
The Shadow of Dragon

Set against the tumultuous backdrop of Westeros during the reign of Maegor the Cruel, "The Shadow of the Dragon" tells the epic tale of Daeron Targaryen, a young prince destined to change the course of history. *** I do not own anything from the series "A Song of Ice and Fire " . This fanfic is strictly for entertainment purposes only .

Daoist3S3xhF · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

The Red Keep's Shadows

The Red Keep loomed over King's Landing, its towers like dragon claws grasping at the sky. In the halls of the keep, whispers carried tales of fear and defiance. Maegor the Cruel sat on the Iron Throne, his rule as sharp and unforgiving as the swords that forged it. But in the shadow of his legacy stood a young prince, Daeron Targaryen, a boy of fourteen summers with the fire of his ancestors in his blood and a heart still untainted by the darkness that surrounded his father.

Daeron walked the corridors of the Red Keep, his silver hair glinting in the torchlight. He was a boy of keen mind and strong spirit, traits that had not gone unnoticed by the court. Despite his father's fearsome reputation, Daeron had become a symbol of hope for those who longed for a gentler rule.

One evening, Daeron found himself in the godswood, seeking solace beneath the ancient weirwood tree. The crimson leaves whispered secrets of old, and Daeron closed his eyes, imagining the world beyond the castle walls—a world free from fear and tyranny.

"Dreaming of escape, are we?" a voice called out, breaking his reverie.

Daeron turned to see his tutor, Ser Garreth, approaching. The old knight had served House Targaryen for decades and had become a father figure to the young prince.

"Not escape, Ser Garreth," Daeron replied. "A better future."

Ser Garreth sat beside him, his weathered face softening with a smile. "A heavy burden for one so young."

"I know," Daeron said, his voice firm. "But someone must carry it."

The night wore on, and the two spoke of the realm's troubles and the prince's visions for a brighter tomorrow. Daeron's ideals were a stark contrast to his father's ruthless reign, and Ser Garreth knew that nurturing these dreams was crucial for the realm's future.

Daeron's solace was also found in his sister-wife, Rhaella Targaryen, whose beauty was matched only by her wisdom. Rhaella's presence was a balm to Daeron's troubled soul, and together, they dreamed of a realm ruled with justice and mercy, not fear. Rhaella's soft voice and gentle touch were his anchors in the storm of Maegor's tyranny.

As the days turned into weeks, tension within the Red Keep grew. The realm groaned under Maegor's oppressive rule, and whispers of rebellion began to spread. Daeron's heart ached for the suffering of the people, and he knew that one day, he would have to stand against the darkness that his father had cast over the land.

One morning, Daeron was summoned to the throne room. He entered cautiously, the sight of his father on the Iron Throne always a reminder of the power and peril of their house.

"Daeron," Maegor's voice boomed. "It is time you learned what it means to be a Targaryen. Come forward."

Daeron approached, his heart pounding. He could feel the eyes of the court upon him, judging his every move.

Maegor leaned forward, his eyes piercing. "A ruler must be strong, unyielding. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father," Daeron replied, though his voice wavered.

Maegor's gaze hardened. "You will accompany me to the Dragonpit. It is time you met Vhaegar."

Vhaegar, nearly as large and fearsome as Balerion. The very name sent shivers down Daeron's spine. But he steeled himself, determined to prove his worth.

The Dragonpit was a massive, crumbling structure, its dark interior echoing with the roars of dragons. Vhaegar, with scales black as night and eyes like molten gold, lay in the shadows.

Maegor stood tall, unafraid. "Approach him," he commanded.

Daeron took a deep breath and stepped forward. Vhaegar's gaze fixed on him, a low growl rumbling through the cavern. The young prince extended a trembling hand, and for a moment, time stood still. Then, to the astonishment of all, Vhaegar lowered his massive head, allowing Daeron to touch his snout.

A gasp went through the onlookers, and Maegor's eyes widened with something akin to pride—or perhaps, fear. For in that moment, it became clear that Daeron Targaryen was more than just a boy. He was a dragon rider, a true Targaryen, with the potential to reshape the destiny of the realm.

As Daeron withdrew his hand, he met his father's gaze. "Strength is important," he said quietly, "but so is wisdom and mercy. A true ruler must have all three."

Maegor's expression darkened, but he said nothing. The court watched in silence as the young prince walked away, the shadow of Vhaegar and the Iron Throne looming behind him.

Daeron knew the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was ready. For in his heart burned the hope of a better future, one where the dragons of House Targaryen would soar not in fear, but in honor.

And so, the tale of Daeron Targaryen began—a story of fire, blood, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter dawn.
