
The shadow of a Villain

Do you know Luciel arctic Theseus? He is the second prince of all of Necrom one of the most strongest and richest kingdoms in the entire human continent called winter But even though he is a prince he is not what he once was just a shadow of his past self Who knows what led to this outcome? And what will happen so that this person will change or if he can change? ******* Since this is a novel made from me don’t expect much I try my best though And the cover is not mine if you are the artist behind it contact me and I’ll remove it And sorry for the bad grammar So have fun with this story

Koku499 · Fantasía
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126 Chs

First exam

"Hey won't you come with us it seems you don't know where to go?" Cale asked me

I just stood there and looked at him not knowing how to answer

'I'm more interested in how you know where we have to go?' I wanted to say that but I didn't want to seem rude 'Why actually' i dint know why i didnt want to be "rude" but it seems that i should just stick to the roll

this is the first time that politeness matters to me even when i met other princes or even kings i was rude or made excuses so i wouldnt meer them it was just that i just thought they shouldnt met me it would cause a lot of problems

and even if they couldn't do anything to me anyway because i'm the prince of necrom... or was

I've been staring for too long and im starting to get uncomfortable so I should answered quickly

"ok" and then the other two came out

"Nice to meet you my name is Satul Diablo" said the Damön

"I'm Sarah Mastoc" said the girl next to Cale

My first impression of them was… meh it annoyed me to be surrounded by three good looking people right now but whatever its not really a problem

Satul came across as a fairly friendly person with a rather naïve attitude that was the opposite of a "demon" but I think he hides that even more

And Sarah... a bit shy to be honest but at the same time rude and a bit bitchy but i think she is nice

For some reason my first impressions made me sure they both have a lot to hide

but Cale seemed like an open and closed book at the same time like he had something to hide that he wasn't hiding it was like he had a rather odd way of explaining it too but I can't put it any other way

in this moment i felt like i was reading a story and found my favorite characters for the story

Satul held out his hand I took his hand and introduced myself "My name is Luciel Evans" I tried to come across as a little annoyed and antisocial

I didn't want to make friends

'Better not to talk to them too much' I was sure these three would get me in trouble

But somehow only Sarah was a little annoyed by my kind, the others just ignored it, she didn't say anything either, but looked at me askance, the other two were probably too extroverted to notice my annoyance

"So follow us then" Cale said with a smile

On the way the three talked about normal stuff like movies series upcoming manga anime and more actually they just talked about that

Satul and Cale sometimes wanted to include me in the conversation, but my answers were always short and listless that she noticed that I wanted to be left alone

But there were sometimes moments when I wanted to say something and mostly the topic was books

It seems that Cale is a fan of heroic stories with heroes that never lose their faith and always stay strong

Satul is a fan of mystery novels and sarah of romance


'Fuck' when I heard that sarah is a fan of romance I had to giggle a little bit

it was just that she didn't seem like it she seemed very rude and one who rather struggles to think with her head

"What? you got a problem" she said she seemed very pissed at my laugh

I might have talked my way out or apologized but I wouldn't let someone with that attitude talk to me

I may be a lazy prince, but I'm still a prince

...nah just kidding i dont care i just want to mess with her a bit

"Nothing it's just you don't look like someone who likes romance more like martial arts you do have a bit of resemblance to the orcs in your musculature and way of speaking" I said with a mockingly tone

Cale and Satul both looked a little like they might agree with me but acted like they found something interesting on the ceiling

"WHAT" she seemed very offended which is understandable

it's not that orcs are an inferior race it's just that they're slow on wits and a bit dumb not all of them but most of them they don't have real kings either but tournaments the winner decides everything across the continent even other races can enter

Orcs are also a bit huge and all masculine which is an insult to most woman women because also woman orcs are also masculine

Sarah came a little closer and seemed threatening to me, but I didn't pay any attention to her

"It's nothing bad, look at you, you're ripped..." when I said that, she calmed down a little, "oh, that's what you meant," she said

"but you also come off as a fool and a brawns over brain person"

I don't know why I'm doing this but I'm having fun to be honest

"Oh really who came out after the exam with a frustrated face"

"Just because you're academically smarter doesn't mean you're really smart"

"I swear to god I'm going to kill you" she said with a clenched fist

"As I said Brawns over brains"

During the whole conversation, Satul and Cale only looked on, they seemed like they were in the cinema and enjoying the show and i can only say enjoy the show im not going to intervene myself with people like them often


"Brawns over brains"



I was amused by her reactions

to be honest i just teased her a little because she seemed to force her reluctance i'm sure that's how real she is

Cale suddenly started talking again as if she nothing happened "ah looks like we're here"


Somewhere down the lanes of Caldwell

A cold and dark place nobody was here and nothing happened but you could hear a little distance away a woman in a white dress running away

she ran and ran herself as her breathing became more and more unstable


She was a beautiful woman with a very attractive figure but she had a lot of smudges on her face which was covered with all the makeup earlier

she ran but her legs gave out after a while


and she fell down she couldn't move her legs anymore not only from exhaustion but also from fear of what she was running from

she looked around hoping to have left him behind and when she didn't see him she had a hopeful smile on her face

"He... He is gone," she said, looking more and more hopeful

"Gone who's gone?"

she could suddenly hear someone behind her and she knew that voice the person who heard the voice was the person she was running despreatly from

she slowly turned around and there she saw him

An elderly gentleman in a formal suit and gray shoulder length hair and a beard he wore a monocle and top hat his shoulder was covered with a gold shoulder plate resembling a gear wheel he also wore a cloak

He looked like a fine gentleman

"Milady, why were you in such a hurry?" he asked with a smile

but all the woman saw was a devil's smile

"I can understand why they ran away"

"w- what really" she had hope again that he had noticed that she was afraid and left her alone

"yes i am extremely grateful to you" his smile grew darker and meaner "for choosing such a deserted place so that it would be easy for me to torture you how thoughtful of you"

"huh" those were the last words she could say after being grabbed by the throat and strangled

he took a knife out of his pocket with his other hand "so shall we start? I want to go looking for someone later that I know from the old days and maybe enjoy a cup of tea with him"

What a gentlemann right killing her in the middle of the street and still having time for tea with a friend

Koku499creators' thoughts