
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Explanation and systems


The two brother are on their bed and both facing each other. So who's gonna start ?.

"Find I will explain first." Jake speaks.

"I just randomly stumble upon an ancient looking book, and I feel some thing calling to me. So I shrugged and pick it off." Jake narrated.

"You idiot what if its something dangerous"

Alex knocked his head.

"Ouch, but it isn't, so why knock my head ?" Jake complained.

"Okay sorry, go on" Alex appologised.

"Aha, when I touch it some reddish energy just appeared and my body started absorbing it. I felt pain then slowly started feeling very comfortable, then the book was absorbed all into my body, but only a fire type ability and strength type ability am I able to learn something from." As he said that, he thought Alex couldn't believe him so he summon the book.

"Ahh! Such scary, mysterious looking book!" Alex shouted.

"Hey keep your voice low. After that, what I am going to tell you, you might not belive Me" Jake said as he narrowed his eyes.

"Just say it" Alex lazily said.

"I now got a voice in my head saying shit like: I am the Elements master, their is no element I cannot used. I have a brother that can shapshift into almost anything, together we are unstopable and I want you to find the shifter Emperor's chosen one. And their is some thing called Elements system" Jake said.

But Alex eyes are open so wide.

"Please believe me brother, because what I am also going to tell you is that uhmm mind boggling" Alex said in a matter of fact tone.

"Come on, just let it out"

"Firstly, I unlocked my abilities when you are about to get beat up. I also got a system"

Alex said slowly.

It seems like a bomb has gone off in Jake's mind.

"And lastly I am the shifter Emperor's Chosen one Alex drop the last bomb.

"As if all you said is not enough you swent ahead and said you are the shifter emperor."


<<Hidden Quest completed>>


<< One bottle of Tiger bloodline, One bottle of Red Salamander bloodline, One bottle of Dog race bloodline, one bottle of Rabbit's bloodline. 5000Exp awarded.>>

<<Other rewards locked as the User's level is not up to the unlocking requirement>>

Level up

Level up

Level up...

<<Name: Akexander Graham>>

<<Level: 5>>

<<Ability: Shapeshifting>>

<<Bloodlines: Rabbit bloodline,Dog bloodline, Red Salamander Bloodline, Tiger Bloodline>>

"Wow I leveled up" Alex Gasped.

"I also did" Jake is surprise.

<<Name: Jake Graham>>

<<Level: 5 >>

<<Ability: Fire & Water>>

<< other rewards locked User's level is too low to use>>

"What can you do ?" Alex asked.

"Hhhh watch" Jake created a fireball then another one then another one, he then start sweating but he still closed his eyes and concentrate 3 blob of water appeared.

"Wow so good" Alex praised.

"Now back to you, what can you do ?" Jake asked back with a proud smirked.

"Uhmm, don't get cocky" Alex replied as his face blushed.

Alex closed all the windows and locked the door before starting his transformation.

<<Dog Transformation Activated>>

"Hahahaha, such a cute puppy" jake said.

' Timr for revenge ' Jake grab the puppy and start knocking his head.

The little puppy barked to show his disapproval. He then changed back into the red salamander form.

' When I have tranform back into human, i will knocked your head' Alex thought.

" Nice one baby lizard" Jake tried hard to not laugh.

Next a small fireball is coming his way. He extinguished it by throwing a blob of water.

"Sorry little lizard I don't know that could get you angry" Jake said trying to look serious.

The little lizard which is Alex, try to show that his next transformation will be better.

"Pfft!! Hahaha such cute fluffy rabbit" Jake can't hold any longer.

"Ahhh, wha, what, what is that ?" Jake is shocked that he can't talk normally.

Thats because in front of him is a tiger, a fierce angry baby tiger baring its fangs.

"Hhhh got you scared" Alex transformed back to his human form.

"For a second I forgot is you that growl, hmph I am not scared!" Jake shouted.

" Time for comments, you know that your current bloodline are kinda trash. So how about you check your system to see if there is a way to get stronger ?"

"Uh, Alright" Alex said.

' System level up all the selected bloodlines'


<<Bloodlines Fusion Selected>>



<<Red Salamander>>


<<Congratulations you are now able to get the bloodline: Humanoid Flaming Tiger>>


"What happen ?" Alex ask. But Jake only heard a deep growl and crackling of fire.

"Wow, you like a creature straight out of myths and legends" Jake excitedly said.

That is because Alex is looking like a tiger with two legs and has a small fiery aura around him.

"Yeah I really look cool and scary" Alex said in amazement.

"Tomorrow we are going to the military school, So lets get some sleep. A new life awaits us where we can have new friends and change our pathetic fate" Jake said.

"Yeah that is true, and don't you dare put your leg on while sleeping, got it ?" Alex said seriously. Jake just repeatedly nodded his head like a cock pecking on some food.


"Yes, whether they have ability or not, every child must serve in the military and do something for this planet he or she lives in. We are risking our lives so we can't afford to have the little ones lazy. I don't know when or how I will die and you also don't either. What ifwe were to die abd no one is there to fight in our place ?" A muscular, tall and strong man in military uniforms said.

"Yes I agree with you on this, head general."

Another military man said.

"On top of that, those with no abilities can get some by joining the military side. In such a way we can keep them in our debt" The military man said to the general.

"I like to know if the preparations for the students arrival are done." The general spoke again.

"Yeah It is completed, the transportation and accomodation are all complete. The food resources are also available" The military man said.

"Okay, I don't want any excuses all the students are to be taken tomorrow and get into examination and then send them towards their dorms, got it ?" The general said.

"Yes Sir, loud and Clear" the military man said.


' Where is this place ?' Alex thought as he found himself in a dark place.

'We Finally met my little Successor' A voice said. But Alex cannot see where the voice is coming from thats because the voice is coming from everywhere.

'Who are you ? Show yourself' Alex demanded.

'Oh my, you can't even give me a warm reunion ? You want to see me ? Then I will let you see me'

An old man with a walking stick emerged from the darkness, in the next moment he became a dragon and in the next he became a handsom man with long white hair and elongated teeth. He then stay in this vampiric form.

' Now you see me little one.' The vampire said.

' What the... who are you ?'

' I thought you are intelligent ? Shouldn't you figure it by now ? Alright I am the shifter Emperor and it seems that you awakened the Shifter System. But I am surprised that the system has gathered enough energies especially negative energy to awakened but it seems you are not that cruel or evil. That would have been a giant of a task to set you up' The Shifter emperor said without letting Alex have a chance to speak.

'So why did you restrict my other rewards and why did the other system restricts my brother's reward too ?'

' That because you cannot handle the other forms, you are lacking in physical strength, pain tolerance and strong willed. After all this is a quest that is not to be completed right now but designated to be completed after some hardship. As for your brother, he cannot wield that enormous amount of power and we also don't want you to be lazy, you have to do something by yourself.' The Shifter Emperor said.

'Then what rewards did you prepare for us before we reach that level ? Their has to be at least something for us for completing that quest of yours' Alex asked.

The Shifter Emperor smiled As he is ready to answer that question.