily send our allies to their deaths."

Although Benjamin was willing to take the risk himself, Irving didn't want such a thing to happen to his team.

If they continuously sacrificed friends to complete their missions, how would Irving be any different from the elders of the Night Blades? If he were no different, what was the point of seeking revenge against the Night Blades?

Irving's words served as a wake-up call for the rest of the group.

Initially, Vicky instinctively wanted to refuse.

But deep down, Vicky felt that if it came down to a choice between Irving and Benjamin, she would definitely sacrifice Benjamin.

Wendy's opinion of Irving changed significantly after hearing his statement.