
The Shadows Edge

In the enchanting realm of Elaria, where magic is the lifeblood of society, Kaze is born into a noble family renowned for their powerful magical abilities. However, Kaze is an anomaly—he possesses no magic. Determined to prove his worth, he trains rigorously to become a master swordsman. However, Kaze’s life takes a dark turn when a mysterious force strikes, tearing him away from what he knew. In the aftermath of this tragedy, Kaze discovers a hidden power within himself. But will this be enough to enact his revenge?

Cultivating_legend · Fantasía
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26 Chs


In the heat of the moment, Kaze feels a familiar stirring within him, a dark power that had been awakened during the horrific experiments. The shadow magic, once a source of terror and revulsion, now calls to him, whispering seductive promises of strength and vengeance.

Kaze's opponent swings a massive fist, aiming to strike him square in the jaw. Time seems to slow as Kaze's instincts take over, his body moving with a fluid grace that belies his captive state. Reaching out, he unleashes the shadow magic, dark tendrils erupting from his palms and lashing out at his attacker.

The other prisoner's eyes widen in shock and terror as the shadowy appendages wrap around his limbs, binding him in a vice-like grip. He struggles, his cries of anguish echoing through the arena, but Kaze's control is absolute. The young man watches, transfixed, as the shadows tighten, slowly crushing the life from his opponent.

A hush falls over the chamber, the other captives frozen in a mixture of awe and fear. They had seen the power of the shadow magic firsthand, the sheer destructive force that Kaze now commands. In that moment, Kaze is no longer just a fellow prisoner, but a being of immense and terrifying power, a living embodiment of the darkness that has consumed him.

Kaze's eyes widen as he realizes the true extent of his abilities, the realization dawning upon him with a sickening clarity. He had tapped into the very darkness that had been forced upon him, the power that had transformed him into a living weapon. The knowledge that he had willingly used this dark gift to harm another, even in self-defense, fills him with a sense of revulsion and guilt.

As the lifeless body of his opponent crumples to the ground, Kaze feels the weight of his actions, the burden of the power he now possesses. He had promised himself that he would not become a monster, that he would not succumb to the darkness. Yet, in this moment of desperation, he had betrayed that vow, and the consequences of his choice now haunt him., The stunned silence that follows Kaze's display of power is quickly shattered by the excited murmurs of his captors. The slavers, their eyes gleaming with a newfound interest, converge upon him, their expressions a mix of awe and greed.