
The Shadows Edge

In the enchanting realm of Elaria, where magic is the lifeblood of society, Kaze is born into a noble family renowned for their powerful magical abilities. However, Kaze is an anomaly—he possesses no magic. Determined to prove his worth, he trains rigorously to become a master swordsman. However, Kaze’s life takes a dark turn when a mysterious force strikes, tearing him away from what he knew. In the aftermath of this tragedy, Kaze discovers a hidden power within himself. But will this be enough to enact his revenge?

Cultivating_legend · Fantasía
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26 Chs


Kaze's gaze darts from one shadowy corner to the next, his senses on high alert for any sign of pursuit. The uncertainty of his future weighs heavily upon him, the knowledge that he is now a fugitive, a being of darkness and power, a burden that threatens to crush his very spirit.

Yet, even amidst the turmoil of his emotions, Kaze's determination burns brighter than ever. He will not allow himself to be broken, not when the memory of his family's murder still fuels his thirst for vengeance. The path ahead may be shrouded in uncertainty, but the young man knows that he must press on, driven by a singular, unwavering goal: to put as much distance as possible between himself and the captors who have sought to destroy him.

With each step, Kaze feels the weight of his captivity lifting, the oppressive atmosphere of the fortress replaced by the cool, crisp air of the wilderness. But the respite is fleeting, for the young man knows that he is not yet free, that the shadow of his past and the power that has been thrust upon him will forever linger at the edges of his consciousness.

Kaze's jaw tightens with determination, his obsidian eyes narrowing as he surveys the path that lies ahead. He will not rest, not until he has found a safe haven, a place where he can begin to rebuild his shattered life and reclaim the humanity that his captors have sought to strip away. For in that quest for redemption, Kaze knows, lies the only hope of ever finding peace., Kaze's legs tremble with each step, the adrenaline that had fueled his desperate escape now fading, leaving him exhausted and disoriented. The young man stumbles through the dense forest, his senses overwhelmed by the unfamiliar sights and sounds that surround him.

The weight of his captivity, the trauma he has endured, bears down upon him with crushing force, and Kaze finds himself collapsing to the ground, his body wracked with tremors. The cool, earthy scent of the forest floor is a welcome respite from the stale, oppressive air of the fortress, but it does little to ease the turmoil that rages within him.

As Kaze's eyes drift shut, he is assaulted by a torrent of nightmares, the faces of his fallen opponents and the anguished cries of the other prisoners searing themselves into his mind. The shadow magic that had once been a source of power and terror now feels like a curse, a dark gift that has irrevocably transformed him, stripping away the last vestiges of his humanity.